Discovering connected regions in data space is a complex problem that is extremely demanding on the user. Datasets often require preprocessing and postprocessing before they are fit for algorithm and user consumption. Existing clustering algorithms require performance parameters to achieve adequate results. Typically, these parameters are either empirically optimized or scanned using brute force, which ultimately adds additional burden to the user. We present RADDACL2, a density-based clustering algorithm, with the intent of reducing overall user burden. The algorithm requires no information other than the dataset to identify clusters. In addition, the algorithm is deterministic, meaning the results will always be the same. Both of these features reduce user burden by decreasing the number of passes one must make to get an outcome. A number of experiments are performed using toy and real datasets to verify the capabilities of RADDACL2 as compared to existing algorithms.

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- Centroid [\({C}_{\mathrm{X}}\)]:
The centroid of the current region. The value of X associates the centroid with a specific region
- Observation [O]:
A series of attributes representing a single observation in the dataset
- Region [\({R}_{\mathrm{X}}\)]:
A region represents a subdivision of the dataset. These are created during Density Discovery
- Precluster [PC]:
A set of related observations that contain a very density. They are identified during Density Discovery
- Average Absolute Deviation [AAD]:
An average of the absolute deviations from a measure of central tendency
- Standard Deviation [STD]:
The variability of data from a measure of central tendency
- Neighborhood Function [NF]:
An algorithm that is used to identify if a pair of preclusters are neighbors
- Neighborhood Radius [NR]:
A threshold assigned to each precluster. These are used by the neighborhood function to determine if two preclusters should be merged
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The authors wish to thank Mr. Derek Beaton for his comments and suggestions in developing RADDACL2. He is one of the co-authors on the original RADDACL algorithm.
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Avila, D., Valova, I. RADDACL2: a recursive approach to discovering density clusters. Prog Artif Intell 4, 21–36 (2015). https://doi.org/10.1007/s13748-015-0066-9
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s13748-015-0066-9