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Jeneng liyanéMatsoni,
Caspian Sea yoghurt
Panggonan asalArmenia
Tlatah utawa prajaCaucasus
Woworan pokokMilk
Buku masakan: Matzoon  Médhia: Matzoon

Matzoon [1] ( Armèni: մածուն matsun ) utawa matsoni [2] (basa Basa Géorgia: მაწონი mats'oni) minangka salah sawijining jinis olahan arupa produk susu fermentasi sing asale saka Armenia [3] [4] [5] disebarake ing Armenia [6] lan Georgia . [7] [8] [9] Ing Jepang, diarani yoghurt Laut Kaspia . [10]


[besut | besut sumber]

Matzoon digawe saka susu sapi (umume), susu wedhus, susu wedhus, susu kebo, utawa campuran kasebut lan budaya saka produksi sadurunge. Mirip karo yogurt, umume digawe karo bakteri asam laktat ing ngisor iki; Lactobacillus acidophilus (mung asli), <i id="mwQw">Lactobacillus delbrueckii</i> subsp. <i id="mwRA">bulgaricus</i> lan Streptococcus thermophilus . [9] Lactococcus lactis ssp. cremoris ditemokake minangka galur bakteri dominan sing ngasilake polisakarida sing nyedhiyakake viskositas matzoon sing dhuwur. [10]

Ing masakan Armenia, matzoon bisa saring, diwenehi kamats matzoon. Biasane, diproduksi kanggo pengawetan jangka panjang kanthi nyelehake matzoon ing karung kain. Sawise kasebut, disimpen ing karung kulit utawa pot lempung sajrone sewulan utawa luwih gumantung saka derajat pengasinan. [11]

Matzoon digunakake kanggo produksi mentega . Nalika diresiki banjur dipisahake karo buttermilk (Basa Armèni: թան , tan ). Tan bisa luwih pepe lan prodhuk asil dikenal minangka chortan . [12]

Matzoon bisa dicampur karo endhog lan tepung gandum lan pati sing padha kanggo ngasilake tarhana . Adonan adonan cilik dikeringake banjur disimpen ing wadhah kaca. Umume digunakake ing sup, larut ing cairan panas. [13]

Referensi lan cathetan

[besut | besut sumber]
  1. Also spelled matsoon, matsoun, matzoun, madzoon, madzoun, macun, matson
  2. Also spelled matzoni
  3. Kirk, Lawrence Eldred (1948). Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations. kc. 12. Matzoon or mazun, originating in Armenia. A lactobacillus (L. mazun), a streptococcus, a spore-producing bacillus and a sugar- fermenting yeast are responsible for the fermentation of this product.
  4. Joseph A. Kurmann, Jeremija Lj Rašić, Manfred Kroger (1992). Encyclopedia of fermented fresh milk products: an international inventory of fermented milk, cream, buttermilk, whey, and related products. Springer. kc. 212. ISBN 978-0-442-00869-7. Matzoon (En); mazun (Fr, De); matsun, matsoni, maconi. Short Description: Of Armenian origin; Georgia, Caucasus (USSR); traditional product; the milk of ewes, goats, buffalo, or cows or mixtures thereof; yoghurtlike product traditionally made from boiled milk and an undefined starter culture; firm consistency and acidic flavor. Microbiology: Traditional product made with undefined starter culture consisting of thermophilic and mesophilic lactic streptococci and thermophilic lactobacilli, and often with yeasts. Starter culture with defined microflora: proposed Streptococcus thcrmopbilus and Lactobacillus dclbmeckii subsp. buligaricus.{{cite book}}: CS1 maint: uses authors parameter (link)
  5. "Fermented milk". Columbia Encyclopedia (édhisi ka-6). Columbia University Press. Dibukak ing January 2, 2019.
  6. "Matzoon, mat-soon". The Encyclopedia Americana. Vol. 18. Americana Corp. 1977. kc. 446. ISBN 978-0-7172-0108-2. "a milk food used in Armenia; prepared by exposing milk in open vessels to a heat of 90°F., and when coagulation takes place the curd is broken up by a churning process and salt is added".
  7. Goldstein, Darra (1999). The Georgian Feast: The Vibrant Culture and Savory Food of the Republic of Georgia. University of California Press. kc. 34.
  8. Byers, Branden (2014). The Everyday Fermentation Handbook: A Real-Life Guide to Fermenting Food. kc. 66. "Matsoni, also known as Caspian Sea yogurt, this mesophilic yogurt comes from the region now known as Georgia".
  9. a b Kenji Uchida, Tadasu Urashima, Nino Chaniashvili, Ikiti Arai, Hidemasa Motoshima (2007). "Major microbiota of lactic acid bacteria from Matsoni, a traditional Georgian fermented milk". Animal Science Journal. 78: 85. doi:10.1111/j.1740-0929.2006.00409.x.{{cite journal}}: CS1 maint: multiple names: authors list (link) Masalah sitiran: Tenger <ref> ora trep; jeneng "Wiley" diwedharaké ping bola-bali déné isiné béda
  10. a b Uchida, Kenji; Akashi, Keiko; Motoshima, Hidemasa; Urashima, Tadasu; Arai, Ikichi; Saito, Tadao (2009). "Microbiota analysis of Caspian Sea yogurt, a ropy fermented milk circulated in Japan". Animal Science Journal. 80 (2): 187–192. doi:10.1111/j.1740-0929.2008.00607.x. ISSN 1344-3941. PMID 20163589. Masalah sitiran: Tenger <ref> ora trep; jeneng "Uchida" diwedharaké ping bola-bali déné isiné béda
  11. С. А. Арутюнов, Т. А. Воронина. Традиционная пища как выражение этнического самосознания, стр. 120—125. Наука, 2001 [S. A. Arutyunov, T. A. Voronina. Traditional Food as an Expression of Ethnic Self-Consciousness, pp. 120-125. Nauka publishers, 2001; in Russian]
  12. "Gardens of Biodiversity. Conservation of genetic resources and their use in traditional food production systems by small farmers of the Southern Caucasus". Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations.
  13. "Tarkhana". Great Encyclopedia of Culinary Arts (ing basa Rusia). 2005.