Vision, Mission, and Values
A scholarly publishing landscape that is open, inclusive, and sustainable.
The Library Publishing Coalition (LPC) extends the impact and sustainability of library publishing and open scholarship by providing a professional forum for developing best practices and shared expertise.
- Professionalism: We seek to improve the quality and sustainability of library publishing through advocacy, professional development, and shared best practices.
- Openness: We believe that the products and processes of scholarly communication should be as open as possible, thereby increasing the reach and impact of scholarship worldwide.
- Diversity: Recognizing that library publishing has a unique opportunity to amplify underrepresented voices in scholarly communication, we strive to promote inclusivity in all our professional activities.
- Collaboration: We leverage our collective knowledge and resources to enhance our own publishing efforts and to support other libraries in developing scholarly publishing programs.
- Innovation: As research and scholarly communication continue to evolve, we explore and engage with new technologies and new models of publishing to better support the needs of the scholarly community.
Annual Reports
Our Members
Library Publishing Coalition (LPC) members comprise a robust network of libraries committed to enhancing, promoting, and exploring this growing field. Membership is open to academic and research libraries and library consortia that have or are considering library publishing programs. See the history section below for the list of initial founding and contributing institutions.
- Adelphi University
- Atla
- Atlanta University Center
- Boston College
- Brown University
- California Digital Library
- Carnegie Mellon University
- City University of New York (CUNY)
- Claremont Colleges Library
- Columbia University
- Dartmouth College
- Dublin Business School
- Emory University
- Florida State University
- George Mason University
- Grand Valley State University
- Indiana University
- Indiana University Indianapolis
- Iowa State University
- James Madison University
- Kansas State University
- Library of Congress
- McGill University
- McMaster University
- Middle Tennessee State University
- Missouri State University
- Northwestern University
- Ohio State University
- Oregon State University
- Penn State University
- Pepperdine University
- Portland State University
- Private Academic Library Network of Indiana
- Purdue University
- Rice University
- Rutgers University
- Simon Fraser University
- Stanford University
- SUNY Geneseo
- Syracuse University
- Temple University
- Tufts University
- Tulane University
- UMass Chan Medical School
- University at Buffalo
- University College London (UCL) Libraries & UCL Press
- University of Alberta
- University of Arizona
- University of Arkansas
- University of California, Santa Barbara
- University of Cincinnati
- University of Delaware
- University of Florida
- University of Georgia
- University of Guelph
- University of Houston
- University of Illinois
at Urbana-Champaign - University of Iowa
- University of Kansas
- University of Louisville
- University of Maryland
- University of Massachusetts Amherst
- University of Miami
- University of Michigan, Ann Arbor
- University of Minnesota
- University of New Brunswick
- University of North Texas
- University of Oklahoma
- University of Ottawa
- University of Pennsylvania
- University of Pittsburgh
- University of Saskatchewan
- University of South Florida
- University of Tennessee
- University of Texas at Arlington
- University of Virginia
- University of Washington
- University of Western Ontario
- University of Wisconsin-Madison
- Villanova University
- Virginia Commonwealth University
- Virginia Tech
- Virtual Library of Virginia (VIVA)
- Wake Forest University
- Washington University
in St. Louis - Wayne State University
- Weill Cornell Medicine—Qatar
- West Virginia University
- William and Mary
The LPC Bylaws (PDF) were ratified in July 2014 and last updated in March 2024.
The Library Publishing Coalition (LPC) Board oversees the governance, organizational structure, by-laws, and the review and direction of the membership of the LPC. This group provides guidance on critical decisions, formalizes documentation, and ensures that projects make progress towards their goals. The Board is elected by LPC’s membership, and officers are elected by the Board.
Questions or feedback for the Board?
Use this form.
2024 – 2025 Board Members
Janet Swatscheno
University of Michigan
July 2022 – June 2025
Harrison Inefuku
President Elect
Iowa State University
July 2023 – June 2026
Erin Jerome
University of Massachusetts Amherst
July 2024 – June 2027
Annie Johnson
University of Delaware Library, Museums, and Press
July 2024 – June 2027
Angel Peterson
DEI Officer
Penn State University
July 2023 – June 2026
Amanda Hurford
Past President
July 2022 – June 2025
Sonya Betz
University of Alberta
July 2023 – June 2026
Leigh-Ann Butler
University of Ottawa
July 2024 – June 2027
Regina Raboin
UMass Chan Medical School
July 2024 – June 2027
Elizabeth Scarpelli
University of Cincinnati Press
July 2022 – June 2025
Melanie Schlosser
Educopia Institute
Ex officio
Past Board Members
Jody Bailey
Emory University
Sarah Beaubien
Grand Valley State University
Marilyn Billings
University of Massachusetts
Karen Bjork
Portland State University
Perry Collins
University of Florida
Jason Colman
University of Michigan
Rebel Cummings-Sauls
Kansas State University
Brad Eden
Valparaiso University
Christine Fruin
Sarah Frankel
University of Louisville
Vanessa Gabler
University of Pittsburgh
Isaac Gilman
Pacific University
Justin Gonder
California Digital Library
Sarah Hare
Indiana University
Kevin Hawkins
University of North Texas
Korey Jackson
Oregon State University
Jessica Kirschner
Virginia Commonwealth University
Ally Laird
Penn State University
Kate McCready
University of Minnesota
Sarah Melton
Emory University
Catherine Mitchell
California Digital Library
Emma Molls
University of Minnesota
Joshua Neds-Fox
Wayne State University
Ted Polley
Melanie Schlosser
Ohio State University
Julie Speer
Virginia Tech
Marcia Stockham
Kansas State University
Allegra Swift
Claremont Colleges
Willa Tavernier
Indiana University, Bloomington
Laurie Taylor
University of Florida
Scott Walter
DePaul University
John Warren
George Mason University
Scott Warren
Syracuse University
Sarah Wipperman
Villanova University
Strategic Affiliates
To facilitate collaboration and open communication, the Library Publishing Coalition welcomes peer organizations as strategic affiliates.
