Conference Presentations by Sadruddin Qutoshi

IT Conference for a Smart Society, Computer Association of Nepal, 2014
Variety of Computer Technologies (CTs) has been using as pedagogical tools to improve teaching le... more Variety of Computer Technologies (CTs) has been using as pedagogical tools to improve teaching learning practices (TLPs) at the universities of South Asian countries including Pakistan. This qualitative case study attempts to explore the perceptions and practices of teacher educators using Skype interviews from purposefully selected sample of two teachers from Karakorum International University, Pakistan. The findings show that the teachers believe that using CTs in TLPs is one of the best ways to achieve the desired learning outcomes of courses. Findings confirm that using CTs can better engage learners with interest, self motivation and self directed towards learning and exploring new things to learn with fun. Findings also revealed that due to lack of resources and poor organizational arrangements lead to irregularity in use of CTs even at basic level. The study recommends institutions to ensure provision and effective utilization of resources for regular use of CTs to improve TLPs.
Papers by Sadruddin Qutoshi

Journal of Education and Educational Development, 2024
Ethnography is one of the richest research approaches within the qualitative research paradigm fo... more Ethnography is one of the richest research approaches within the qualitative research paradigm for studying the cultural life worlds of others and/or oneself at a deeper level of consciousness. Additionally, it is a genre of writing that uses multi-epistemic lenses to go deeper into the phenomenon in order to inform, reform, and transform lives. The term ‘ethno’(graphy) is a compound word made up of the words ethno and graphy, which stand for culture and writing, respectively. In order to conduct ethnographic research, a researcher must possess a thorough understanding of a specific cultural context, be able to communicate in the language used by the informants, and be able to bracket one’s biases, while understanding how to "recover meaning" from their complex lifeworld. In doing so, it gives the researcher—the ethnographer in the role of an outsider the chance to chronicle the ‘noodle moments’ of the insiders as informants, within their cultural context, by witnessing their way of life and recording what truly takes place there. To this purpose, through their involvement over an extended length of time, ethnographers must generate detailed accounts of the discussions, observations of the events, symbols, artifacts, festivals, and everyday activities of the researched, among other things. Through critically analyzing behaviors, it offers a window into the meaning that people attribute to their cultural sensibility and a source of insights to inform, reform, and transform communities. Thus, it is a more comprehensive way of examining through the perspective of an insider, which sets it apart from other inquiry techniques.

Pakistan journal of social research, Dec 15, 2019
This study aims to explore teachers' perceptions and practices of the use of rubrics in assessing... more This study aims to explore teachers' perceptions and practices of the use of rubrics in assessing students' learning in the context of higher education institutions in Gilgit-Baltistan. A case study method of inquiry within a qualitative paradigm was adopted to collect the relevant data through semi-structured interviews from three purposefully selected teacher-educators (instructors) and six student-teachers (prospective teachers) of semester III and IV from one of the colleges of education. The data were analyzed through thematic analysis and following themes were emerged: (1) the importance of assessment rubrics in teaching and learning processes, (2) effectiveness of rubrics in assessing teaching and learning, (3) coconstruction of assessment rubrics by student-teachers and teacher-educators, and (4) the challenges for student-teachers and teacher-educators in developing and using of assessment rubrics. From the discussion on the emerging themes, it is concluded that (a) use of assessment rubrics makes assessment process more meaningful to both teacher-educators and students-teachers; and (b) use of rubrics makes student-teachers and teacher-educators more focused on their purpose of teaching and learning outcomes. It is recommended that teacher-educators in teacher training institutions should use rubrics to assess prospective-teachers so that they, after completing their degree programs, would use similar techniques in their respective schools to assess their students' learning outcomes effectively.
International Review of Management and Business Research, Mar 8, 2021

Journal of education and educational development, May 30, 2018
Phenomenology as a philosophy and a method of inquiry is not limited to an approach to knowing, i... more Phenomenology as a philosophy and a method of inquiry is not limited to an approach to knowing, it is rather an intellectual engagement in interpretations and meaning making that is used to understand the lived world of human beings at a conscious level. Historically, Husserl' (1913/1962) perspective of phenomenology is a science of understanding human beings at a deeper level by gazing at the phenomenon. However, Heideggerian view of interpretive-hermeneutic phenomenology gives wider meaning to the lived experiences under study. Using this approach, a researcher uses bracketing as a taken for granted assumption in describing the natural way of appearance of phenomena to gain insights into lived experiences and interpret for meaning making. The data collection and analysis takes place side by side to illumine the specific experience to identify the phenomena that is perceived by the actors in a particular situation. The outcomes of a phenomenological study broadens the mind, improves the ways of thinking to see a phenomenon, and it enables to see ahead and define researchers' posture through intentional study of lived experiences. However, the subjectivity and personal knowledge in perceiving and interpreting it from the research participant's point of view has been central in phenomenological studies. To achieve such an objective, phenomenology could be used extensively in social sciences.

