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Jill Valentine

A member registered Jan 14, 2019 · View creator page →

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(1 edit)

Buddy, what is your control output? Is it wasd? Does it basically have just walking control settings (as in you move around and dont have any other buttons) what is your activation, is it space? It would be helpful if you had a button layout. I went down in a pool and got stuck, and couldnt get out or figure out how to use the ladder

Is the full game out yet? It's been like 4 years since you posted your comment bud. :/

(1 edit)

The game is very Silent Hill-like, which is one of the best features of The Glass Staircase. It actually looks and feels like I'm playing a game that could've easily been made on the PS1 way back in the 90s. That's insanely incredible! No doubt if it were made back then, The Glass Staircase would be a cult classic.

The game's aesthetics is very nice, and I can tell the Italian horror aspect through the music; with the audible cues it really does a nice job at leaving me on edge. Sadly, though despite the game's tense moments, I found it to be quite comical at times, mainly due to the fact that half the time I had no idea what the story was about. Even reading the notes (which because they're so lengthy, I feel like I'm reading a book, and this quickly takes away from the added suspense build up) I struggled to understand what was supposed to be going on. So when the jump scares happened, I couldn't help but chuckle a bit, especially when the camera zooms in virtually up the character's nostrils, and they look all scared or angry. This still makes for an entertaining playthrough, nonetheless.

My biggest complaint would be the save system; I would've really liked the ability to save whenever, or at least have a Resident evil typewriter styled save theme, or anything that allowed me to save via activating an object. There are way too many times where if I die, I have to start way back from the beginning of the autosave, which is such a hype killer for me. Sometimes the turn sensitivity can be problematic, but I see there's a dial for that. I tried changing it via pause menu, but it wouldn't move?

Also, I wish I could place this part behind a spoiler, but one scene involved a 'naked girl', which for me seemed very suggestive, especially since the nudity is out of context, as I was under the impression these were little girls?

It's okay to have naked female adults of course, but not little girls...But again I struggled to understand the context and story, and I know this is a rated M game.

Other than that, despite being a linear game with no branching endings, The Glass Staircase can be an amusing, yet frustrating at times game to play, and you should heavily consider either making a sequel, or just making more horror games in general, please. :) 

Walking Simulator.

The game started out kinda cool at first, and I kept expecting something to happen, but beyond walking a linear path, that's about it. You find keys, yes, maybe read notes, but you get one ending. Nothing branching. I hope the full game will be much more intuitive, and have a proper ending with a fleshed out plot and gameplay, maybe some multiple endings? However even though I do see great potential, as is it's something I cant condone paying for wih what is presented as is, it's a charming short, that wound up being more humorous than scary and creepy.

Lol, I'm a soldier from S.T.A.R.S., not an advanced egghead. XD


I really don't know much about doing any of this editing stuff.

This is a fun and interestingly charming game. In fact if the whole "she's a crazy homicidal Yandere killer" aspect was removed and this simply turned into a regular normal girlfriend simulator, this would be a pretty awesome game. I gotta say for my second playthrough though, the game wasn't all that hard. Of course the first playthrough I immediately got killed, because I asked, where did I know her from. She got mad and killed me. XD

However I talked about how I was a book author, told her about my book, and after getting her to give me a whole tour of the apartment, I simply got her to lead me to outside, and I simply walked out, not even needing a key. XD 

Lol af! Her interest for my novel negated her interest to keep me imprisioned.

So basically the trick to beat her is to give the AI a Red Herring.

That's not bad, and I have no complaints, as this was very cute and charming. Perhaps more options for people who might want to be her boyfriend can be made, like tv watching, game playing, etc. I did find a bug where I couldn't sit on the couch, because pressing E did nothing.

All in all, a cute game. :)

Not much too it really. :/

I like how it's looking...However I sadly can't recommend this game to anyone in its current state. I run a very good pc, and I'm still getting crippling fps drops (well not exactly crippling, I can turn the camera) but everything is in so much slow motion that it's making me very motion sick while playing. To my surprise I found that the game was already set to low settings. 

That's wild, as I can't go any lower. Can you please make a more performance friendly version? Even more performance friendly than what is given here? Also, can you make full controller support as well? If you can, that would be super.

This is a pretty good looking game friend! I love how the game reminds me of The Suffering games, where you have a psychological element to it, where the protagonist struggles to decide what is real. 

As for the gameplay itself, is there a way to zoom in and out the camera? I found the fixed 2nd person perspective (where I mostly just see the player, but can't really get a better glimpse of the world around me to be debilitating, as it makes it hard for me to see the environment. Other than that there really isn't anything here yet that I can critique.

Please heavily consider implementing a combat system, weapon system, and such in order to further make the game engaging. Without those things, I'm afraid I kinda feel like I'm playing a walking simulator. I'd love to await this game's progress.

Nope. The plot is too dark. Not even gunna attempt to download and play this mess. It's almost like somebody was trying to satisfy their edgy rule 34 fantasies in a game.

Soften the plot and subject matter (aka no sa references), otherwise until then I'm not playing it with a ten foot pole.

(2 edits)

It's a very ambitious game. However I can't give this anything over 1 out of 10.

It stalls my game to an unplayable hault, making this seem more like a 'drunk-superman' simulator, than an actual demo, let alone a game with a concept in the works. Unless you have a better way to increase fps, the audience for the game is going to be miniscule.

