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Kenneth Dodrill

A member registered Apr 04, 2019 · View creator page →

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If you are ever interested in providing a Linux version, I would be happy to purchase and give some feedback. Looks cool.

That’s a quick timeline! Very cool about your playtesters making campaigns for you to play.

I have been playing a lot and am entirely enjoying it. Working on the last blue key right now in the upper monster-block zone. The eyes are by far my favorite, really enjoyed that section. The slug section really stumped me several times, think I have spent the most time overall there so far.

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Thank you very much for the explanation! This is very cool stuff. So you even wrote all the editing tools for the graphics and audio yourself? Super impressive, I’m blown away honestly. I suppose the fact that you used to write things for Mac using the system APIs allows the binary to be less than a megabyte (!).

I have been looking through some of the code you linked. There is a lot here, and it’s clear how much work you have put into all of this. I agree that doing things yourself often ends up being the best solution. I started with Godot and have worked down more to now using Raylib with C. I don’t have much time for game development anymore, though. I also saw some conditionals for iPhone and Android…I’m sure some people would enjoy a game like this on mobile.

When did you start working directly on Leaf’s Odyssey? Curious as to how long it took you to complete. I bought the game a few minutes after posting, and I’m really enjoying it so far. Since you talked about it; the title screen scene is great. The controller re-mapper works really well too…better than some modern AAA games! Looking forward to designing some levels after I play more.

Just curious, if you don’t mind me asking…what tools did you use to make this? The file size is so small it makes me think you made your own engine. Or, it’s not one of the big 3 at the very least…would love to know, thanks!

Cool themes, graphics, and music. It’s a shame the game has so many bugs and frame-rate issues. My fps was all over the place, the game would stutter a lot, freezes are to be expected, and the game crashed while loading a save (at which point I stopped playing). I also had many quests just never “resolve” in the quest log, even though they were. I had one time where I exhausted dialogue, completed a quest, yet the reward was not unlocked. Fights are hindered by the frame-rate issues and stuttering. The terraworm boss fight frustrated me to no end; I almost quit playing. I wish I could get a refund.

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Chromebooks use ChromeOS, and this game supports only Windows and Linux, so it won’t work. Like FromDark2Light said, you can try and install Linux onto your Chromebook, but most Chromebooks have very low system specs so I doubt this game will run that well if you can manage to get Linux on your Chromebook.


Keeps randomly crashing on Linux. At first it crashed shortly after talking to the first character, then later it crashed right after the gas station.

From investigating the MIT-SHM error, I’m wondering if older versions of Renpy don’t work with newer Mesa versions (I saw a lot of comments saying that after upgrading Mesa they got this error from various code).

Curious as to what Renpy version this game is on…perhaps it needs to be updated to the latest if it is older.

Oh, I meant to mention that I played on Linux and had no problems other than that. So it could very well be a Unity + Linux issue, but not sure.

When using the mouse to look around in the dark forest, if you look far enough to one side it can’t go farther. I feel like I have had this happen to me when developing first person games…but can’t remember what the problem was. Using the arrow keys I had no problems though.

Also, just 100%’d the game! Left you guys a review. I really enjoyed it!

Hey, this was cool! Impressive for being made in a month.

Thank you for providing the log. That is definitely weird. Mine shows a similar log, and yeah I don’t see any warnings…hmm. So it is just a black screen? Do you see any text or graphics?

Huh, that’s interesting. What browser and OS are you using if you don’t mind me asking? Also, the game is pretty small at 13MB if you’re worried about space. The code is also open source, but I understand if you’re worried about downloading things onto your computer. That’s okay :)

I think you could omit the monster honestly, the atmosphere of your game is enough to make it interesting. Might even make it more spooky. Maybe just play some more sound effects to make the player feel like something is close by. Adding some more secrets (like what is in the cabin) would help too.

This was cool. I like the atmosphere a lot. The shaders (or maybe animations?) you threw on the game to make the pixels move around is a nice touch. Really great work for a first game. I liked the controls as well, not too often you see 3D + point and click.

I did encounter a bug where the first key I picked up (near the admin doors) came back after I picked up my 2nd key. So that confused me for a bit, but I figured it out. Would be great to see an ending to this game, hope you keep working on it!

Very interesting that you started with UltimateDoomBuilder! I suspect Unreal has some kind of DOOM template through an addon or something, did you use that or did you make all this on your own?

