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A member registered Dec 07, 2020

Recent community posts

Are you kidding me? Subscribe star won't let you type your feck'n birthdate in?  You got to scroll?!  What about us old fucks?  Hell you'll have the next update out before I prove I'm old as shit.... Lol

Love the progression so far!  Hate to be 'that guy' but where is the Lyx Love?  You got a bunch of quest lines with her but nothing has moved in a while... the cave...the bar...the robot...the nexus...pick one and run with it man! :)  And are ya ever going to give a way to fix Gwen?  I got guilt ferrets!

Wow...dude...awesome semi closure with Kana (no spoilers)  Damn near needed a tissue...  HEAD PATS!  YAY!

sweet...can't find any others :)

Bug in the goblin quest...keeps giving scat quest over and over. 

Happy B-day CK and  great job Arc!  Most dev's either loose their drive or have a psychological break by now!  still going strong.

The shiny gardevoir...says random scene.  Where? Random room?  Random travel? Is she a small hidden doll in a Random sex scene or prominent figure?

Is the shiny Gardevoir still bugged?  Any patch soon?

Top bar in reception offers "outside"-  I missed it too

just think- one more year and you can opt for the Team Crazy bomber jacket or the fuzzy bunny slippers.

in your bedroom you have a wardrobe option.  you can change what some characters look like

so...can I cook anything more than ramen?  Pantry is getting full here...having university flash backs.  <slurps noodles>

with so many games not updating for months I don't think 2 or even 3 weeks will get many people twitchy.  :)

(2 edits)

love everything so far!  I WAS going to mention a bug with Emma's room but ya found it.  :)  Ok...move along...nothing to see here. :)

Heal Well!  ...and thanks for the Info.  It's always good to keep the Hope Fires burning.  Ya got a solid game and as you can see (I hope by now) you got a solid following.  :) 

(1 edit)

THANK YOU!  At least I know the possible cause and the IS a fix...if the creators care to try.

yeah- I'm running 11 since i try to keep everything updated for other reasons.  So few games crash like this I think there might be more creators updating. 
If JYP decides to update I would love to give this a test :) 

yeah we chatted about it a while back.  There is always the possibility of it being a hardware issue but yours is only one of 3 games that Crash  like this.  just trying to see if others have the same issue.

I really love the storyline and the characters but is anyone else having major crashing issues on Android?  "intermittent" crashing has become annoying past the fun of the game.  It started about 3 updates ago and has gotten worse.  It's gotten to the point where I need to save every 2-3 screen taps.

(1 edit)

did all that for the android tablet and it still blows.  never had issues with my PC .  FINALLY got it downloaded and installed to have all the menus to be off screen- like it's set for phone play.  too much of a pain in the ass to fiddle with settings to play .

thanks though.

Woohoo!  :)  looking good Ari!

I really wanted to give the game a try but MEGA sucks balls as a file xfer service.  Over 30 min on a fiber line and still waiting.  Ya might want to offer a few options.

:)  Anytime.  Someone else reminded me about that so now it's me second step.

I keep getting this for a few of the games on my tablet.  I reboot the tablet before I try to install.  If that don't work I free up some space (remove old apps...empty trash...whatever)  That fixes it most of the time.   Good Luck.

Best way to speed things is get more support for the Creator.  Monthly support allows them to spend more hours on the game or pay to farm out the grunt work.  Cash inflow allows them to get better equipment to run renders faster.  

I've seen some creators go from part time (just for kicks) to support enough to quit the day job and have weekly updates.

I totally get where you are coming from though.  I have a 4-5 game rotation where I play to where I can, then save.   Move my save to a special folder then uninstall.  When I get an update alert I reinstall and move my save.  Wash. Rinse. Repeat.   :) 

Problem with  STEAM is that they are all over the place on what is allowed and what is bannable.  Had another creator get kicked from STEAM b/c one character "seemed too young".  Creator had an age 18 disclaimer and if they bothered to follow the story would see the character in question  was from University.  Got them zip.

I hope this one don't crash every 3-4 steps.  Loving everything so far but constantly saving is getting old fast.

1.  stop typing in all caps - ya savages.

2.  Just stopping in to say Runey's work has been top notch.  Great storylines...indepth characters...cool graphics and (unlike so many other games) no crashes!

