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A Taxonomy of Operations Research Studies in Healthcare Management

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Operations Research Applications in Health Care Management

Part of the book series: International Series in Operations Research & Management Science ((ISOR,volume 262))

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Operations Research has received considerable interest in recent years in the field of Healthcare Management Sciences. A wide variety of Operations Research techniques have been proposed in the literature. In this chapter, a taxonomy of Operations Research Methodology in Healthcare Management is presented in an attempt to provide a common terminology and a classification mechanism. Articles are classified to illustrate the descriptive power of this taxonomy.

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The articles selected for the taxonomy can be seen in the following tables, with their classifications. The domains or attributes corresponding to endnodes are marked with ‘X’. Shaded columns represent domains or classes which branch, so that shading suggests why these columns are not marked. This representation scheme enables us to assign more designations in a confined space.

Table A.1 Summary of illustrative classifications of the first 70 articles (attributes 1–3.12)
Table A.2 Summary of illustrative classifications of the first 70 articles (attributes 4–5.4)
Table A.3 Summary of illustrative classifications of the last 72 articles (attributes 1–3.12)
Table A.4 Summary of illustrative classifications of the last 72 articles (attributes 4–5.4)

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Tüzün, S., Topcu, Y.I. (2018). A Taxonomy of Operations Research Studies in Healthcare Management. In: Kahraman, C., Topcu, Y. (eds) Operations Research Applications in Health Care Management. International Series in Operations Research & Management Science, vol 262. Springer, Cham. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-319-65455-3_1

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