DOAJ (DOAJ: Directory of Open Access Journals), Aug 1, 2016
From a philosophical viewpoint and a technical perspective, this paper claims that learning organ... more From a philosophical viewpoint and a technical perspective, this paper claims that learning organizations are the most effective organizations which 1) demonstrate transformative leadership practices, 2) work to instigate a learning-based organizational environment, and 3) continually promote learning behavior at all levels, to name a few of its key characteristics. Like other organizations, educational organizations would exhibit individual behaviour, collective actions and interactions which define their norms and values. The purpose of this paper is to explore: what it means to be a learning organization; what are and should be its key characteristics; and how to create a learning organization. The findings of this study show that learning organizations are characterized by a collective struggle to achieve organizational goals, where culture and climate concerns become paramount, and learning is viewed as part of everyone's business regardless of individual differences, roles, and responsibilities. It is the leadership in a learning organization that builds the culture and climate conducive to bring about transformation at individual, organizational and societal levels with the concepts of lifelong learning.

Information, Nov 9, 2020
The study, through the lens of school principals' views, investigates the challenges and opportun... more The study, through the lens of school principals' views, investigates the challenges and opportunities to formulate an information and communications technology (ICT) policy in order to integrate it in teaching and learning practices at the schools of mountainous rural areas of Gilgit-Baltistan (GB). This quantitative research approach focuses on three different educational systems (Regional, National, and International), as a source of data collection, which operate in GB, Pakistan. To collect the required data, questionnaires with principals and policy document reviews were used. Applying SPSS, the data were analyzed. The results show that both groups (male and female) strongly agree to formulate a policy on ICT in order to integrate it in teaching and learning to improve at the school level. The results also show that the school heads face a number of challenges (e.g., lack of infrastructure, finance, Internet, technical staff, time, awareness, and training facilities, etc.) in the formulation of ICT policy and its integration in teaching and learning. The results revealed that the majority of the schools have an absence of ICT policy instead of having competent principals in those schools. Therefore, the research recommends that the school level ICT policy should be developed and integrated in teaching and learning practices to create an environment of powerful learning at schools, in order to fulfill the needs and demands of the 21st century education.

DOAJ (DOAJ: Directory of Open Access Journals), 2020
Introduction: Qualitative case study aims to explore the perceived practices of teacher educators... more Introduction: Qualitative case study aims to explore the perceived practices of teacher educators about technology integration in their pedagogical engagement in B. Ed (Hons), elementary program offered by a public sector mountainous university in Pakistan. Objective: To explore the practices perceived by university teachers on the Integration of Computer Technology in Teacher Education to achieve the learning outcomes of the new four-year model B. Ed, to enable educators to improve their academic competence, and related professional competence, in the current, ongoing climate of educational reform. Methods: Qualitative case study research, theoretical and empirical methods were used; semistructured and open Skype interviews were applied, based on an intentional sample of two teachers. Results: the teachers integrated computer technology in their teaching but the nature of integration was Revista Cubana de Medicina Militar. 2020; 49(1):137-156 Bajo licencia Creative Commons 138 superficial. Conclusions: The new four-year model B. Ed used, was based in teacher-centered instead of learnercentered, the level of integration was symbolic. The institutional conditions in terms of resources, proficient level of knowledge and skills presented weaknesses, and improper organizational arrangements for technology integration in teaching. Authors recommended developing teachers' knowledge and pedagogical content knowledge of computer technology to improve 'essential conditions' required for successful integration of technology in teaching.