3.  everyone  try to have a safe and happyday...no pressure

(More Jin and Moon please) :)

Congrats!  shame about steam.  Wonder why a simple age disclaimer at the start isn't good enough for them. :/  

love the latest!   Two quick questions-  Can we advance with the quiet girl in the library yet or did I miss something.  Second...any plans to expand the dungeon abilities?

I'll give it a shot.  I think I have a few things that can get dumped but normally I keep things lean to begin with. : )  Thanks

still getting random crashes every few steps on Android tablet.  let me know if you need more details.  I'm saving every 3 or 4 steps and it kind of takes away from enjoying the story.

Helpful info to have:  What are you installing on.  

Normally updates for android are simple.  You Download them and run them.  They find the already installed version and add/change what needs to be updated.  NORMALLY the saves still work and you can load them the next time you play from the load menu in game.  

Sometimes some glitch happens or the creator upgraded some tool and it needs a full wipe and a fresh install.  They normally will tell you if that is the case.  Depending again what you are playing on that is also an easy fix.  Find and copy the saved game folder and put it back after the new install.  It varies per platform so I'm not giving details till I know more. 

So... I have been having crashing issues in the past but chronic saving still let me enjoy your work on my android Tablet.  However this last update goes through all the motions of installing to give me a pop up telling me APP NOT INSTALLED.

Is this update going to require a full reinstall to work?  I've had to do it in the past for it not to be able to use saved data.  I mean it's quality all the way so I don't mind having to redo everything -it's just a PITA and takes up a bunch of time.  Let me know if you do platform troubleshooting and need more details or if I should try to catch Ixalon.  Last version that installed fine was 0.3

Thanks Caribdis for the great story so far!

LOL- You thought that was rude?  Bitch Please! After you come in here, kick in the door and piss all over the coffee table?  What do you expect?  Some sweet cakes and an espresso?  You're lucky Undid commented before some of the others here did.  That was POLITE.

K has been working around the censors for years now.  You think it's lazy writing?  Put up or shut your gob. Drop a link to YOUR game and we will compare who can do it better...FOR FREE.  Not a game maker?  Not a Storyteller?  Then just where do you get the qualifications to judge someone who does?  Did you pay for it?  Are you a member of K's patreon? 

Undid kindly gave you the patch link, which as he noted is all over the place or can be found with a simple google search.

K is always up for constructive criticism and feedback.  Even changed a few things due to it.  Hey you never know- a relationship menu might be in the future.  If you only presented it like a civil human and not a one handed typing spanker.  Crying about the shattered  illusion of banging your whole family will not give your suggestion more merit. What you did, in your first post, was troll. 

There.  Now ladies and gents, we have an example of RUDE.

Honestly Dude.  If you really give a shit about this game and story and want to see changes like that hook up with Killer's patreon.  Join the Discord server.  Be a part of the Fam and not a wanker.  :D 

Killer- you wonderful story teller you-  

Been loving your works for a while and I know I have said it a few times but I have to say it again.    Don't Rush it.  Don't FORCE it.  Don't feel you have a solid deadline.  We can just deal with a week or two off your target date.  I can't list the amount of Billion dollar AAA games that RUSHED, FORCED and bludgeoned their designers to insanity to make the Holiday Gold Press.  What they produced was buggy crap the Mod community had to clean up to play. (cough-Bethesda-cough)  

Even here in Itch  there are those who rush to make a self induced deadline and I get bugs from major game crashing code to english translations so bad it would make you squint.

YOU, however, have had very little go wrong in the scope of things.  Well that we have seen.  I'm sure there have been a dumpster fire or two in Alph.  Anyway- You make a clean game (well... clean of bugs ;) )  You take pride in your work and it shows.  

Go with your Gut and go at your own pace.  We'll be here :)  

Thank you for the Stories. :) 

I have to say both of titles have been great.  I love the Nods to MNF in MNM...some very funny - some very subtle.  I JUST finished MNM (again) [had to port to a PC from a tablet] and bought it on Steam.  Can't wait for next Chapter.  Now I can catch up on MNF!  Thanks Killer!  You works are well done.  Story driven and Not DEPENDANT on the lewds.  Still nice to have though ;) 

Seriously peeps- Snag them on Steam or join Killer7's Patreon. At least keep a supply of coffee going for 'em.

or try fishing without water :)