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Yeah, about the "calm" mode stuff I didn't explain it well for lack of a tutorial so I tried to explain it in the Intro part, which isn't the best to explain a thing like that in text. I'll try to add that if I patch the game haha

Thanks for playing ^^

Probably I would get another round or 2 before I let the enemies win, but I wanted to test the SMG before that, trying that weapon did nothing and my barrier block got eliminated so fast hahaha

If you keep releasing patches, feel free to let me know to test them or play it, it was fun

Also I forgot to say that it's great that bullets go through normal walls, I don't have to care if there is a wall or not, I just need to shot which make the gunplay fun :)

After some days, I decided to come back again to finish the game and I did it. Cozy ending to a grim story haha, I like it, the lighthouse will protect us :)

This time I pay more attention to reading the dialogs and you actually get told what to do but not as an order, more like “you could do this” until you directly get told you need to store 25 of each item. Which maybe can escape our attention at times, like me days ago haha.

If you really want to avoid this for distracted players, maybe put in some part of the game the “Objective” button or something like “Current Objective” in the UI or pause menu, which isn’t needed but as an idea

(Also, this time I didn’t get a random radio dialog, where they say something like “it’s coming, ahhh!” or something like that while playing, I couldn’t read it last time because my boat crashed and I was tired)

About the movement, now that I read tips about how to move the boat correctly, it felt better and was easier to do stuff. I think I’m not much of multitask in this game because at maximum I could do like 3 boats at the same time, maybe because I got a bit scared of breaking them haha, it’s great to see that they don’t crash with each other and it’s fun to buy boats, seeing that they got better stats the more you buy it’s a nice touch

About the gameplay, it’s comfortable to play, to have it as a idle game can be fun, as for speedrunning, I don’t think it can be that nice, to be able to move your camera downwards the dialog can get in the way at the start and if you get a lot of items stored in the lighthouse, going to the left can be hard since you have the item table over the arrow. The RNG is ok, you can restart early which is good

Outside the speedrun things I said above, my only “problem” is that you need to do a lot of clicking to move the coins, only 10 per click in the lighthouse and when you want to move a lot of money or objects to get quick money, it can get tiring for the hand/finger, so would be nice if you could put a number and buy/pick that amount, moving all the money you need for the items takes long or as I said, it’s tiring. Which isn’t too bad, just as QoL would be nice

Well, I think it’s I have to say this time, I finished the game and it was fun to try to speedrun it to see the end. Last time I had an ok time, today was a good time now that I know how to move the boat and the kind of depth you can have when you want to optimize the game haha, good game! ^^

I really liked this game! :) 

I played for like an hour and didn’t feel it, the visuals are great, the mole is cute and it’s funny at the start it holds a gun hahaha. The enemies sprites also are good, my favorite is the one that inflates with the time/dmg (I didn’t pay much attention to the reason why it inflates). And the music it’s great, I would listen to it by itself. Only for those 2, I felt this was an actual game and not just a game for a jam which made me stay more than a few minutes

The gameplay is good, I died in my 1st run at low rounds for tank shots, but in my second run I could do everything the game offers. My feedback on this would be:

  • At 1st I thought in that would be nice that you could read what the objects do in a relax way since looking at the shop, it consumes time and at the start it can kill your run since you don’t have much resources and the storm would be rough to deal if you spend the time reading, so a submenu at the start of the game where you can do read all this would be good
  • And the other thing I would recommend is that add an end objective or ending to the game, once you get everything, it gets stale

Other than that, this game it’s my favorite from the jam, I actually thought I would wishlist a game like this on Steam, not in the current state because maybe it needs more balance and other stuff but if this keeps being developed, maybe it can be a great game :D

Balance in a sense of ways to spending resources or adding more craftables, or modifying the SMG because it’s bad in my opinion or the gun it’s a lot better, more in the pink tier (and sorry for not saying the actual name of the guns, I played like an hour ago and for being in a hurry for collecting items, I didn’t read the names haha) At the end of my 2nd run, I crafted the pink SMG and was bad, it kills less than the gun while the pink gun can clear waves with ease or maintain things under control more time.

