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Beniaminus Ionsonius,[1] vulgo saepissime Ben Jonson (natus Westmonasterii die 11 Iunii 1572; ibidem mortuus die 6 Augusti 1637), alumnus Collegii Westmonasteriensis, fuit poeta, histrio, et scriptor scaenicus Anglicus aetate reginae Elisabethae I. Inter opera eius sunt. Et "comoedias humores" satiricas ex quattuor humoris scripsit. Anno 1616, poëta laureatus electus est. Etiam epigramma pro Gulielmo Shakesperio scripsit.

Wikidata Beniaminus Ionsonius
Res apud Vicidata repertae:
Beniaminus Ionsonius: imago
Beniaminus Ionsonius: imago
Beniaminus Ionsonius: subscriptio
Beniaminus Ionsonius: subscriptio
Nativitas: 11 Iunii 1572; Westmonasterium, Londinium
Obitus: 6 Augusti 1637; Londinium
Patria: Anglia


Coniunx: Mrs Jonson


  1. "Ben: Ionsonius" se Latine scribens subscripsit: vide e.g. hic


Editiones operum
  • Katherine Duncan-Jones, "Jonson's Epitaph on Nashe" in Times Literary Supplement (7 Iulii 1995) pp. 4-6
  • C. H. Herford, Percy Simpson, Evelyn Simpson, edd., Ben Jonson. 11 voll. Oxonii: Clarendon Press, 1925-1952.
Historica et critica
  • Jonas Barish, Ben Jonson and the Language of Prose Comedy. Cantabrigiae Massachusettensium: Harvard University Press, 1960.
  • Martin Butler, "Late Jonson," in McMullen and Hope, eds. The Politics of Tragicomedy: Shakespeare and After. Londinii: Routledge, 1992.
  • Martin Butler, ed., Re-Presenting Ben Jonson: Text, History, Performance. Basingstoke: Macmillan, 1999.
  • D. H. Craig, Ben Jonson: The Critical Heritage. Londinii: Routledge, 1999.
  • Ian Donaldson, Ben Jonson: a life. Oxonii: Oxford University Press, 2011.
  • Ian Donaldson, Jonson's Magic Houses: Essays in Interpretation. Oxonii: Clarendon Press, 1997.
  • Richard Harp, Stanley Stewart, edd., The Cambridge Companion to Ben Jonson. Cantabrigiae: Cambridge University Press, 2000.
  • James Knowles, "Cecil's Shopping Centre: the rediscovery of a Ben Jonson masque in praise of trade" in Times Literary Supplement (7 Februarii 1997)
  • James Loxley, The Complete Critical Guide to Ben Jonson. Londinii: Routledge, 2002.
  • William W. E. Slights, Ben Jonson and the Art of Secrecy. Toronti: Toronto University Press, 1994. ISBN 0-8020-0462-8
  • R. N. Watson, Ben Jonson's Parodic Strategy. Cantabrigiae Massachusettensium: Harvard University Press, 1987.

Nexus externi

Opera Beniamini Ionsonii
Titulus editionis in folio anno 1616 divulgatae

Ludi scaenici: A Tale of a Tub  · The Case is Altered  · Every Man in His Humour  · Every Man out of His Humour  · Cynthia's Revels  · Poëtaster  · Sejanus's Fall  · Eastward Ho  · Volpone  · Epicoene  · The Alchemist  · Catiline's Conspiracy  · Bartholomew Fair  · The Devil is an Ass  · The Staple of News  · The New Inn  · The Magnetic Lady  · The Sad Shepherd  · Mortimer's Fall
Ludi personati: The Coronation Triumph  · The Penates  · The Satyr  · The Masque of Blackness  · Hymenaei  · The Hours  · The Masque of Beauty  · The Masque of Queens  · The Hue and Cry after Cupid  · The Entertainment at Britain's Burse  · The Lady of the Lake  · Oberon  · Love Freed from Ignorance and Folly  · Love Restored  · A Challenge at Tilt  · The Irish Masque at Court  · Mercury Vindicated from the Alchemists  · The Golden Age Restored  · Christmas's Masque  · The Vision of Delight  · Lovers Made Men  · Pleasure Reconciled to Virtue  · News from the New World Discovered in the Moon  · The Newcastle Entertainment  · Pan's Anniversary  · The Gypsies Metamorphosed  · The Masque of Augurs  · Time Vindicated to Himself and to his Honours  · Neptune's Triumph  · The Masque of Owls  · The Fortunate Isles and Their Union  · Love's Triumph Through Callipolis  · Chloridia  · The King's Entertainment at Welbeck  · Love's Welcome at Bolsover
Carminum collectanea: Epigrams  · The Forest  · To Penshurst  · A Discourse of Love  · The Execration against Vulcan  · Underwoods  · On My First Sonne  · To Celia
Singula poëmata selecta: "Doing, a filthy pleasure is, and short"  · "To the memory of my beloved, the author, Mr. William Shakespeare"
Versiones: Argenis  · Horace's Art of Poetry
Alia opera: English Grammar  · Timber