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A member registered Jun 10, 2020 · View creator page →

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i watched the vod of you playing and the fact you got one of the two creepy version of the hints early on was kind of sad... made me realize i shouldve made them a lot more sparse, at least early on, because the early hints are actually meant to be useful; you can learn how to bat projectiles away from them and  i THINK theres a hint about how to get the true ending. the game didnt lose faith in you - part of the gameboy soul to me has always been games that were tweaked just a little bit too hard, similar to like nes games being like a little bit too unforgiving - and the empty hint twice in a row is also a haunted game effect, not the game running out of hints lol. also, as for the hints, i shouldve made it maybe clearer that theyre meant to be hints for secret collectables that tie into the haunted-ness of the game. i kinda wrote them 2-3 hours before i submitted the project so they're maybe not the best. you need four at the minimum and there are 6 total to get. the second level also isnt the worst that it gets in terms of unforgiving platforming - i believe 3-1 is the level most people have had grief with so far. hope you enjoy the game if you do pick it up after the jam is done and thanks for the play and rating! 

this is extremely confounding and i had no idea what i was doing. it felt like a game i wasn't supposed to be playing. this is the kind of thing i'm looking for in games as a whole - fantastic job!

although the text wasn't very readable i found this as a homage to the movie halloween really cute. the graphics are simple and feel very gameboy-esque, reminds me a lot of pokemon. good job!

really neat feeling game, very nice puzzles, very charming. great job!

The game has a lot of potential to be expanded in interesting ways from this very basic start. Basic is good, it means that you have opportunity for some really engaging emergent gameplay. However the game is held back by its collisions. Presentation is great, as is the music and the fact that it changes depending on the in-game situation. I found myself very frustrated at the end due to the combination of length, unforgiving hitboxes, and the three different paths you're meant to choose at the end that are just a death sentence if you choose (arbitrarily) wrong. A good entry otherwise!

really nice game, lots of gameboy soul imo, the graphics are fantastic and elegant

really pretty game! a little frustrating to have to deal with the guy and the mechanics don't feel very easy to understand but the game itself feels nice to play and  the graphics are really really well done,  great job

Pretty great and fun game aside from the initial confusion caused by trying to interpret the initial input stuff, otherwise i found the game pretty cool and definitely in the realm of 'timekiller' gameboy game, the kind of stuff  youd play on a long car ride. over all pretty good! very clean presentation as well

You make a great point about the help screen thing! Thank you!

I liked the visuals of this a lot, with some more polish they could look even greater. The controls felt a tadbit awkward - maybe doing something where you aim with the mouse pointer could feel more natural. Great job!

Very interesting way to go about making a game about the idea of the void - the presentation is very clean, and although the voice acting is a little awkward at points, it ultimately works out very well. The controls feel awkward at times, and i think that the gameplay could be presented in a clearer way, but there's something to the idea that to win the game you have to have the right mentality, that you can't just sit there and reminisce but actually do something to honour those memories, and ultimately, enjoy yourself as you accept the ultimate void. Very interesting, thought provoking entry.

The presentation in this is extremely clean and by far the best part of it. With some polish this would be probably in my top 5 for this jam - the entry is only held back by the controls feeling a little less than smooth and kind of clunky feeling hitboxes. Fantastic job, though!

Very cool idea, driven specifically but the arcade vibe that the non-standard control scheme uses! Does a lot with very little in terms of graphics and sound, overall a very clean and well made project. Great job!

The gunplay feels a little awkward, but i find this entry cute in many ways. The graphics, for one, which are very neat, and the foley is very charming. Great job!

The comic style introduction was really neat! As far as the gameplay goes, it feels pretty neat for a mario & luigi style turn-based action rpg thing, but what i think this misses is a more clear tells for what direction the attack is going to go. Also, there's a bug where i can interrupt a special attack using a regular attack in the middle of it!

Really neat! The graphics look great, and could look greater with some more polish added like animations.

Very tight submission. Game reminds me a lot of flash games from the bygone era of early internet - really crunchy gameplay style, but some puzzle solutions feel a little obscure and don't give me that "a-ha!" moment. Otherwise this entry is really fantastic, the sound design is very minimalist but very very satisfying, likewise for the graphics. Doing a lot with very little. Great job!

I'm not sure if i'm supposed to be doing anything, but the control feel good! 