At the end my inventory was full of the objects that enemies drop, I thought a chest or a way to dispose of all this would be nice. I crafted the double jump, the burst potion, every potion and even the bed, the double jumps feels great but going through 1 space holes in vertical can be a bit painful if you don't have a wall to align yourself, the pink pickaxe feels smooth and the pearls that teleport you to base are great, maybe make it appear a little bit more or that the drop of the tree that you can growth for more of those is higher. Also at the end I did my little farm of berries at the side of the crystal zone haha

I had most things by round 13 and by round 20 I did everything I wanted, my last day was day 22 but I had a great time playing, exploring the cave felt nice and I’m fan of the little text each time you pick or put a block. And it's nice the game without the candles in my opinion, or if you add it, maybe give more time in the calm part

Great job by doing this game in 1 week, it’s amazing! I leave a few screenshot of my gameplay ^^

Fun puzzle game! :)

I had a good time thinking about the solutions, except in level 13, for some reason I couldn't solve the level and the rest ahead felt easier than that 1 hahaha

I like the mechanics of the game, it’s creative killing the player and being able to revive it with those skills. Also it’s ok to put extra abilities to deceive the player, as long it doesn't have a lot is good, like level 20-21. The ability of the orange tiles I would like to see more of and it’s great to be able to see the different colors of the teleports

About the music, I really liked it, it helps with the atmosphere of the game and the visuals also are great, everything feels good together and that made me stay more since today I didn’t feel like doing puzzles haha

I think the only thing I saw that could be improved is that the end point where you put your sacrifices, when it needs more than 1, the display can show the wrong number when you put a sacrifice but not the needed to pass the level when you reset, example, you need 3 and put 1, when you reset the level, it stay in 2 instead of reset to 3, which can mislead the player a bit.

(<---- I refer to this tile)

Other than that I didn’t find any error, and it was a fun game that really could be expanded, great job doing this puzzle game. ^^

Interesting game, I had fun playing 1 run :)

I liked the song in the main menu while I read the card menu, it kind of settled the mood for the game. Also a nice touch of the storm getting stronger the more weeks you have played

It’s nice to see the little combos you can do with the cards, to get my food quota I did clone sheeps and then use the slaughter, I wanted to use another combo with the forage cards but I run out of coal, I tried my luck at the caravan but I didn’t get it haha. At least I could gather a lot of water by using the shovel and the oasis I got at the start in my 1st go to the caravan

The market is nice, usually exchanging scraps for good cards to enable more resources, and the UI feels nice, I didn’t feel that I was missing info, I think the only thing I could say of feedback is that when you pick a card, make it easy to deselect it. Other than that, I liked the atmosphere of the game and playing with the deck. I leave my final score of my 1st run!

It was fun ^^

Thanks for playing! 

Happy you find it that way :)

Interesting game, short but a good experience :)

I like the sounds of the game because it really adds to the atmosphere of the game, also I like the minimalist visuals. I tried to turn off all the lights but I missed one at the top of the stairs before the room to get out haha

As for feedback, I don’t have much to say because I liked it as it is now and the jump it’s good since this doesn’t have a complicated platform part

(But if that is going to change whenever this game gets expanded or used in other games, I would like that the simple jump doesn't move you that much forward, can be a bit hard at the start but you get used to it at the start of the game)

Thanks for making this short game! ^^

Fun little game :)

I like the songs, my favorite is the one from the menu. My highest score was around 600, I tried to do better but only got like 580 as second highest.

The controls are ok, I just would like to grab/interact with the objects when I’m very close to it. And at the round 3-4 the storm starts almost immediately which can be funny because it feels like the temple is tired of you and stealing the treasure haha

Oh, and it would be nice if you get a different game over screen if you decide to retire and not die from the traps to give a bit more of a nice ending and just Larry is dead.

Outside of that I liked what I played, good for a quick game

Oh, that's a nice score :D

And sure, I'll add gamepad/control support because it's the way to play this kind of game, but I got used to test the game with keyboard and trying to complete other stuff, made me to forgot that side of the support haha

Thanks for playing!  :)

Thanks for playing and the comment :)

About the joystick, it's something I wanted to add since for this kind of game it's recommended but I forgot to do it haha

(1 edit)

Finishing this game once took more than I expected

I think my only problem with this game and what made me feel a bit annoyed from the mid game and that made me think it lasted more than it should was that the dead animation takes more time than it should in my opinion, at 1st it’s nice to see the soul of the rabbit going to heaven with the little melody but after some time in the game, I just want to retry as fast as I can and not wait for the animation to end… So a button that resets from the last checkpoint would be nice

And in the boss, after the last spike before the block that causes damage, it would be nice if the time from that spike and the damage opportunity would be less. Not fan of doing the same pattern 3 times because it feels long and if you make a jump early or you crouch late, it feels a bit painful for the repetition of the pattern :(