Journal of education and research, Jan 16, 2014
Assuming the effectiveness of student-centered approach to teaching, this study explores the perc... more Assuming the effectiveness of student-centered approach to teaching, this study explores the perceptions of purposefully selected seven students and teachers from a community school in Karachi about this pedagogical approach. Using interviews and observations of classroom practices as methodological tools, we concentrate on finding answers to the questions: How does student-centered approach to teaching used in community schools in Pakistan contribute to achieving quality education? How does this approach affect teaching and learning activities? How does this approach facilitate teachers to overcome the problems of teaching and learning? The findings of this study identify that student-centered approach to teaching encourages students" engagement in teaching-learning activities focusing on individual interaction to achieve common objectives. However, inadequate resources, small sized classrooms, and lack of expertise on the part of teachers were the challenges to the teaching learning activities in the community schools. These findings would be valuable to teaching and learning communities and educational policy makers as well.

International Journal of Economic and Environmental Geology, 2022
This study seeks to explore and explain the perception of residents about the environmental impac... more This study seeks to explore and explain the perception of residents about the environmental impact of mountain mass tourism in three tourist destinations in Gilgit-Baltistan. This study is based on quantitative and qualitative data collected through a survey and group discussions with residents of three tourist destinations. Results revealed that the residents of the study area are highly concerned about the environmental impact of mass tourism. They highlighted air pollution, traffic congestion, pressure on land use change and infrastructure, and degradation of mountain ecosystem services. The study also found that communities in these tourist places expect governmental and non-governmental organizations to come up with a better plan for the management of mountain tourism on a sustainable basis. Reflecting critically on the perceptions of stakeholders about tourism impact, it is important to develop linkages between governmental and non-governmental organizations for environmental protection and sustainable quality tourism in the region while taking communities on board.

International Review of Management and Business Research, 2021
Women as leaders have been facing challenges in workplace as well as at homes. However, the focus... more Women as leaders have been facing challenges in workplace as well as at homes. However, the focus of this research is to explore the challenges which women face in different leadership and managerial positions in public and private organizations in Gilgit-Baltistan. Employing qualitative research method, data was collected from eight (8) females who were in leadership and management positions in different public and private organizations in the context of Gilgit-Baltistan. Semi-structured interviews were conducted to collect the data. The analysis of the data showed that women mostly face challenges regarding their job related duties due to household responsibilities, stereotypes of the masses about their abilities to manage public administration and the lack of equal opportunities for promotions and rewards as compared to their male counterparts in the organizations. It is recommended that both public and private organizations should develop women friendly policies to provide equal...

Students’ classroom presentations as teaching and assessment techniques are widely in practice at... more Students’ classroom presentations as teaching and assessment techniques are widely in practice at universities all over the world. Previous studies indicate that university students are provided unsatisfactory time for presentations. It frustrates them especially when teachers use the presentation as an assessment tool. The present study aimed to explore the views of teachers and students’ perceptions behind their dissatisfaction with the uses of presentations by teachers as a teaching method as well as an assessment tool. In this qualitative study, researchers usedsemi-structured interviews from 14 M. Phil students and three of their teachers. Both teachers’ and students’ practices were also observed during sessions as scheduled for presentation activity. The observations were made towards the end semester from the qualitative thematic analysis. It was found that students’ and teachers’ expectations from each other regarding many aspects of the presentation did not match. Especiall...
Pakistan journal of social research, Sep 30, 2021
This article is an open access article distributed under the terms and conditions of the Creative... more This article is an open access article distributed under the terms and conditions of the Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY

Assuming the effectiveness of student-centered approach to teaching, this study explores the perc... more Assuming the effectiveness of student-centered approach to teaching, this study explores the perceptions of purposefully selected seven students and teachers from a community school in Karachi about this pedagogical approach. Using interviews and observations of classroom practices as methodological tools, we concentrate on finding answers to the questions: How does student-centered approach to teaching used in community schools in Pakistan contribute to achieving quality education? How does this approach affect teaching and learning activities? How does this approach facilitate teachers to overcome the problems of teaching and learning? The findings of this study identify that student-centered approach to teaching encourages students ‟ engagement in teaching-learning activities focusing on individual interaction to achieve common objectives. However, inadequate resources, small sized classrooms, and lack of expertise on the part of teachers were the challenges to the teaching learn...

