Ring-LWE based homomorphic encryption computations in large depth use a combination of two techniques: 1) decomposition of big numbers into small limbs/digits, and 2) efficient cyclotomic multiplications modulo \(X^N+1\). It was long believed that the two mechanisms had to be strongly related, like in the full-RNS setting that uses a CRT decomposition of big numbers over an NTT-friendly family of prime numbers, and NTT over the same primes for multiplications. However, in this setting, NTT was the bottleneck of all large-depth FHE computations. A breakthrough result from Kim et al. (Crypto’2023) managed to overcome this limitation by introducing a second gadget decomposition and showing that it indeed shifts the bottleneck and renders the cost of NTT computations negligible compared to the rest of the computation. In this paper, we extend this result (far) beyond the Full-RNS settings and show that we can completely decouple the big number decomposition from the cyclotomic arithmetic aspects. As a result, we get modulus switching/rescaling for free. We verify both in theory and in practice that the performance of key-switching, external and internal products and automorphisms using our representation are faster than the one achieved by Kim et al., and we discuss the high impact of these results for low-level or hardware optimizations as well as the benefits of the new parametrizations for FHE compilers. We even manage to lower the running time of the gate bootstrapping of \({{\,\mathrm{\texttt {TFHE}}\,}}\) by eliminating one eighth of the FFTs and one sixth of the linear operations, which lowers the running time below 5.5ms on recent CPUs.
M. G. Belorgey, S. Carpov, and D. Jetchev—This work has been done by the authors while they were employed at Inpher.
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- 1.
There are many equivalent ways to define the relinearization key. Here, we use an external product and a zero term in the \({{\,\mathrm{\texttt {TRLWE}}\,}}\) ciphertext, which can be propagated in the algorithm and simplified, the original references of Fan–Vercauteren [17] present a key-switching that substitute a key \(s^2\) by s.
- 2.
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A Appendix: Normalization and Reduction Lemma Proof
A Appendix: Normalization and Reduction Lemma Proof
of Lemma 3.3. Let \(n = \lceil (L+M)/K\rceil \) be the number of algorithm iterations. Let \(\texttt {acc}^{(i)}\) be accumulator value after step 3 of iteration i and let \(\texttt {acc}^{(n+1)} = 0\). At iteration i, \(n\ge i \ge 1\), we have:
here \(\epsilon _{i} = \left\lfloor \texttt {acc}^{(i)} 2^{-K} \right\rfloor \) and has integer values. The evaluation of result polynomial at \(2^{-K}\) gives:
Expanding the sum and simplifying common expressions we obtain:
Now, we will prove that \(\left\| \left( \phi _K(A)-\phi _{K}(R)\right) \bmod \mathcal {R}\right\| _{\infty }\) is smaller than \(2^{-L}\). We have:
Observe that terms \(A_0\) and \(\epsilon _1\) are integers and are reduced by \(\bmod \mathcal {R}\) operation, we obtain:
From (9) it is easy to see that \(A_{i} - \epsilon _{i}2^{K} \equiv R_i - \epsilon _{i+1}\). Using previous relations we have:
Looking at the infinity norm we have:
Element-wise operations are on integers in interval \(\left( -2^{M+1},2^{M+1}\right) \).
The accumulator variable \(\texttt {acc}\) (at step 3) has the largest values during algorithm execution. We will prove that its magnitude (i.e. infinity norm) never exceeds \(2^{M+1}\).
Algorithm step 3 increases accumulator value by at most \(2^M\) and step 5 divides the new value by \(2^K\). After the first iteration, we have \(\left\| \texttt {acc}^{(n)}\right\| _\infty < 2^{M}\), after second iteration \(\left\| \texttt {acc}^{(n-1)}\right\| _\infty < 2^{M-K} + 2^{M}\) and so on until the last iteration where we have \(\left\| \texttt {acc}^{(1)}\right\| _\infty < \sum _{0 \le i < n} 2^{M-iK}\), which is the maximum accumulator magnitude attained during algorithm execution. We can rewrite the last expression as:
which proves the accumulator bound.
Complexity Algorithm steps 3-5 are executed \(\lceil (L+M)/K\rceil \) times. In each iteration 5 operations are performed: an addition (step 3), 3 shifts (2 in step 4 and 1 in step 5) and a subtraction (step 4). The overall complexity of the algorithm is \(5 \cdot \lceil (L+M)/K\rceil \) element-wise operations. \(\square \)
In this paragraph we introduce Algorithm 2, a general conversion and normalization with two limb size K and \(\widetilde{K}\). This algorithm is a slightly more complex than Algorithm 1 with \(K = {\tilde{K}}\), since it must handle additional binary shifts to synchronize the limb sizes, and thus, the for loop on a single index k is replaced by two while loops and two indexes \(k,\tilde{k}\) that decrease at their respective speed. Besides that, it follows the same principle as the single-limb normalization.
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Belorgey, M.G., Carpov, S., Gama, N., Guasch, S., Jetchev, D. (2025). Revisiting Key Decomposition Techniques for FHE: Simpler, Faster and More Generic. In: Chung, KM., Sasaki, Y. (eds) Advances in Cryptology – ASIACRYPT 2024. ASIACRYPT 2024. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 15484. Springer, Singapore. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-981-96-0875-1_6
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/978-981-96-0875-1_6
Publisher Name: Springer, Singapore
Print ISBN: 978-981-96-0874-4
Online ISBN: 978-981-96-0875-1
eBook Packages: Computer ScienceComputer Science (R0)