JEEP JEEP, a video game art experience where a Diasporic space traveler returns to their home planet to summon ancestors for the ultimate cosmic ride in a decked-out jeep. Travel across the outerspace archipelago offering coconuts that open hallucinatory portals, unveiling relatives that jubilantly display the traditional dances of this tropical neon planet. Conceived by artist Anna Luisa Petrisko as a ritual death of her musical alias and collaboration project “Jeepneys,” from which the game draws its imaginarium of sounds, colors, and movements. JEEP JEEP is as much a creation story as it is a death, collaboratively designed by a new Los Angeles-based collective who call themselves “Free Nell,” that includes artists and game designers Petrisko, Tonia Beglari (Browntourage), Bela Messex (Buddy System), and David Lyons (Within).