Journal of Development and Social Sciences, 2020
The current study examines the impact of technological gadgets on the children's socialization in... more The current study examines the impact of technological gadgets on the children's socialization in the context of Gilgit-Baltistan, Pakistan. A closed-ended self-structured questionnaire for data collection was designed and applied in the field. The data were analyzed by using Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS). Both Descriptive (percentages and frequencies) and Inferential (Correlation) statistics were applied. The finding of the study showed that children were more engaged with the usage of technological gadgets. A majority of the children has knowledge regarding technological gadgets and use for more than four hours on daily basis. On the other hand, parents were aware of both the positive and negative impacts of technological gadgets on their children's socialization. Interestingly, parents found a positive relationship between excessive use of technological gadgets and virtual socialization of children. Furthermore, usage of technology has limited children's activities inside the house, less active in community engagements and sometimes showing aggressive behavior on keeping them away from the technological gadgets. The study recommends that parents need to educate and supervise their children's activities and limit their access to technological gadgets in order to focus on physical socialization of their children so as to reduce negative effects of technological gadgets.

Spanking to discipline a child has been a matter of great debate and concern throughout history. ... more Spanking to discipline a child has been a matter of great debate and concern throughout history. However, there is no such literature available on the relationship between gender, age and spanking to discipline a child from Gilgit-Baltistan Province, Pakistan. Realizing the severity and importance of the current project was initiated to explain the views of parents and teachers on a Likert scale. A quantitative random survey research using a standardised instrument was carried out during 2019. Data was processed using descriptive and inferential statistical measures. Chi square test results revealed that there is a significant relationship between gender and spanking to discipline. However, Pearson’s and Spearman’s correlation do not show any significant relationship between the two variables. Both genders favour spanking to discipline children. However, females believe more in spanking to discipline.

Many studies have been conducted internationally on headteachers‟ role in School Improvement (SI)... more Many studies have been conducted internationally on headteachers‟ role in School Improvement (SI). In Pakistan, however, this is a new but increasingly expanding area of study focusing different types of schools (Khaki, 2005) including private, public, and community based. This study on headteacher‟s role in SI was conducted in a community based school in Karachi comprising of migrants from different parts of Pakistan and (refugees from) Afghanistan. A case study, using semi-structured interviews from headteacher and other stakeholders were used to explore the headteacher‟s role in SI. The findings show that role of the Headteacher in SI is complex, daunting, multi-dimensional, and multilayered (Lizotte, 2013; Moos, 2013). Headteacher performs her best to provide better education to learners; tries to meet stakeholders‟ expectations in terms of improving teaching and learning, improving school infrastructure (e.g., up-gradation of the school building), keep her teachers motivating a...

This paper aims to present my educative-transformational journey as a part of my doctoral researc... more This paper aims to present my educative-transformational journey as a part of my doctoral research project (Qutoshi, 2016), which started in 2013. In addressing the culturally disempowering nature of teacher education and research practices in the context of Pakistan, I embraced a transformative research paradigm. In so doing, I engaged with making meaning of my lived experiences through imaginative, innovative and creative ways of re/constructions of past and present epiphanies as a student, teacher, vice/principal, teacher/educator, and research supervisor, and envisioned a transformative teacher education and research practice for Pakistan. To this end, I employed unconventional, multiple data referents/tools, multiple logics, and genres so as to generate data sets within autoethnography as a key methodological referent in a multiparadigmatic research design space. Such critical reflection and inward-out observation, to my past and present, enabled me to envision future practices with an inclusive, empowering, and liberating view of teacher education to create a better world. Hopefully, my own livingeducational-theory (Whitehead, 1989) with my embodied values of, 'intention, humility for humanity, care of self and others with ecological consciousness, love and peace', will be instrumental in achieving a morphing view of education that makes a difference in the lives of self and others with its ripple impacts.

While much is written about human resource management practices in general organizations, far les... more While much is written about human resource management practices in general organizations, far less is known about the school as an organization and role of women principal as a human resource manager. The purpose of this study was to explore the perceived practices and challenges of women principles as human resource managers in private schools. Since it has been widely accepted that performance of institutions highly depends upon the way human resources are perceived and managed. Applying the case study method, the data generated using the semi-structured interview. The findings of the study show that the women principal, to a great extent, had an understanding about the concept of human resource management such as recruitment, selection, induction, monitoring and evaluation, training, and development. The principal also found to be the key person in employee’s performance appraisal, job design and their motivation. In doing so the principal faced challenges in employees’ career pl...
Conference Presentations by Sadruddin Qutoshi
Papers by Sadruddin Qutoshi