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How the conception of control influences our understanding of actions

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Wilful movement requires neural control. Commonly, neural computations are thought to generate motor commands that bring the musculoskeletal system — that is, the plant — from its current physical state into a desired physical state. The current state can be estimated from past motor commands and from sensory information. Modelling movement on the basis of this concept of plant control strives to explain behaviour by identifying the computational principles for control signals that can reproduce the observed features of movements. From an alternative perspective, movements emerge in a dynamically coupled agent–environment system from the pursuit of subjective perceptual goals. Modelling movement on the basis of this concept of perceptual control aims to identify the controlled percepts and their coupling rules that can give rise to the observed characteristics of behaviour. In this Perspective, we discuss a broad spectrum of approaches to modelling human motor control and their notions of control signals, internal models, handling of sensory feedback delays and learning. We focus on the influence that the plant control and the perceptual control perspective may have on decisions when modelling empirical data, which may in turn shape our understanding of actions.

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Fig. 1: State feedback control (SFC) as an example of plant control using an internal forward model.
Fig. 2: Perceptual control scheme.
Fig. 3: Spinal cord circuitry that translates cortical predictions into skeletal muscle contractions.
Fig. 4: Plant control model of speech production with lateralized processing of spectral and temporal speech features.
Fig. 5: Perceptual control scheme of speech production with lateralized processing of spectral and temporal auditory features.

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The authors thank S. Fuchs and B. Morillon for inspirational discussions and helpful feedback on a previous version of their manuscript. C.A.K. was supported by an Emmy Noether grant of the German Research foundation, P.P. was supported by a grant from the Multidisciplinary Institute in Artificial Intelligence of the Université Grenoble Alpes (MIAI@Grenoble Alpes, ANR-19-P3IA-0003) and J.K. was supported by a scholarship of the Polytechnic Foundation Frankfurt.

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Floegel, M., Kasper, J., Perrier, P. et al. How the conception of control influences our understanding of actions. Nat Rev Neurosci 24, 313–329 (2023). https://doi.org/10.1038/s41583-023-00691-z

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