Outside of those 2 parts, the game feels ok-good, some hard jumps are ok or aren’t annoying, maybe there is a checkpoint a bit buggy in the storm part when the camera changes to a lower floor, but it isn't that bad once you finish the game. Maybe the fungus part is funny at the start and a good change of pace but maybe feels a bit strange for the filter if you die a lot

Also, when I saw those changing blocks that remind me of Mario Maker, I thought it would be a troll part somewhere in the game, and yes, a classic troll of not changing the blocks or you die haha

Well, that’s the gameplay, about the audio, I really liked it! The idea of your movements complement the song it’s fun and creative, also both songs are good and really fit the theme :)

Visually it’s a pretty game, I really liked the rabbit and the “enemies” of the game. The storm part feels great and the spikes of the boss are good since you can see them easily for the contrast it has

Great to see another rhythm platformer, with some minor changes this game can shine more, I don’t know if I’ll play the hard mode and from the screenshots of the game there is an insane mode but I think that’s all I have to say

Really like the game as a whole but for now I won’t touch it for the stuff I said above because my patience ran out hahaha. I put my screenshot of victory because I feel good about it :D

Finally I could try this game and it was fun :) 

I liked the visuals and the music of the game, the little changes on it are a nice touch.

About the gameplay, it was interesting and fun to think how to pass the screens with double thunder and using the mollusc to cover from the thunder. At times it was a bit hard to stay in rhythm for me but I managed to clear all the screens, but I don’t know if the game has an ending

I liked the concept and I didn’t find any bugs or errors and I can’t think of any suggestions right now but it was a nice time :)

(2 edits)

Fun game, I liked the visuals and the crow cooking to the customers :) 

I couldn’t stop laughing in the last level, somehow after some tries and looking at my keyboard what I’m typing, I could beat it, but I it’s too hard for me to type those words, I typed birllo, bratwrust and zugzwang I really couldn’t type it well until I looked at my keyboard hahaha. The endless mode is too much for me, I only get like 5 before thinking it got too much in the customers

I liked the change in the music and it’s creative to serve the food like this, I like the system and it could be a fun typing game

I had a great time playing this game and didn't encounter any bugs or something bad ^^

Yeah, it's a variable that store the time you have been pressing X, it tops at 7 seconds and at the max value, also gives an extra speed reduction on the shoot, which at that point it can looks a bit like a ray of bullets haha

(1 edit)

Haha, thanks for playing and the feedback! :)

About the background, I ran out of time and energy to make it more creamy looking/put a white or black layer with opacity so it doesn't look too heavy on colors, and in the boss I forgot to turn off the animation to reinforce the endurance situation. (At times I think I put many stars in the background hahaha)

And about the Calm mode it’s ok, I think I couldn’t express well what it does and I put “press X” instead of “hold X”, also I think it’s a mechanic that is better explained in a tutorial than text, which I couldn’t make for lack of time, but I’m happy you tried to use it ^^

It’s supposed to be a slow down in the movement in case you want to cross between bullets and after some time, you get slower , which is a rare case in this game since those only aim at you and not like other shmups where you need to cross between close spaces of bullets. And also gives you a boost in the shoot speed, which is useful when you have bad RNG and get only green orbs

I like this game visually despite I’m a person who doesn't like bugs.

I tried the browser version and I got stuck in a corner of the second level at the start when I tried to recollect the blue flower/object and in the desktop version I got an error (Assertion failed: Pair != nullptr) after the beatle defeated my 2 bees in 1 attack and it closed the game haha

I like the concept that each action increases the attention of the boss so you have to be a bit efficient with the gathering of materials to recruit more insects. Also I like that you can pick an initial insect at the start and how much change the calm part

About the recollection, it feels calm and nice despite you being under a “timer”, maybe for this part, I would like an option to zoom out a little bit to see where materials to collect are located and more or less plan what path to take

In the fight phase, the combat is good, but I would like to know what some debuffs do. The green drop it’s understandable just from the image but the moth ability I didn’t understand

Also, in my 1st run I endured enough the attack of the beatle and I only have the butterfly left but I didn’t do any damage or the beatle didn’t attack back so the fight got stale and had to reset

But the game looks good and it has a good atmosphere with the help of the soundtrack and sfx. A bit more of polish on those little details could make this game more fun ^^

(And while playing a string of spider web appeared randomly in front of me, the game attracted a spider hahaha)

Oh, I see, nice to know this about the items/store :o

And probably I won’t change the song, I downloaded to play it but I like it as it is now haha

