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While hailed for granting a deeper understanding of a local reality, an easier access to information and an almost effortless construction of research networks, anthropology at home was flagged for the researcher’s implicit bias and... more
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      Historical AnthropologyNostalgiaMemoryHumour
The paper herewith was constructed as an imagination exercise. It is built on the hypothesis that a new financial meltdown will create the premises for baby teeth to replace money in all their functions. Exploring various theories of... more
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      Gift ExchangeAnthropology of Money
The aim of this paper is to take up the model of social biography and explore how the life of photographs, their materiality, their social ebbs and flows, their shifting roles and meanings as they cross different spaces and perform... more
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      PhotographyMaterial Culture StudiesVisual Culture
Drawing on ethnographic fieldwork conducted in Romania during the 2016 parliamentary elections and the street protests that erupted in their aftermath, the paper herewith aims to analyse how the state is affectively apprehended through... more
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      Political AnthropologyAnthropology of the StateHumour
This article offers a study of narratives of ethnic identity among young Ruthenians in Serbia. The analysed data comes from in-depth interviews and questionnaires conducted in 2016 with nine informants studying at the University of... more
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      Ethnic IdentityLanguage and EthnicityEthnicityMinority Rights
Etnološki izazov Rolana Barta (Rad je predavan na konferenciji "Centennial Filiations. Theory, Aesthetics, and Politics of Literary and Cinematic Fiction", u marta 26-27, 2015 godine koju je organizvao prof. Rađi Valuri (Raji Vallury) u... more
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    • Translation
Narratives of ethnic identity and language among young Pannonian Ruthenians in SerbiaThis article offers a study of narratives of ethnic identity among young Ruthenians in Serbia. The analysed data comes from in-depth interviews and... more
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      Ethnic IdentityLanguage and EthnicityEthnicityMinority Rights
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      Cultural TourismCulinary TourismIdentity and Cosmopolitanism
Changing one’s place of residency creates new challenges, such as how to preserve social, cultural, ethnic or national identities and how to create a comfortable living environment in the new country; creating a new ‘home.’ In this... more
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    • Political Science
Meta-model merging is the process of incorporating data models into an integrated, consistent model, against which accurate queries may be processed. The efficiency of such a process is very much reliant on effective semantic... more
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      Computer ScienceData WarehousingData IntegrationModel Management
Changing one's place of residency creates new challenges, such as how to preserve social, cultural, ethnic or national identities and how to create a comfortable living environment in the new country; creating a new 'home.' In this... more
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      Political ScienceInterculturalism
The purpose of this study is to compare two groups of Jewish women, native-born and migrants, who reside in Brussels regarding their social integration into nativeborn Jewish and non-Jewish communities and the acculturation strategies... more
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      SociologySociology of ReligionGender StudiesImmigration
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      Elias CanettiEgypteArabische Lente
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      Spatial AnalysisIndustrial EcologyBiodiversityPES
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      EngineeringNutritionNatural ResourcesHydrology
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      HydrologyConservationWater resourcesGroundwater
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In this paper, we use data from Guatemala to map areas that are important for the provision of indirect ecosystem services—services whose benefits are enjoyed at some distance from the ecosystem that provides them, such as watershed... more
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      Natural ResourcesEnergyWatershed HydrologyLand and Water Resources Development and Management
payments for watershed services help save biodiversity? A spatial analysis of highland Guatemala
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      Biodiversity ConservationGuatemala