Complexity is commonly summarized as ‘the actions of the whole are more than the sum of the actions of the parts’. Understanding how the coherence emerges from these natural and artificial systems provides a radical shift in the process of thought, and brings huge promises for controlling and fostering this emergence. The authors define the term ‘Complex System Engineering’ to denote this approach, which aims at transferring the radical insights from Complex System Science to the pragmatic world of engineering, especially in the Computing System Engineering domain. A theoretical framework for Complex System Engineering is built by the morphogenetic engineering framework, which identifies a graduation of models, in growing order of generative power. The implementation of Complex System Engineering requires a portfolio of operational solutions: The authors therefore provide a classification of Complex System application approaches to answer this challenge and support the emergence of Complex System Engineers capable of addressing the issues of an ever more connected world.
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We thank the CSTB team at ICube laboratory, René Doursat from the Manchester University for valuable exchanges on the subject of morphogenetic engineering and Claudia Eckert from the Open University in London for her pedagogical work on Design Structure Matrices.
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Parrend, P., Collet, P. A Review on Complex System Engineering. J Syst Sci Complex 33, 1755–1784 (2020). https://doi.org/10.1007/s11424-020-8275-0
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s11424-020-8275-0