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A member registered Jan 22, 2022 · View creator page →

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Very nice game, LOVE the cute character and the soundtrack. Some of the edits people make are unforgivable though.


Its a good game, but I feel like it needs to get more difficult the more you play. Maybe slowly increasing the player speed as well as the amount of obstacles, and adding a bit of variety over time.



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I love how this game starts out as a basic highscore fishing game (which on it's own is really fun to play), and then curve balls you with this really emotional narrative. 

Also, forgot to mention, the soundtrack works perfectly, since it seems to seamlessly shift tone as it gets slower and lower pitched, instead of just being a happy song slowed down.



I love the aesthetic and meta comedy, but I feel like the bosses have too much health, since I can't see the health bars going down, and I got really confused going into a boss battle because there were no lower level enemies to fight off, and you start the game with all of your weapons. Sometimes there was this performance bug where whenever I move or turn the framerate drops to around 5 fps and returns to normal when I stand still. This only seems to happen half the time though. I would also like to look all the way down so I don't have to turn around to not lose all my momentum when rocket jumping. I think the only other thing is to increase the FOV and add a small bit more midair movement control. I do weirdly love the world and the random characters in it, and I think that this would do really well as a bigger game. With more stuff to do, I would sink many hours into it.

It's a pretty interesting horror game, but its a little bit buggy. I wasn't able to ever replay the game because the elevator stopped working (it never opens the door when it reaches the destination). When I quit to the menu, the cursor remains locked and invisible, and I have to alt+f4 and restart the game to continue. Also, the UI overlay doesn't scale properly at different aspect ratios (I decided to try the game at 640x480 to see how it would look with the vhs filter). I also noticed that the lightmap had some issues. It's noticeably noisy and light leaks through corners. Not a bug, but I would make the jumpscare a bit scarier, like more of a roar than a little zombie groan. Other than that it's a decent game and is pretty impressive for 7 days.


https://itch.io/jam/brackeys-10/rate/2236083 Heres mine

Its a fun and impressive game. The thing with boom' shoot's is that you can't really ever have enough of them. Although, I'd say the game was pretty easy for me; I made it through the entire game without dropping below 75% health. I'd say make some of the enemies have ranged attacks to increase the difficulty, and give the various enemies more unique attacks. Also, I think the boss at the end spawns enemies too frequently, because I couldn't finish them off before switching back to the boss, and ended up resorting to circle strafing it with the shotgun while avoiding everything else.

Ooh I love that style of game!


This is a really impressive game for one week. Not only did you make a game, but you made a short film! I did encounter a few bugs though:

At the second puzzle where you have to punch in a code to open a door, whenever I got it wrong it would lock and I'd have to restart the game to fix it. (for anyone stuck, to reset you have to press a number key again. Don't press any other key because I believe that is what locks it). 

Sometimes, when I replay the game, the keys at the beginning that you have to click to start the game would reappear after fading out, and just stay there for the rest of the game unless you reload the page and restart.

At the running section, after my 3rd or 4th try, the UI broke. The icons and the line I have to keep in the green section disappeared, and parts of the UI were cropped out. It basically then just played through the running section and let me win. After that, the cursor was invisible for a period of time before fading in.

Still though, its pretty impressive what you were able to do in a week, so a few bugs aren't too big of a deal, and I believe the rules said you can fix game breaking bugs during the rating period.


The voice acting and stress mechanic are pretty good, but I'm not sure what I have to do. The scanner keeps saying  "transmitter not detected" and then shutting down, and I don't know where to move the submarine. Also when I interact with something, there seems to be a bug where it just flashes on and off until I let go of the key, and the map flashes on and off until I press tab again.

(2 edits)

Thank you for the feedback!

Huh, weird, I haven't ever seen a weird circle. Could be a problem on your end? Are you able to get a screenshot?

Edit: Ok I just tried replicating it. Does it only appear for a single frame when looking down? If so I think it is because of the player being a capsule, and the fact that when you dive the capsule gets smaller. 


I watched the video and that sold the game for me. The controls take a bit of getting used to though, and I managed to clip through the map at the part where you have to jump on giant up arrows.


Its very original and fun, though it took me a second to figure out what counted as a good or bad dive.

Very creative interpretation of the theme! I love the artstyle a lot, and it is very polished. 

The moment I found out hovering over a button makes a guitar sound my first reaction was to rapidly move my cursor on and off the retry button.

It doesn't really fit the theme and it only registered wall jumps half the time, but other than that its a lot of fun and I wish there was more.

I'm down!



Its a really cool game! I really love the soundtrack and atmosphere. The movement is a bit janky, since it seems to count touching the wall/ceiling as touching the ground, so as long as I'm colliding with the level I can basically fly. I also think there should be some sort of checkpoint system so I don't have to restart the entire game if I die. Really creative interpretation of the theme though, and its not often that I play a video game made in a week that makes me feel such intense emotion (other than frustration because I'm bad at video games).

I'm totally on board with this idea



(1 edit)

It's a pretty fun and polished horror game. The camera movement felt a little clunky for me. I usually want my cursor to not be off to the top left corner when I'm looking directly forward. I'd say either have the camera be completely still and have the mouse cursor only move the flashlight, with your way of turning being the side buttons, or have it be fully fledged first person movement like in an fps. That's the only gripe I have with this game though.

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The game looks and sounds amazing. It was frustrating at times though (probably because I didn't bother to look at the tutorial, so I didn't know how to upgrade or move down.) Its by far one of the most polished games I've played so far.

There is one particular sub that rammed into me and stuck to me for a minute, and the only way I was able to get it off me was to shoot at it. I feel like there should be an easier way to get it off me.

This is a pretty impressive game for one week. Apart from a few slightly-janky/nonexistent-at-times animations and some bugs, it looks and feels like an indie horror game that took a year to make. I feel like the GUI could use a bit more polish, like more feedback for the buttons and a less static background. I did notice some AI artifacts in the voices, but I think it's ok if the rest of the game has a high quality and it's a game jam.

These all look like fun games and I'm really excited to play them!

Heres mine: https://pixelrunneryt.itch.io/phaseshift-pool

I feel like the flashlight mechanic becomes pointless when every time I use it a fish attacks me, especially since you can't recover health. It could also use a bit more polish, like a more consistent artstyle and font. It is a fun concept though.


Heres mine:


Its a really fun game and I love how you can replay it with all of your upgrades. The physics are a bit frustrating, since the ball was more likely to bounce back to the beginning than to just go down, but it was also very satisfying at times.

Here's mine:


The link uses the working title because I changed it at the last second (there was already a similarly named game in existence). The game's actually called Deepend.

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This is probably one of my favorite parts of game jams; playing a whole bunch of video games
