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A member registered Jan 25, 2021 · View creator page →

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Second this. Losing items every time a new area was loaded. 

Thanks! The last weapon making you feel the power was a goal. I could not find the time to add in effects like camera shake to accentuate it, but I am glad that you felt it nonetheless!

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So Itch.io apparently did not save my rating. I played this game like a week ago, on the second day of rating, and now I come here to see it not saved. Thank goodness you commented on my game, or I could have gone by not noticing 😓.

Is there any word that could describe this awesome game? I think not. I really like how all over the place everything is, very fitting of the theme. I mean, dragons and brains that zap you. Also loved how chaotic the progression was. Once you unlock the 2x investor upgrade and "gotta go faster" upgrade (if I remember the name correctly), the game just breaks. Awesome! At one point I had too many coins and could not buy anything because I hit the 64 bit int limit or something and it was amazing. Even if it kinda crashed the game. Well done, one of my most favourite games this jam.

My reply is a  bit late, but thanks! I am glad you enjoyed the game. :)

Sorry for the late reply, but thanks!

Yeah, the sword IS quite frustrating. I was debating just removing the thing, as it does not really fit the idea of being overpowered I was going with. But then I could not come up with something else, so I just increased the attack range and called it a day. Yes, I basically x2-ed the attack range of the sword, and am very glad I did that lol. Very happy you enjoyed it!

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Thanks a lot!

Thanks! Took me quite a bit to get there, NGL.

Wow! I spent a while to finish this game, and never got bored! Well done, dude. BTW, I got soo many coins, it became Too Many and the game crashed due to 64 bit limitations! Awesome game, one of the best so far!

Probably one of the best games I have played so far. Well done, truly!

Nice game, was quite fun. The wave 5 zombie boss was a bit tough though, and I grinded a lot to get past it ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Now that! that was very chaotic! Well done!

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I kinda figured out that the enemies the right always spawned at the player's y level, so I camped and got a ton of points ;D

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Damn, fun!!! This was a great experience! I kinda just cheesed the last level by shooting just one bullet and waiting for it to hit all the switches lol. 

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I didn't realize you could reload till after quite a while, and it made it soooo much more fun. Great game!

Edit: My score was 350. Could have kept going but my hand was starting to hurt lol.

Controller didn't work for me on windows, but wow, it was quite a lot of fun lol. Great game!

I really liked the entire idea, and it did indeed get quite chaotic nearing the end, so well done!


How do you pass Level 2?? I can't get to 5 days without dying due to decay!

Thanks for the kind words, and I'm glad you were able to finish the game. I'll rate yours as soon as I'm on my computer!


Sorry about that, I did not realise how hard the game really was! I am trying to get better, because I am terrible at balancing the difficulty.

So simple yet so effective. I spent way too long on this game lol.

Thanks a lot for your kind words!

Thanks a lot! I royally failed to balance the difficulty of the game, so yeah. Good luck!

Woah! Combat with the Tanks feels AWESOME! Well done overall!

Difficult, but fun! Well done!

Amazing. Great concept executed well!

Amazing Idea! Would make for a fun mobile game.

Hey! Thanks for giving it a shot. I tend to make my games quite difficult, so not your probably awesome skills. I did try to make this one easier though... I'll just have to try harder next time lol.

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Actually, could you provide the command-line interface as an option? I mean, the default could be cards, but tinkering with this command line tool was immense fun, at-least for me.

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Ah yes. I completely forgot about playtesting! Especially if you have many, many levels. Scriptable objects do make everything easier anyways. Thanks for the reply! 😁

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Isn't the point of DontDestroyOnLoad to carry an object over to the next scene? If that us the case, why do you need new instances of the object in all scenes? Won't it just carry the object over from the one scene over to all other scenes?

Wait... I just realised you made Sam's adventure! It's one of my favourite games from this jam!

Thank you!

Honestly, just an analog jump would have made all the difference, but I did not have the time. Sorry...

That is really what I learnt from this jam. This is my 2nd ever game jam, and I have learnt by playing other people's games and all the feedback I have been getting that my levels tend to be a bit same-y. So, thanks for the feedback! I will definitely use this in any other games I make! 

This is t he only game I have given all 5 stars. You deserve it 'Lad'.

Damn. nice game. Well done.

Noooooooo turn off motion blur!!