My blog is a safe space for burnouts, flakes, layabouts, ne'er-do-wells, underachievers, and anyone who can’t be arsed
the hare runs into the fire
late 20s | they/she
late 20s | they/she
My blog is a safe space for burnouts, flakes, layabouts, ne'er-do-wells, underachievers, and anyone who can’t be arsed
they should invent a grief that doesn’t define you in new and strange ways for the rest of your life
(via orivu)
Anonymous asked:
wait whats horrible
blueskittlesart Answer:
i live in the united states of america
post-fire updates, for all the lovely people who have asked:
an electrician looked over everything today and quickly identified & repaired the short that started the fire. we extinguished it promptly enough that it had just started to spread up into the wall, but didn’t actually do much damage. the costs associated with that are the landlord’s problem, because it was definitively Not My Fault and also I Told You So 👍
the main challenge for me now is that almost everything i own is covered in fine particulate dust from the extinguisher, which is a major respiratory irritant and sort of a bitch to clean up. a handful of items are potentially Completely Fucked, but that’s largely TBD. because The Dust Zone includes the entire carpet and the bed, i’m exiled from the bedroom for the time being.
thanks for all the well-wishes. much appreciated. 🖤
big day for substances like easily one of the top days for substance use
(via girlblocker)
if i had died in that fire my last (documented) words would’ve included the phrase “coping orgy.” much to ponder