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Journal of Ecoacoustics

(ISSN: 2516-1466) Open Access Journal
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As a safeguard, we recommend that authors ensure that at the time of submission the following requirements are met.

Corresponding author and all co-authors

Full names, affiliations and full correspondence addresses are provided for all authors. A declaration of interest and funding statement has been obtained for each author. All co-authors meet the ICMJE authorship criteria, have reviewed and approved the final content of the manuscript, including the author list.


Acknowledgements contain contributors who do not qualify as authors, and are not included in the manuscript file.


The manuscript is original, has not been published previously and is not under consideration for publication in another journal at the time of submission. The manuscript has been carefully proofread.


The running head (short title) does not contain more than 60 characters.


The abstract does not exceed 500 words.

File Types

Manuscript text is submitted in MS Word file. Manuscript text file doesn’t contain any author information. Manuscript text file doesn’t contain declaration of interest, acknowledgements or funding statement. Figures and tables are submitted as separate files.


Submitted as high resolution jpg, tiff, png, or eps files for vector images. The minimum resolution is 300 ppi and the dimension is 5 by 5 cm. Figure legends/captions are not embedded in the files themselves (it will be added in the online submission system).


Tables are submitted in separate doc or docx files. Table titles are not included in the table files (it will be added in the online submission system).

Supporting material

Any supporting information is uploaded as separate files or URL for the site hosting supporting material is listed in the manuscript


Length of the article conforms to the requirement for the specific article type.


There are no more than three levels of heading.


Right reference style is applied as specified for the particular journal.


All figures, tables, supporting material and references are cited in the text.


Equations are provided in plain text or in MathML-convertible format.

Non-original material

You have permission to reproduce any non-original material included in the submission. The source and authors of non-original material is properly credited. 

Data sharing statement

The authors agree to share the data underlying the article after publication unless they provide a valid reason not to do so.

Ethics statement

If applicable, ethics statements have been included in the manuscript.


A tracked-changes version of the revised manuscript should be submitted. A point by point response to the reviewer and editor comments is provided.