WLCG Tier-2 computing center at NRC “Kurchatov Institute”—IHEP has been participating in the Worldwide LHC Computing Grid from very beginning since 2003. Over a twenty-year period it became one of the biggest WLCG Tier-2 centers in Russia. Ru-Protvino-IHEP Grid site provides computing resources for the LHC experiments in high energy physics such as Atlas, Alice, CMS, LHCb and internal experiments at NRC “Kurchatov Institute”—IHEP such as OKA, BEC and other. In this work the status of the computing capacities, networking and engineering infrastructure, used software are shown as well as the evolution of the computing center over last 20 yr for stable and efficient operation.

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This work was supported by ongoing institutional funding. No additional grants to carry out or direct this particular research were obtained.
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Kotliar, V., Gusev, V., Kukhtenkov, V. et al. WLCG Tier-2 Computing Center at NRC “Kurchatov Institute”—IHEP: 20 Years of Operation. Phys. Part. Nuclei 55, 321–325 (2024). https://doi.org/10.1134/S1063779624030523
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1134/S1063779624030523