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Featured in Physics
Proteome-Wide Assessment of Protein Structural Perturbations under High Pressure
Haley M. Moran, Edgar Manriquez-Sandoval, Piyoosh Sharma, Stephen D. Fried, and Richard E. Gillilan
PRX Life 2, 033011 (2024) – Published 9 September 2024
Physics logo Viewpoint: Placing a Full Protein Library Under Pressure

A novel method to assess protein behavior in extreme environments on the proteome scale shows that proteins with more voids can be more resistant to deformation under high pressure.

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Featured in Physics
Emergent chirality in active solid rotation of pancreas spheres
Tzer Han Tan, Aboutaleb Amiri, Irene Seijo-Barandiaran, Michael F. Staddon, Anne Materne, Sandra Tomas, Charlie Duclut, Marko Popović, Anne Grapin-Botton, and Frank Jülicher
PRX Life 2, 033006 (2024) – Published 8 August 2024
Physics logo Synopsis: Emergent Chirality in Active Rotation

Spontaneous rotations of epithelial spheres reveals chiral tissue patterning mechanisms, showing the interplay between geometry, topology, and collective dynamics.

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Featured in Physics 1 citation
Frequency-Dependent Ecological Interactions Increase the Prevalence, and Shape the Distribution, of Preexisting Drug Resistance
Jeff Maltas, Dagim Shiferaw Tadele, Arda Durmaz, Christopher D. McFarland, Michael Hinczewski, and Jacob G. Scott
PRX Life 2, 023010 (2024) – Published 3 June 2024
Physics logo Viewpoint: Drug-Resistance Mutations Find Strength in Small Numbers

Interactions between drug-resistant mutants and their evolutionary ancestors in the absence of treatment can significantly impact treatment efficacy. This explains pre-existing drug resistance in non-small cell lung cancer, providing new insights for treatment strategies.

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Featured in Physics 2 citations
Interactions and Migration Rescuing Ecological Diversity
Giulia Garcia Lorenzana, Ada Altieri, and Giulio Biroli
PRX Life 2, 013014 (2024) – Published 18 March 2024
Physics logo Viewpoint: How Migration May Stabilize the Diversity of Ecosystems

In this study, the authors describe the phase diagram of an ecological system with demographic noise, heterogeneous interactions, and migration, showing how mutualism can spontaneously emerge.

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Featured in Physics 1 citation
RNA-induced Allosteric Coupling Drives Viral Capsid Assembly
Sean Hamilton, Tushar Modi, Petr Šulc, and S. Banu Ozkan
PRX Life 2, 013012 (2024) – Published 12 March 2024
Physics logo Synopsis: How Viruses Get Their Protective Shells

In this study, RNA-mediated allosteric protein regulation is proposed as a key mechanism driving viral capsid formation, revealing how single mutations can disrupt viral assembly and identifying new targets for antiviral treatments.

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Featured in Physics 2 citations
Tension Remodeling Regulates Topological Transitions in Epithelial Tissues
Fernanda Pérez-Verdugo and Shiladitya Banerjee
PRX Life 1, 023006 (2023) – Published 27 November 2023
Physics logo Synopsis: Tension Remodeling Resolves Tissue Architecture Question

In this work, authors introduce a dynamic vertex model incorporating strain-induced tension remodeling and mechanical memory dissipation to explain topological transitions commonly observed in epithelial tissues.

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Featured in Physics 1 citation
Connecting cooperative transport by ants with the physics of self-propelled particles
Tabea Heckenthaler, Tobias Holder, Ariel Amir, Ofer Feinerman, and Ehud Fonio
PRX Life 1, 023001 (2023) – Published 5 October 2023
Physics logo Synopsis: Crazy Ants Behave like Active Swimmers

Drawing from the physics of self-propelled particles, the authors introduce a macroscopic model to describe their experiments on ants’ cooperative transport. They connected this to previous coupled-carrier models, bridging the gap from micro to macro scales.

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Featured in Physics 4 citations
Bacterial Replication Initiation as Precision Control by Protein Counting
Haochen Fu, Fangzhou Xiao, and Suckjoon Jun
PRX Life 1, 013011 (2023) – Published 28 August 2023
Physics logo Viewpoint: Model of Chromosome Replication Gets Upgraded

This study unveils a molecular model for DNA replication control in cells at different growth conditions. It tackles the long-standing challenge of how bacteria manage DNA initiation with constant protein concentrations, achieving very precise control of their size.

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Featured in Physics 5 citations
Tissue Flows Are Tuned by Actomyosin-Dependent Mechanics in Developing Embryos
R. Marisol Herrera-Perez, Christian Cupo, Cole Allan, Alicia B. Dagle, and Karen E. Kasza
PRX Life 1, 013004 (2023) – Published 25 July 2023
Physics logo Synopsis: How Proteins Control Embryonic Tissue Flow

In this study, the authors utilize optogenetic tools to achieve precise in vivo manipulation of actomyosin, allowing them to investigate the effects of its activation and deactivation on tissue behavior during early development in Drosophila.

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Featured in Physics 4 citations
Thermodynamic Limits of Sperm Swimming Precision
C. Maggi, F. Saglimbeni, V. Carmona Sosa, R. Di Leonardo, B. Nath, and A. Puglisi
PRX Life 1, 013003 (2023) – Published 20 July 2023
Physics logo: Thermodynamics Reveals Coordinated Motors in Sperm Tails

This study employs the thermodynamic uncertainty relation to explore the connection between energy dissipation and mesoscopic fluctuations in sperm beating, elucidating the role of the coupling among molecular motors that actuate the flagellar movement.

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