I see, good to know

Also, to get that time in the race, you shortcut the map, when you touch the 2nd checkpoint, instead of going forward, you do a U-turn and go through the little hill to the 3rd checkpoint haha

Nice touch to the game :o

(Sorry for the long comment haha)

I’m a person who likes rhythm games (and currently playing daily proseka) even if I’m bad haha, since I saw a roguelike rhythm game, I wanted to try this and finally I could

The 1st time I tried on hard and without change much the options and I didn’t have much fun, then later I tried again because usually I have to give a few chances to this kind of game to get used to how the game is and now I had a lot of fun (and this kind of happens with every rhythm game I try and I get annoyed at my own skill hahaha)

The art is pretty. I really liked that, in my 1st run I could see it while I tried to follow the line of buttons, probably I’ll play on easy next to see it better but I think it’s in my top from the games I have tried this jam

Also the music, I really like this concept of depending on the client, the music changes and it’s creative, I think the only downside for me is that I follow more the music by ear than my eyes and the music that sounds like a club, 1st run I couldn’t hear the tempo so I got lost easily, in my second gameplay, I noticed that it’s a bass that sounds very quiet. And sometimes it got easier to follow depending on the song and the part, which it’s part of the music changing but throws me off at times, which it’s ok, I just need to get used to it. Also, I would like to listen to each song on its own only to see how it sounds when you run it entirely, I like them all :D

Since I only played 2 times, I didn’t use much of the store items, I didn’t see much use of them since always you have to aim for the Excellent in this kind of game, so I only buy the ones that give you more money on Excellent, and reducing the note duration I don’t know how it affects if you know you have to press the button at 1 specific time if you listen to the song (but I’m a casual at this kind of game that never moves much the config of the game so don’t listen to me much in this part hahaha)

In general, I really liked this game and probably I’ll play it maybe once per day just to get better since I want to or I want to play enough until I feel good with my performance in the last 2 levels of the run. I’ll leave the only 2 runs I did, both on hard and in the second run I only remove the opacity and change the button. I didn’t encounter any bug, but would be nice that even if you remove the opacity, in the shop you could keep seeing the store and not just black haha, I think it’s the only suggestion and if you keep working on this, let me know to keep track of this game. Great game! ^^

Oh, also, would be nice to change the color of the red circles to any color, just for more customization

I had fun playing this game, nice tutorial at the start :)

I really liked the music of this game, the storm song being my favorite, I liked it enough that I would listen to it on its own and the game visually looks nice. I like the sprites of the game, the variation of the floor stains and the objects on the shelves, it actually felt like a supermarket!

It really ramps up with the passage of the rounds haha, first felt comfortable but after 2 rounds of people, it got chaotic, I never got to complete all the task before the store opened but usually I got close, except at the last 2 rounds, I missed a few restocks and the register machine, at the end I ended up with half of the meter down but when I started to think how more chaotic it will get, I got promoted haha

Nice game, I liked it a lot ^^

I'm happy to see this, thanks for playing more than once! :D

Thanks for playing ^^

This game is pretty, I really liked the visuals, the sea looks great, the boathouse at the start is also beautiful but I’m not used to that kind of view haha. The songs fit great with the atmosphere, so in those 2 parts, this game it’s really good

The gameplay has a few issues that make it easy, if you place a plank at the start but don’t put it in the grid and just press “Done!” it will start the game with no boat, which you can’t lose because there is nothing to hit or avoid

If you build your raft, you can go out of the screen, if you go to the left or right, you can avoid everything and just wait for the land as the 1st case I said above, to avoid that, you could clamp the movement of the player so it don’t go away from the screen

Also, grabbing the 1st plank in the boathouse can be a bit hard, after that, it feels ok to interact with those objects

But the concept of avoiding the objects while enduring to reach the new land can be fun! :)

The game is fun, it makes you feel powerful in those 7 days, after that, it start to feel a bit weaker with the passage of days, more from day 13 haha

It really feels calm in the day and stormy on the nights from night 8, I liked the windy and witch sprites, also it’s nice to see when the bull is going to attack but the biggest bull feels a bit troublesome only for it’s enormous hitbox and the amount that spawn later on and for the amount, can be a little hard to eliminate the other mobs that attack the house

I would have liked that after night 7 there were a bit of upgrades on the attack, maybe just another fireball and a bit more of damage, just to spend the drops you collect after upgrading everything or being able to restore a little bit of the house, I lost the game because of that

The songs feel nice and everythings feels nice together, I wonder what it’s on night 20 but I just leave my end game screen

Fun little time playing the game :)

Fun little game, the songs fit the calm and storm in a not annoying way or those sound nice.