I like the idea of the different levels mutating the difficulty and/or enemies.

That’s interesting about the steam deck fps, I’m curious: are you running the game natively on there using the Linux version, or are you using Proton with the windows version? I’d be curious to know how each performs. I played this game on Linux by the way.

That makes sense about the features of Unreal vs GZDOOM. Unreal certainly has a large toolkit.

The last time I used Trenchbroom I was using a plugin for Godot that imported maps from it into Godot. I enjoyed using it, making maps was pretty easy. It may be more targeted at Quake though, not sure.

Oh, I forgot to mention last time that I finished a few levels and then I accidentally walked off the platform as it was going up. So I couldn’t get to the next level. Maybe you can block the player in when they get on the elevator.

Anyways, no problem for the feedback. Glad to help.

Was good for a COD zombies clone for a game jam. Shooting felt good. Maybe some knockback or small stun on enemies when shooting them would be good. Some positional sound for the enemies would be helpful (like little insect leg sounds), I wasn’t sure exactly where they were coming from most of the time.

Thank you for the feedback! Ship controls and moving out of bounds definitely seems to be the biggest problem with the game. I probably should’ve gone more asteroids-like with how objects end up on the other side of the screen if they go out of bounds. Or maybe using a camera that follows the player.

Yeah the AI is…functional lol. I wanted to make it better, and tried messing around with different values for them. This is certainly the most math I have used for game dev, I probably need to actually sit down and learn trig for stuff like this. I hate trig though.

This was interesting. I hadn’t heard of the Arduboy before, so I did some research. Almost bought one actually, but figured I wouldn’t play it much. I explored some of the tools you used and it seems like there’s quite a community around it.

I like the art style for this game, it made me wish there was some sound to go along with it. It’s certainly unique. I did have some trouble navigating though, I think when you have a smaller screen “less is more” rings true. I often wasn’t sure exactly what I was looking at except for some of the more zoomed-in areas like the pond and of course the ending. I would probably be very lost without the compass.

I liked the visuals of this, and the music fit. The UI is nice and simple. I wasn’t sure what the phone did or if I could interact with it. I saw some other comments that said this, but yeah I would try and avoid the jumpscare route. Building up the atmosphere in this game would make it a lot scarier I think.

Players don’t necessarily need to see a monster, but just feel like it could show up at anytime. Try to take out all the jumpscares and have someone else play it in front of you. If they keep looking behind them in the game, you’ve built some atmosphere just by having cool visuals. Maybe try adding some rustling noises here and there. These are just ideas, hope that all makes sense.

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The level design reminds me a lot of the intro scene to Metal Gear Solid. I like the visuals and the music sounded good (could be turned up by default some more).

I ran across some bugs/issues though. My framerate wasn’t very good throughout, I haven’t used Unreal Engine before so I’m not sure how you could try and fix that. Some of the boxes in the first level rotated with my character, so jumping on them sent me flying. Sometimes it felt like I couldn’t shoot as fast as I could click.

If you are trying to make a DOOM-like game, maybe try to make an IWAD for DOOM / GZDOOM. There are a lot of tools out there for it and they come with support for basic item placement and stuff like that. Might be quicker to prototype out that way. Trenchbroom is a map editor I have used before.

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Hey there, you forgot to include the .pck file for Linux (notice the difference in file size), so the game doesn’t launch.

Also, I think you are using Godot: the Linux version doesn’t need that .sh file, us Linux guys can just run the .x86_64 file.

Let me know when you update it and I’ll be happy to play (I’m part of the game jam you submitted to!)

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This was really cool. The atmosphere was great, the audio and graphics style fit very well together. I had to replay it a few times because I wasn’t sure exactly what I needed to do. The sound that should make the player want to walk towards the cabin didn’t register to me, I just thought the monster was making a noise or something. But after I explored the map some I found it. I always enjoy environmental storytelling so it was cool to see the weird stuff in there.

I did encounter a bug where (before I found the cabin), I fished a few times and then I couldn’t fish anymore. It kept saying “you already have a fish to offer”, but I had already placed the fish down and after a few minutes I just ended up restarting the game.

Oh, and I think it’s cool that the monster was so big, but it might be more scary if he was smaller. That way I couldn’t know where he was at all times, could make it more intense.

I played the Linux version and it worked fine.

Agreed, I was looking for a smaller jam and this was perfect. Hope everyone else enjoyed it too!

