The current research work establishes an efficient optical transceiver system for secured transmission and authentication of compressed images. There are two aspects of the current work, viz. to enhance security of transmitted images using 5D hyper chaos and to establish a novel loss-less compression technique to optimize transmission bandwidth. In the process, the first step is to encrypt the plain image with five-dimensional hyperchaotic keys which is private to individual user. Chaotic sequence combined with random number controlled by designed logic circuit is used to generate the secret keys. To optimize the transmission bandwidth over optical channel, modified Run Length Encoding and decoding compression-decompression technique is used which are proven to provide better compression ratio (2.00065) in comparison to existing methods. Our designed Optical system gives a Q factor of 7.125 and BER value 10–13 for the distance 50 km, to ensure proper reception with minimum distortion. The performance of the proposed encryption algorithm is examined in terms of correlation parameter, PSNR, information entropy, histogram analysis, key sensitivity analysis, key space analysis and differential analysis. The proposed cryptosystem is proven to be robust enough with information entropy 7.9983. Robustness of the cryptosystem is verified by Known Plaintext Attack, Chosen Plaintext Attack, Chosen Ciphertext Attack, cropping attack and noise attack. Randomness of the bit stream generated by the cryptographic algorithm is tested by NIST SP 800-22 batteries of test suite. The optical communication block has been developed using OptiSystem simulation software.

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The data that support the findings of this study are available from the corresponding author upon reasonable request.
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Dutta Choudhuri Das, B., Sikder, S. & Saha, A. A novel image compression technique and secured transmission of compressed images via optical fiber using higher dimensional chaotic map. J Opt (2024). https://doi.org/10.1007/s12596-024-02396-7
DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s12596-024-02396-7