Association of Research Libraries
Association of University Presses
Coalition for Networked Information
Council of Editors of Learned Journals
Digital Library Federation
Directory of Open Access Journals
Library Accessibility Alliance
The Library Association of Ireland
Open Access Scholarly Publishers Association
Open Education Network
Public Knowledge Project
Scholarly Publishing and Academic Resources Coalition
Society for Scholarly Publishing
Melanie Schlosser, Senior Community Facilitator
Melanie Schlosser is the Senior Community Facilitator, working with the Library Publishing Coalition and other communities and projects related to scholarly communications. Before coming to Educopia in 2017, Melanie spent almost ten years as a faculty member at the Ohio State University Libraries, working with digital publishing, the institutional repository, and a variety of other scholarly communications-related areas. Her research covers a range of topics – from metadata to copyright to digital humanities – but it all focuses broadly on making scholarship more accessible. From 2015 to 2019, she served as Co-Editor-in-Chief of the Journal of Librarianship and Scholarly Communication, and is currently serving as an Immediate Past Editor-in-Chief. Melanie has an M.L.S. and a B.A. in English from Indiana University, Bloomington. Email:
Nancy Adams, LPC Program Assistant
As Program Assistant for the Library Publishing Coalition, Nancy provides both program and administrative support to the LPC Community Facilitator and to the LPC board. Previously she worked at Boston College Libraries, most recently as Digital Publishing Specialist, and before that she spent many years writing and editing in the corporate world. Nancy holds an MSLIS from Syracuse University and a BA in Latin from Boston University. Email:
Community Plan
LPC’s current community plan was released in December 2023 and covers the years 2024 through 2029. There are four areas of focus:
- Support community members’ well-being and career longevity in the field of library publishing
- Advocate for library publishers and give them the tools to advocate for themselves
- Navigate changes in scholarly output, business models, and infrastructure, through a lens of ethics and collaboration
- Continue to develop LPC as an inclusive professional space
Our Memberships
The Library Publishing Coalition is a member of the International Federation of Library Associations (IFLA), and is an active participant in its Library Publishing Special Interest Group.
LPC is a founding member of the Coalition for Diversity and Inclusion in Scholarly Communications (C4DISC).
Between January 2013 and December 2014, 61 academic libraries, in collaboration with the Educopia Institute, founded the Library Publishing Coalition (LPC). The project emerged from conversations between Purdue University, the University of North Texas, and Virginia Tech regarding the need for a community dedicated to advancing the field of library publishing.
Academic libraries and the researchers and organizations they support are facing a new paradigm in scholarly publishing. The web, information and social media technologies, and the open source and open access movements are changing the framework in which scholarship is created, collected, organized, and disseminated. Yet, as shown by the highly regarded Strategies for Success project (funded by IMLS and led by Purdue University, the University of Utah, and Georgia Tech), library-based publishing groups lack a central space where they can meet, work together, share information, and confront common issues.
The Strategies for Success project laid a strong foundation for further action. Prompted by the results of this project, Educopia hosted a conversation in May 2012 among three library deans who shared an interest in advancing the emerging field of library publishing: James Mullins (Purdue University), Martin Halbert (University of North Texas), and Tyler Walters (Virginia Tech). As an outcome of that conversation, in June 2012, Charles Watkinson (Purdue University), Katherine Skinner (Educopia Institute), and Julie Speer (Virginia Tech), drafted a proposal for a new, community-driven organization dedicated to library publishing. The vision outlined in that proposal was vetted by representatives from 18 major libraries and consortia in July 2012 before being released to prospective participants in August 2012. More than 50 academic libraries formally joined the project team before the project kicked off in January 2013.
Over the next eighteen months, participants worked to produce the LPC’s first deliverables, including the Library Publishing Directory and the inaugural Library Publishing Forum. At the request of the community, on July 1, 2014 the LPC formally launched as an ongoing membership organization, six months ahead of schedule.
Initial Founding Institutions
Brigham Young University | Colby College | Columbia University | Dartmouth College | Duke University | Grand Valley State University | Kansas State University | Northeastern University | Ohio State University | Oregon State University | Penn State | Purdue University | Syracuse University | University of Arizona | University of Illinois, Chicago | University of Kentucky | University of Massachusetts-Amherst | University of North Carolina, Greensboro | University of North Texas | University of Pittsburgh | University of San Diego | University of Tennessee | University of Utah | Utah State University | Virginia Tech | Washington University, St. Louis | Wayne State University
Initial Contributing Institutions
Boston College | Brandeis University | California Digital Library | California Polytechnic State University | Carnegie Mellon University | Claremont University Consortium | Cornell University | Emory University | Florida State University | Illinois Wesleyan University | Indiana University | McGill University | Northwestern University | Pacific University | Pepperdine University | Rutgers University | Simon Fraser University | Tulane University | University of Central Florida | University of Florida | University of Georgia | University of Hawaii at Manoa | University of Iowa | University of Kansas | University of Maryland | University of Massachusetts-Worcester | University of Michigan, Ann Arbor | University of Minnesota, Twin Cities | University of North Carolina, Charlotte | University of Washington | Valparaiso University | Villanova University | Wake Forest University | West Virginia University