Hey there, went back and played some more and really enjoyed it! I didn’t encounter any freezes. Again, the art style is great and I liked the variety of enemies. Seems like you already put some roguelike-type effects/items in there, I just never got past that frozen bug before! Really great job so far!

Gotcha, that’s what I figured. I’m on Linux, if you end up exporting to Linux let me know and I would be happy to test it.

Thank you!

Was wondering why my tab for your game suddenly had a 404. That’s unfortunate, sorry to hear that. You can probably ask the host to re-submit if you can get it working, since there are 2 weeks for ratings.

I know it’s past the submission date, but if you want to upload a Linux version I can test it for you. Are there any errors reported by Unity when trying to build for macOS or Linux? You will probably have to go to the Unity Hub and download some files to be able to export to Linux. I haven’t used Unity much so I’m not sure. I don’t mind trying to help though.

Spooky. That breathing sound effect is scary. I’m glad there were no jumpscares honestly…just having him follow you is scary enough. The lighting was good, but I do think the crosses could be a little more easy to spot. Maybe adding some more textures on the walls would be cool. Nice job.

This is a good tower defense game. I only played about 10 mins or so, because it was pretty easy. Slapping rocket towers down everywhere is very strong. Do you currently scale difficulty with the types/numbers of towers the player has? Or is it a set difficulty that changes over time?

This is a cool idea. I hadn’t heard of the games that you listed that were inspirations, so I will have to check those out. Like you mentioned on the game page, limited fuel sounds like a good challenge. The difficulty of the game is largely based on the players’ patience, so I think some modifiers would make it more interested (not sure what those would be besides the ones you listed though). I’m curious about what game library/engine you chose if you don’t mind sharing.

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Nice visuals. Unfortunately, I got stuck on the door right before the first mini-boss. I was confused on the fact that I was picking up the 1’s…maybe pressing E or something would help with that. The core of the game seems fun overall, and your enemies/character are cool. Might be cool to update your thumbnail with the character’s face with that distorted effect on it.

EDIT: went back and played some more. Core gameplay is pretty good. The gun vastly outpowers the sword though. It’s cool you can deflect bullets with the sword, so maybe level 2 should focus on that more…or maybe you have certain rooms that focus on that? I definitely wanted more reach with the sword though. Also, picking up the 1’s one-by-one (ha) is fairly tedious…maybe you can just show a counter for them and “collect” them with an action like mentioned above.

For making in 5 hours, very nice job. Definitely seems more mobile-friendly. I think if you wanted to do something more hardcore, less tap-to-win and more thinking puzzles so to speak…perhaps you can play around with boundaries and allowing the player to traverse the map outside of the squares. Then Arrow block could maybe have a number on it like how many blocks it will spawn in a row, and maybe the player has to exit at a certain block position.

Went back and played more! I didn’t try jumping the other way on a wall, I should have! I guess I am used to modern mario 2D games where you can do that while holding towards the wall. It works great though! The game is pretty tough, which I like. I’ll come back and play some more tomorrow. I will say that sometimes I think I’m going to land fine but I (just barely) catch a corner of the terrain and end up falling. Are there any vertical levels later on? The wall jump works really well!

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I like the idea of a mechanic-based card game. I think some music and sfx could do the game well. The art style is really cute. I did have some difficulty moving around the map with my keyboard, so maybe you could implement a mouse-based movement instead (would possibly be easier for touch input as well if you plan on mobile support). Clicking on a map node seems more intuitive to me. I couldn’t figure out the pipe puzzles…I kept restarting it as they seemed impossible to solve.

Got a score of 783. Fun game! I think you could probably speed up the intensity / difficulty of the game. It was fairly easy until I got the 4-shot blaster.

Nice name. I liked it. I agree with what the previous comment says, maybe some bigger collision boxes would work better. It’s interesting that the enemies sort of fade away and come back, and the barrel design is unique.

Great art. The web version kept freezing on me after I killed the first enemy (right after the damage counter shows up). I think it might be good to add more roguelike-type effects and items for the combat to really work well.

Good trivia game. As the previous comment says, very polished UI. Nice job.

Interesting concept. The text was sort of hard to read for me, I think maybe spacing it out would be better (with some newlines maybe for dislike/like). Perhaps some more information about places and people on mouseover would be good (through a pop-up or something), and that would better help the decision.