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      Sense of PlacePlacemakingPublic spacesSts
This article offers a collectively developed analysis of the Covid-19 crisis as it relates to contemporary cultures of rejection, i.e. the socio-cultural conditions in which authoritarian and right-wing populist politics thrive, in... more
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      Cultural StudiesMedia StudiesNationalismPopulism
This article introduces the concept of cultures of rejection as a framing device to investigate conditions of acceptability of authoritarian populism among workers in Germany and Austria. After situating the concept in the current... more
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      Cultural StudiesAnthropologyPopulismWork and Labour
Harder’s article investigates how changes in working and living conditions are experienced by workers and how these changes create the conditions of acceptabilityfor right-wing politics. Drawing on qualitative interviews, mappings,... more
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      Cultural StudiesDigital MediaLogisticsWork and Labour
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Aus der Einleitung: "Der Soziologe Felix Lösing analysiert in Nachrichten aus dem Herz der Finsternis die Kongoberichterstattung im Wochenmagazin Der Spiegel für den Zeitraum von 1947 bis 2012. Sein Textkorpus umfasst 502 Artikel, die er... more
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      RacismMedienwissenschaftRepresentations of Race and Ethnicity In the MediaPostkoloniale Und Rassismusforschung
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Robert E. Park’s lasting influence on the establishment of American Sociology as a scientific discipline is uncontested. Yet his pioneering sociological approaches towards the study of ›race relations‹ have been rightly criticized as... more
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      SociologyHuman RightsHumanitarianismPostcolonial Studies
Mit dem inzwischen im dritten Jahr im VSA-Verlag erscheinenden Jahrbuch wird die Absicht verfolgt, kritische Wissenschaft gegen den neoliberalen Mainstream(kultur)industrieller Wissensproduktion an den Universitäten und Hochschulen zu... more
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    • Critical Social Research
The pioneering scope of the Congo Reform Movement as first international humanitarian campaign of the 20th century has been rightfully acknowledged by now, yet its commitment to racism and colonialism tends to be trivialized. This paper... more
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      Human RightsHumanitarianismRace and RacismCritical Race Theory
In Bezug auf den Organisationsgrad, den Mobilisierungserfolg und die diskursive Reichweite gilt die Kongo-Reformbewegung (1890-1913) gegen Gewalt und Willkür im Kongo-Freistaat zu Recht als erste große internationale... more
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      Postcolonial StudiesRace and RacismRacismPostcolonial Theory
The British and American Congo Reform Movement (ca. 1890-1913) has been praised extensively for its ›heroic‹ confrontation of colonial atrocities in the Congo Free State. Its commitment to white supremacy and colonial domination, however,... more
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      SociologyPolitical SociologyCultural SociologyHumanitarianism
Paper held at the conference
Anti-racism in Britain: Histories and Trajectories, University College London/online 27 February 2021
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      Democratic Republic of CongoCongoColonial and Postcolonial History of CongoCongo Free State (History and governance)