Key message
Overexpression of cotton cellulose synthase like D3 (GhCSLD3) gene partially rescued growth defect of atcesa6 mutant with restored cell elongation and cell wall integrity mainly by enhancing primary cellulose production.
Among cellulose synthase like (CSL) family proteins, CSLDs share the highest sequence similarity to cellulose synthase (CESA) proteins. Although CSLD proteins have been implicated to participate in the synthesis of carbohydrate-based polymers (cellulose, pectins and hemicelluloses), and therefore plant cell wall formation, the exact biochemical function of CSLD proteins remains controversial and the function of the remaining CSLD genes in other species have not been determined. In this study, we attempted to illustrate the function of CSLD proteins by overexpressing Arabidopsis AtCSLD2, -3, -5 and cotton GhCSLD3 genes in the atcesa6 mutant, which has a background that is defective for primary cell wall cellulose synthesis in Arabidopsis. We found that GhCSLD3 overexpression partially rescued the growth defect of the atcesa6 mutant during early vegetative growth. Despite the atceas6 mutant having significantly reduced cellulose contents, the defected cell walls and lower dry mass, GhCSLD3 overexpression largely restored cell wall integrity (CWI) and improved the biomass yield. Our result suggests that overexpression of the GhCSLD protein enhances primary cell wall synthesis and compensates for the loss of CESAs, which is required for cellulose production, therefore rescuing defects in cell elongation and CWI.

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This work was supported by grants from the National Natural Science Foundation of China (31670296, 31771837) and China Postdoctoral Science Foundation (2018M642803).
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HH and RZ designed project, completed major experiments and wrote manuscript with contributions of all the authors. YT and CP contributed to the plant growth and qRT-PCR analysis. LW participated in biochemical analysis. YW participated in immunofluorescent labeling. SF and PC were involved in discussions throughout the project. XD co-supervised experiments. LP interpreted data and finalized the manuscript.
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Hu, H., Zhang, R., Tang, Y. et al. Cotton CSLD3 restores cell elongation and cell wall integrity mainly by enhancing primary cellulose production in the Arabidopsis cesa6 mutant. Plant Mol Biol 101, 389–401 (2019). https://doi.org/10.1007/s11103-019-00910-1
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s11103-019-00910-1