It's not really you, it's the Unreal Engine 5 as it is, it just commands a gpu that not everybody has, and we can't expect everybody to own a good pc to run the game. My pc is very good and still couldn't run it, even the videos showing the gameplay demo I can tell they're fps took a crucifying.

With that being said, I wish I could run the game as it looks very impressive visually.

I did. But they won't respond back. I just want my money back please.

Can I get a refund please?

can I please get a refund?

(1 edit)

This only works on the phone? Do you have a pc version? If not then I'm afraid I'm gunna have to ask for a refund.

I just downloaded the game, but I have no idea what these files are. How do I actually 'start the game'?

I can't afford the price to buy it, I'm afraid.

The game is clever, however I wouldn't really call it a mind-numbing scary thriller. It's actually much more funny than scary, plenty of lollable moments (like with the cookie and the monkey).

With that being said, I gotta say that the controls are a tad bit difficult, at least from my angle. To click and hold using the mouse and or keyboard is a tad bit tedious, let alone to toss the ball. I couldn't for the life of me figure out how to accurately toss the ball. I couldn't progress any further than the [spoiler] play with the monkey [/spoiler] part, due to me not being able to toss the ball.

If you're gunna make this a full fledge game, it would be very helpful if controller support was released, of which would solve this indefinately. 

Also, without a pause feature means even if I have to do something else (run to answer door, restroom, ect.) makes things inconvenient.

Pros: Entertaining, good voice acting, interesting

Cons: Considered a scary psycological terror, moreso a funny charming time passer

without a health meter or any actual danger this is simply a walking simulator with cool effects, controls can be hindering, plot is too linear.

Somethings to add on would be a better way to have flexible controls, make the space button the throw button.

You should incorporate some morality choices, my suggestion is to, not exactly make like "Saw-styled" choices, but moreso choices that are simple, but in the plot are more harder than it looks---Like obeying a command could hurt somebody else, or disobeying could be helpful, but we risk punishment. This leaves players to struggle to predict which shennanigan the japanese voice will subject them to next, whether we'll get a mind numbing choice that affects others, or whether it'll be a random command that just doesn't make sense.

Maybe add a bit of Alicec in Wonderland styled hallucinations that keep us on our toes, to have us slowly struggle to know real from reality.

Anyway, this is Gregory Thomas, Everybody's Favorite Uncle, author of the science fiction dystopian novel Chronologue, sharing thoughts. ^~^

-My friend. This game is far too explicit. 
I understand how the game is for a mature audience only, but the things in this game just takes things too far. Aside from the 'satanic' pentagram (which despite the setting still seems like it was thrown in from out of nowhere) 
you have to remember that in today's day and age, people are extremely squimish with content that depicts any form of rape (even if attempted or implied) sexual gore, and heavy violence. 

People might not really be willing to pay to experience something that is too heavy and explicit for them to take part in. For example: feces or visuals depicting this is something that might have players shut the game off and ask for refunds, not neccessarily say 'cool this is fun' 
Also semen is something that is kinda gross, no? I take it this was not ment to be an errotica game? Then since its not the right place at all for it, many are going to be severely grossed out by this. With the #MeToo movement, you have to know that people in this day and age are stand offish towards anything that involve mistreatment and cruelty such as this. 

With that being said, it is very hard to advertise your game because of all this heavy content within it, I had to search to discover this very telling review after coming across F&H from a John Wolfe video showcase. You must include all of this disclaimer on the page (as in actually tell users all the explicit content that could be found in the game, besides just simply 'violent sexual conent' because that could mean anything) which in this case would mean chopped genitals and mass orgies. 

I think if the content was massively cleaned up to remove any form of 'rape' or 'gross orgies' feces, and then at least include a save game system, in where a save can be done, this will help at least make it something that players can enjoy playing. With that there are multiple classes that kinda are too similar, such as the mercenaries. I see the outlander and the knight are basically warrior classes, so it really doesn't seem like there's a diffference. 

-The thief should be more stealthy and faster, and use a dagger; has less damage, but the enemy misses them often. 
-The warrior should be stronger (doing more damage) and might be a tad slower. 
-The archer should use a bow, and perhaps be versitile, using both a sword short and the arrows (give them like the perk to find more perjectiles then the other races, that gives them value and makes the player feel like they are playing the archer role) 
And of course, make it so that the player can choice different looks and sex (play male or female) change eye color, skin tone. This makes me feel like I'm more in the game. 

Also I do apologize for this HUGE writing, I just do like the game. 
With that being said, I do think that the game is too linier, and would make a better open-world game, then a dungeon crawler (you could still incorporate both into the game) then you can add much, much more content to the game, and give it a whole world that the player can explore. Make it so that outfits can be 
changed; when the player changes gear it can be seeen in their avatar. 

I think having a 'legal' (it's gotta be consensual, come on now bud! :/ ) relationship system is something that would be awesome! 
Like if the player meets a party member, they have an afinity system. 
Then THAT way, if you want to include a sex scene that the player can physically see, it would make much more sense and they would feel more attachment to their team members. 

That way the survival element becomes much more important, then the screw it i'm gonna just die here anyway, now the main chracter is gunna try to survive much more since they care about the people in their party. 

I really do hope that you take all these things into consideration, it would really be an epic thing to see. :)