Very very VERY fun concept! This could have a lot of potential for a very fun game if you tighten the controls a little, but there's a lot of interesting emergent gameplay coming from just how you organized the random level bits. Looks great as well. Good job!

Thank you! I'll try to think of settings like those more in my future games.

it's up for windows! 

No yeah of course! I call it the slot machine just because it looks kind of a slot machine, but yeah i got that you can choose whatever option you want.

VERY cool idea, reminds me of the zen like games you would find in stuff like the Wii-ware store. Very mind bending, no criticisms really! With some added mechanics and some more polish this could be a phenomenal finished game.

Pretty good idea, has a pretty nice twist on the whole level editing subtheme that a lot of other games have, and the sokoban puzzle design works pretty well overall. Really nice presentation, very very very polished. Great job!

Really cool and well realized concept! Very polished idea over all. Great job!

The idea is neat, but i feel like boards could use some more dynamic elements when you place down stuff, like buildings that gain defenses when a certain type of block is placed next to it or something, or vulnerabilities that shed defenses for buildings. Either way, the presentation is really clean! Good job over all.

I really wish i had time to tune the controls yeah! Platformers that require precision like this should be tighter than here - less deceleration for better landing and control in the air would've benefitted this immensely. 

Really well executed concept! Functions similarly to the game it parodies but touches on a fundamentally different way to play. Very well designed! Found a glitch where if you die on turn 11, you still get the turn 12 win screen though. Amazing job!

Really good entry! Clever, if frustrating level design (not a negative!). The level design was really really creative with what it did. Not much to say in regards of the design, the audio can get repetitive at times and some QoL features (fullscreen, for example) could really help this. Otherwise, given some polish this could be a really good finished game in its own right! Great job.

Amazing presentation and amazing feeling game, however the controls gave me a lot of problems; point and click at high speeds with the camera moving this fast doesn't work too well, sadly. Could probably work really well on a touch screen though! The game feel was top notch and the aesthetics work really well. I also see a lot of nods to other games, like crash or celeste - which is great. Great job all around!

Pretty neat idea, i feel like this has potential for a pretty good phone game given that you add some level design things like more dynamic boards with objects that move with the player. Found a glitch where if you move the board too fast the player just ignores collisions with the walls, however. Good job!

This is one of the best games I've played this jam that I think is doing a lot of interesting stuff with just very little. 

I think the title - dehumanization - is clever in the sense that this game is as much about the concept of of course deforestation, but more pointedly about the very sense of the word; "dehumanization". It's kind of making a statement about the completely arbitrary distinction between environment/humanity, to deforestate is in a sense to dehumanize. A sense that is given by the fleshy feeling environments only cut through by the house we are trying to extend, which could be said to stand in for undue expansionism.

But also, it's absolutely about labour! To deforestate is simultaneously portrayed as a glorious expansion of "civilization" (which you can kind of get from the use of the song, morning mood by edward gieg, symbolizing a kind of westernized but offputting tone to the whole activity) that is also almost mockingly plastered over mind-melding repetitive work: that, which of course, dehumanizes someone.

Very good job. Deserving of all 5 stars in all three fields.

(1 edit)

The design concept is really neat! I feel like the amount of time given might've hurt this game a bit in the sense that stuff like the controls and level design and game feel could've been made better given some more time to cook. I really like the little bird sprite! Good job!

Nice! I felt like getting to smash the heroes was really difficult, i would be just waving around and they'd just be walking all over me anyways so i havent lasted much, really. The presentation is very very good, very clean, the assets look great, the music works really well. Great job over all! 

A bit disturbing! I probably should've played this as an executable instead of on browser so the lagging is probably a me problem, but i did encounter some iffy bits with the physics, certain stools sometimes just wouldn't get unstuck from a certain axis while dragging them along for example. But the idea is fun! Good job.

Cute and to the point. Scoped really well! Would maybe touch up the font for the score and lives to give more of an effect to the arcade era it's trying to emulate.

I was trying to get the egg on the pan and it went on the cat's back and then catapulted into the sky, becoming inaccessible. 10/10.

It breaks my heart that this game is so laggy for me because i found the intro really funny and engaging. Get those gains Red 

I think the presentation in this is phenomenal, the visual assets are fantastic and i love the look of the thing but the game itself doesnt feel engaging enough, sadly; something like moving enemies or something less static than just rotating the sword depending on what the thrust is could be cool! A lot of potential.