This paper presents brain emotional controller (BEC)-based adaptive mechanism in Model Reference Adaptive System (MRAS) to control sensorless permanent magnet synchronous motor (PMSM) drive. BEC is a bio-inspired intelligent controller developed using neurobiological connections of mammalian brain by inspiring limbic system. The developed controller is applied as speed controller and parameter estimation (i.e. rotor speed and rotor position) of PMSM drive. The proposed BEC stability is proved to guarantee convergence characteristics. The performance of BEC-based adaptive mechanism is evaluated in simulation environment, and obtained results are compared in real time in hardware-in-loop (HIL) environment. In order to hold the effective performance of the proposed method compared with fuzzy logic controller with similar tests, further integral performances are evaluated for BEC and fuzzy logic controllers. Results demonstrated in HIL and in simulation show applicability, robust and sensitiveness of the proposed BEC method.

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- \(V_{d} ,V_{q}\) :
Stator voltages
- \(I_{d}^{*} ,I_{q}^{*}\) :
Reference currents
- \(\omega_{{\text{r}}}\) :
Rotor speed
- \(\hat{\omega }_{{\text{r}}}\) :
Estimated rotor speed
- δ :
Rotor position
- \(\hat{I}_{d}^{*} ,\hat{I}_{q}^{*}\) :
Adjustable currents
- \(R_{d} ,R_{q}\) :
Stator resistance per phase
- \(L_{d} ,L_{q}\) :
d-axis and q-axis inductance
- P :
No. of pole pairs of motor
- \(\varphi_{{\text{f}}}\) :
Rotor magnetic flux linking the stator
- T L :
Load torque
- T e :
Electromagnetic torque
- B m :
Friction coefficient of motor
- J m :
Moment of inertia of the motor and load
- AG:
- O :
Orbitofrontal cortex
- S i :
Sensory input
- SC:
Sensory cortex
- EC:
Emotional cue
- u p :
Plant output
- u c :
Controller output
- S ia :
Adaptive sensory input
- SCa :
Adaptive sensory cortex
- ECa :
Adaptive emotional cue
- u ac :
Adaptive controller output
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Qutubuddin, M., Yadaiah, N. Performance Evaluation of Neurobiologically Inspired Brain Emotional Adaptive Mechanism for Permanent Magnet Synchronous Motor Drive. Arab J Sci Eng 47, 3181–3199 (2022). https://doi.org/10.1007/s13369-021-06111-7
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s13369-021-06111-7