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A member registered Aug 15, 2023

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Ok, i was surfing through game files and found CG of Chika and wonder now. Will she maybe have some twisted peronality=0 or it just random post

that doesn`t make situation lot better

I hope i am not bothered you TOO much with questions, but here is one more. Is girls okay with our character look like... Kid. I mean with that in mind scene with troublesome guy seems kinda weird to me, and as if it wasn`t enough girls had some... interesting interactions with our protagonist. Doubt they just accepted the fact of our illness. I mean they accepted but in some backthought don`t they think how it will look like from third party`s perspectve? or is it just me... Well its not hella important question, but its also an ability to say HOW DA HELLA WORK you put in your project. I actually haven`t noticed changes in remasters till BB appeared but then i looked closer and realized that changes is huge.  i appreciate such hardworking and thk a lot

that meant to be ref to Minecraft 2b2t server where admin name is ChaosMaster

your Nickname sound familiar to me... With two b and two t

that reply gives me place for theorytising =P

well height really can be different if compare different people, btw i cannot understand in 5 ft`s. Please in.. other way. I mean in my 14 i was 149 centimeter and its really low and i had classmates who was about 172 or more.

he is short, like 14 years boy. Check photos on left of game main screen where all characters shown

BTW nice profile picture

okay, i think last question for all time, till update. Will virus actually come back like Afton used to, or its already gone forever?

i do understand that being realistic wpuld be kinda impossible. And not only about  just be like real, but more like relationships between protagonist and animatronics. Anyway huge thanks for reading it all, i appreciate it♡

okay i thought for a bit and came up with some more words to say. i mean it`s more like about characters and plot

I am not intended to do offence or anything, but if we look at all more precicly plot is kinda... predictable? We cannot coinfirm how protagonist look like, but seeing everyone falling into interest with him makes me ask questions. I mean if he had no friends till animatronics via bullying, and all girls like fell in love or just liking from first meeting makes me wonder about sociaty(i dont remember how word spelled, sorry). And the way how things turning all so fast in very first meeting our character was greeeted he already wills to help withered ones like he knew them for ages, my apology, but what he owe them? He don` even know them much, and his dones are good and probably some ideal like character would do the same, but what would normal person do? That just feels... unrealistc? Yeah, me talking about realistcs in game with spirits, but still, i hope it was clear what i was trying to say.

NExt to say is animatronics. I won`t lie, it was insanly hard for me to choose with who i will hang out first. Because i even didn` knew that i`ll be able to talk with all of them, i had my hard time choosing. Yeah i thought i can only choose three or two lol. Lets start with Freddy. I mean she is good character if we hang out with her and stuff, her tsundere personality is interesting i won` lie, but not mine type actually. Still like her tho, espesially after mini event with her and Goldy. That was something i wasn` excpecting and i liked that a lot. Bonnie - is cute asf. I really enjoyed my time with her and gaming group it was really fun and stuff. Being active and optimistic actually lighten up my mood while playing so 10/10. Chika... I mean even in game was said that she is... usual. That actually makes her unusual how ironic that wasn` to mention, cant say anything about her tho, i mean she is cool, cute and all, but i`d like to get more dialoges with her? Dunno. Foxy. Her story and her way of acting caught me of guard really. I actually never thought why in FNAF was that sign and you get that idea like... new to me. She is among my favorites thats for sure. I mean i like all of them, but here is someone i`ll definatly can put higher in ,y fav list. Mangle. I can`t say if she is opposite of Foxy, but she is cute and everything. Espesially scene with tale and warming up. Too cute. Imho i liked her from very game beginning should i even say something else? BB. Well i liked her a lot. Her sister-like acting just was too... In her type? Imean that matched her, and i had good, noo, great time talking with her and everything. Pupper. She is different definatly. She has some wise vibe and all and knowing her story actually makes me a bit sad.(but i had some conflicted feelings due FNAF lore and her story and names.) Also reminded me about one alive tomb song if you know. I can`t say she was boring, opposite of that. Chatting with her was mostly relaxing and interesting all the time, but there was one thing i didn`t like(ill tell later), Goldy and Springy. I would like to talk about both of em. Idea of their story really great, i was curios about their fate all time and ref to the game name was cool. There is not much to say but i just like em, you know? I think they are interesting characters for sure and in reality i would talk to them 100%(well with all of them but yeah)

Side characters. I really want to see Roger`s sprites. I can imagine yeah, but it would be cool of he would have his own too. Troublesome guys and curios kids. I mean i would love to see more of daytime activity. Like why troublesome people would only hang out around Mangle?(i know why, but lets pretend). It would be at least refreshing to see Foxy just making that guy regrets his decisions. Also would be some interesting act berwenn kids and like BB. Maybe some kids who loves hugging TOO MUCH? Just idea nothing more.

