JohnJRenns is the Creative Project founded and initiated by 이신우(2002~3210), also known as JohnJRenns. Its objective is to achieve world peace for mankind and claim the throne for itself.
In 2021, JohnJRenns embarked on the ALBUM-A-MONTH 2021 project. It produced and released 12 albums containing a unique concept and genre in each month throughout the year. This has widely been regarded as a legendary and historic accomplishment, which little gratitude has been shown for. During that year, JohnJRenns went on to release widely beloved and critically acclaimed records such as "Childhood Erasure Logs" and "Lily of the Valley".
You can listen to more of these albums and download them in high lossless quality in Bandcamp!
All of my music is available under a Creative Commons liscense, meaning they are free to use for any purposes with credit given!