There was a thing with the objects and placing those near walls that make them climb the wall, like in the image I’ll leave. By accident I pressed E and not Q and the cleaner ended up there haha, similar to other objects

Other than that, I didn’t encounter bugs, the ending is funny because the parents are clueless haha, though I didn’t end up cleaning all the trash, but that party was for sure crazy because some parts of the house were on fire and the stains are all over the house hahaha

I liked the calm part of the game, at 1st the control feels hard to manage but after a few tries feels ok and I like the control of the game because it really feels like you are falling into the planet due a crash which helps to the atmosphere of the game.

Visually it’s great, I like how slowly you are seeing the planet, the stars and the sky of the planet looks great!

About the music, I like it but after a few tries it can feel repetitive for how short it is. Also, it would be nice to add a sfx each time you get hit or collect an object in the space.

In the storm part, I just didn’t like the blue meteor, it can feel like a free hit each time it spawns from below or at the same height of your ship from the sides, and at the start it can be a free hit from the 2 meteors if you move. The sign of the thunder warning would be a bit better if it’s a bit bigger or more above from the ground because while you see where the meteors come, you look away from the bottom and lose track of the thunder until it falls down.

Outside of that, it’s a good concept and can be fun. Good game :)

Short but shows well the theme of the jam and gives a nice message at the end, which sometimes doesn’t go well when you do it but it’s worth a try

The song is good and I like the clock ticking, it helps with the atmosphere, also it changes in the flashback which are little touches that helps the story

I can say 2 things about the game:

The screen size of the game can be better, I tried to play this in my old pc with a screen of 1366x768 but didn’t fit well, so I had to move to a 1080p screen and press F11 to see the whole game screen

And the other is when 2 pieces of the clock stack, it can be a little hard to separate them

Outside of that, I liked this little story :)

(1 edit)

Thanks for your feedback on that part!

I went to see gameplay from some games I played to see better how they handle this and now I have a better understanding of how enemies go out of screen, for some reason I only could think that enemies always shoot when they leave but are just a few that do something like this haha. If I keep working on the game outside the post jam patch, I'll rework this part

And happy to see that you find it easy to understand and read the story. :)

Glad you found my game fun, thanks for playing :)

Thanks for playing (and being the 1st in mention something about the calm mode xD)

I'll have this in mind, I didn't put something visual to indicate it because nothing came to mind at the start and then I forgot about it until you mentioned it haha

The jumping feels nice and floaty which I liked, the use of the score to trade health or time is creative since it’s a scoring game. 

I like the cloud when it’s calmed and when the storm hits, I feel a bit tense for the music. Which is not much of something I’m looking for right now but the atmosphere really changed, I share my highest score!

Nice to see it’s fixed locally and all the other info :) 

About the topic if this could be an actual game with some tweaks, I don’t know because it isn't a genre of games I play haha, but there are games for everything. If it gets more developed, I would try it? Yes, but since I’m not the type of person that plays this kind of game, maybe it would go off of my radar with the time.

I would say that you keep working on it if you like the idea of this game or if it’s a game you would like to play, usually games like that become fun with the passage of time because it’s more likely to gather people that plays this kind of game or people that want to do something similar. That this game could be fun for the people? Yes, but also could be unfun if you don’t like it or if you work on it and you don’t like the idea of the game. 

I see it like that in this kind of product, I follow this with each idea I develop.

My suggestion and a summary of all this text would be that keep working on it if you like the game :) Also you could work on this as a side project, not necessarily have to be the main project.

Fun speed game, once you figure out that the speed can be broken by spamming the dash without touching a wall, it goes more speedier haha. I reached a point where the blue bar goes out of the screen and in the last level I went through the wall with 1 enemy.

The last levels can be a little hard and I don’t know how to correctly complete the last one, I just spammed dash and jump until it worked. But the concept can be great if it’s polished a little bit more, like a little better crosshair or the throw of the trident, but the physics feel good.

I had fun playing the levels and can get a bit chaotic with how fast you can go. I leave my score and I don’t have much to say since I don’t play this kind of game. But I like the concepts of speed games. :)

Nice little game, I didn’t expect to see a game with 2D and 3D in the same game.

Simple story with easy gameplay, which can feel good after rating some games.

I read what you posted in the description and I think this was a good project to learn Godot!

The minigames are good and I liked the race, I tried to do the shortest time and I think sub 47s is possible haha.