In conclusion of all extras i wanted to add that in end of game, i realized i don`t want NSFW i originally came for. And just having some talks about them is... Well cannot describe what i feel. But espesially weird i felt when it happened woth Chika(reminds me of me talking not much with her), Pupper(i mean that obvios right?)  and others as well.

Last but not least is virus/ Why not attempt of making it`s symptomes on new cast on animatroniks and protagonist and golden ones helping cure it? I want more action(oh also hoped for some robbers to conme at night lol)

THats all... ITS HUGE WTF, thanks if you read it all

okay, that makes me more curios. I mean if we lose game(purposly or not) we will just get gameover screen or there would be some lines? i also have some more ideas of minigames, but i won`t tell them until everything about that topic will be clear. I understand how difficult it might be, still hoping for lots of content, just like that universe(i belive this is exactly not version but universe) will grow more. Also i am kinda in sad and touchy(in heartbreaking meaning) stuff so suggestions might be same as my interests lol

thk for reading
dunno if i got that correct but what exactly you meant by "decided against the bad routes" does that mean yes or no lol
also about minigames. I understand that this is hard, and i am not forcing or anything, you already donr great work so far. I mean whatever you`ll decide i`ll support

here some extra questions lol
why do we have DOOM music in game files... That makes me feel nervous for future updates
Who is Ellis

i was searching in gamefiles and found some stuff about new office and others. Does that mean we will have visual update later? Also wondering about sequel? And if its not forbidden to ask, can maybe William become at least a bit more interesting character, than be just villian without motive, backstory, feeelings at least. Doubt he feel only urge to kill and... Well its already too much lol

okay, i already read some topics and i think of some silly stuff. Dunno if you know undertale, but you can make some easter eggs for names Mike, William, Cassady, dunno, its just suggestion. Also, about more routes with girls hating us. Actually i thought about it before, but in a bit different way. What if our night guard will close doors before Freddy enter room? i mean it will lead us to fast ending where we unaware of things and just staying alone, not helping anyone. Personally its something i would definatly do if i was on protagonist place. close doors and hide somewhere XD. I mean it`s like he will be from game nightguard. Still i share same thoughts about hurting to see them hate me, but actually that would make more... contact with us? I mean we will hold some responsability for dones. Also i wondered about some minigames. Like repairing golden ones, i somewhy it would be in game 100%, but nope. It`s not dissapointing but i think it will be at least interesting to be in game. Yeah, i am probably asking for too much, but hope that at least i will be seen lol

Okay, dunno if my previos review was here or not, but i still want to leave one more in any case. Warning - bad English incoming(or maybe not if i am lucky, not native speaker). I want to start review from whole game thoughts. Game is perfect, litterally. Honestly, i didn`t see that was novel while downloaded game, i just was curios about all FNiA content, and was sceptical about it when started. But after... Dunno 5 minutes i already was into game. I finished it as fast as possible, because i really wanted to know story more than anything. And tbh, sometimes story repetative. Yeah, that is explainable, but i noticed at least two or three times when phrases was same from different character. But despite that i still like game alot. Next topik is characters. Cant pick one to like more, really, i love all of them. Making me feel myself more like protagonist that way lol. Events was good, miniepisodes are great. Only one purple character wasn`t good at all. For reasons, but he felt... well unfinished, predictable... dunno hah... Ti sum up: its veeery good novel and it makes you feel complitly different from main game and even fnaf overall. It`s like game connected to them, but with it`s rules. I honestly would like to see more. in curiosity i found myslef in game files(i belive i shouldn`t) and found some stuff never appeared in game itself, and was surprised. Wish all great to author, hope for more updates and who knows... Maybe sequel?(am i hoping for too mush lol?) THk for a game=)