Nowadays, the increasing demands for synthetic aperture radar images are of great importance in both marine and terrestrial applications, due to their availability day and night and in all-weather conditions. Moreover, synthetic aperture radar images are characterized by much more important information than that introduced by optical images. The single image super-resolution is considered a challenging process, especially for synthetic aperture radar images which are usually degraded by high level of speckle noise. Due to the success of convolutional neural networks in many super-resolution optical image applications, a proposed regression layer-based framework is exploited for synthetic aperture radar image enhancement. The proposed regression layer is used during the learning phase to drive the back-propagation error based on the structure similarity index loss function. The structure similarity index is a quality assessment based on comparing the structural information. Consequently, the proposed loss function compares the statistical values of the network output images with that of the optimal target images. Moreover, the proposed framework introduces the concept of adjusting the proportions of the structure similarity index components (luminance, contrast and structure) according to their impacts, by changing their exponents. In addition to that, the proposed layer modifies the statistical properties of the target images, in such a way that drives learning to enhance the resulting image structure and eliminate the speckle noise. This layer is useful for noise reduction and super-resolution applications, especially for those dedicated to synthetic aperture radar images.

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Mousa, A., Badran, Y., Salama, G. et al. Regression layer-based convolution neural network for synthetic aperture radar images: de-noising and super-resolution. Vis Comput 39, 1295–1306 (2023). https://doi.org/10.1007/s00371-022-02405-5
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s00371-022-02405-5