I really like how the game is fully playable with the keyboards and that you tried to made all the asset of the game, great job! :D

Also I liked the visuals of the 2D, since nothing is out of place, everything feels nice together.

Oh, in the race map, I think you should put a longer wall at the start, or an indicator that you should go straight and not give little laps in the lower part, I was just driving the start and never see a change in the laps so until I went to the hill, I saw the rest of the map hahaha.

I like how this game presents a few scenarios in a way where you complete minigames that are fun and shorts. I think the length is great and makes clear what theme is showing.

I like the visuals and the song in the background.

I don’t have much to say because I think it’s a good game as it is now! :D

Nice cozy game, except for 1 scenario that shows haha.

I had fun playing this little game, I liked the ending of the story!

There are 2 things I would like to say, 1 is this part of the map. It's a bit hard to walk through this because sometimes it gets stuck depending how you walk in the zone. In the 1st image you can cross with no trouble but in the second image you get a bit stuck and can’t cross despite visually being at the same ground level, which isn’t something that bad, just can be a bit annoying to cross after a few attempts

The second is, it would be better if the timer starts after the tutorial, in the 1st gameplay I was reading the tutorial and when it mentions the timer, I started to walk because I was standing doing nothing hahaha, so only those 2 things I had a bit of trouble with. The timer is ok once you know where the 5 aspects are, which can be fun to find in a few attempts :)

I like the atmosphere of the game, it reminds me of the PS1 games, which I really like. Also the gameplay reminds me of those times where the camera was fixed and you just walked through the levels. Visually it’s great and the songs are good, but I would like that each time I enter a new zone, the past song didn’t reset because the calm one is great and each time I enter into the storm I didn’t want to restart the calm song haha

The aspects are funny and I like them, also I like how you can see how the storm affects them, good little details

Good game and it’s amazing to see this being done in 1 week, good job! ^^

I tried to finish the game but both times I tried the game “crash” in the fight part :( 

I don’t know well what make it happen, but in both times it was after I retry the day and in the night it crash when I get a card damage or damage from enemies, in the second time it crashed at the start of the night because I got a dmg card in 1st turn haha.

Outside of that, it was a bit entertaining to play this game. :) 

I like how you give the controls info to the players at the start haha, the weapons are good, maybe just give a bit of range extra depending on the tier, like the spear maybe 2 squares and the sling 3 squares, also 1 extra option at range for iron tier. My favorite was the iron axe and the sling.

I like how you use the map for the battle, like you could only gather resources from 1 part and leave 1 area with them so you can use those to protect from enemies at night. That’s good and opens for strategy. But 1 thing I would liked is that, you recollect 1st all the materials you want and then you have a submenu at the end of the day to craft anything you want and be able to see your deck to balance it or see what I would like to craft, mostly because it can feel a bit of pressure of crating your cards in middle of the day while also gather the resources to fight. Oh, also, when you retry the day, the materials you recollected stay in the total amount so it's like you never die and you can hoard them.

The visuals are ok, I liked the monsters and the drawings of the cards, maybe another color of green would be good for the floor but outside of that, I like it. Oh, also the music doesn’t loop at nights, don’t forget to put the loop in the options of the sound!

I think it’s creative the way you do damage to the player, by putting the card in the deck, I really liked that concept because it’s the 1st time I see it.

I would try this game again once it doesn't crash at night because I want to see the end :)  Feel free to let me know if you will update the game, but this was entertaining. :D 

Oh, also, when it’s the enemy turn, try to not change the camera instantaneously when they end the turn, maybe wait a little bit when they end, maybe it can help a little bit with the visual flow and to see how they did damage, sometimes you only hear the damage sound but not that it did it. :)

I didn’t expect to play a game like this in the jam, I really like this one

I liked the music, it felt like a news report or the people that interviewed in the streets.

In the first 3 rounds I did well and when I failed the 4th round, I saw the world starting to tilt hahaha, I thought it was a joke when I started to do the advertisement but it’s great to see how the games changes when you fail, even the song start to change, it’s amazing :D

I like the responses of the people and it’s good to see at the end of the round the type of people you were interviewing

Also, when the world started to tilt, it made me feel that I had to do my job correctly so the atmosphere was good. Oh, also, I liked the jump in the game, I like the movement of going fast while jumping so it was nice to go from pink people to the next one

And the game over it’s great, I like the way of going back hahaha. The graphics are ok but after some rounds it has its charm

I really had a great time with this game! ^^