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A member registered Oct 23, 2022 · View creator page →

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TBH with how things are going, I'm really scared for a Detroit become human type of future lmao. Yes, while it is better to hurt something "not real" than an actual human, the concept is so trashy. Like you said, for all intensive purposes they are meant to mimic a real human. What happens when they have bodies and are nearly indistinguishable from the average joe? Is it still okay to treat them as lesser when the seemingly only difference is the way we are brought to existence?  Anyways I will get out of your comment section with all the philosophical rants on AI ethics lmao. Regardless, great game. Lot's of food for thought, which I very much appreciate! I hope others feel the same. 

I'm right there with you! With the current state of technology it is definitely something to consider... As a content creator it genuinely concerns me the amount of children that have come in my lives etc bragging about how they "torture AI" because it's "funny to see them have a mental breakdown". Like... what? This technology is meant to mirror actual intelligent life so this is super concerning behavior. Why do people want to inflict pain so badly? Really reflects how they probably feel about actual people. Even if they aren't truly sentient, why would you want to inflict harm on something that mirrors human sentience? Messed up if you ask me. AI art ethics and such are definitely important, but I feel like we should be exploring the more social aspects as well.

I loved this game! Not only can it be seen as a metaphor for abusive and controlling relationships, but it also draws a lot of attention to the ethics of AI usage. As AI becomes more common, there will be people who legitimately do this sort of thing. Sure its not a human, but does that make it okay to do this? Lots of moral quandries here. 

I got all endings in the game as well! Really enjoyed it

This was a fantastic game! I enjoyed collecting all the endings, and was honestly very surprised by the dark turn of the secret one! It was super cool hearing in the bonus room about how watching rpgmaker content as a child inspired you guys to make this game. I was the same! I actually started consuming let's plays in 2012 or so, which eventually led to me becoming a vtuber with a heavy focus on rpgmaker and indie games. You guys did awesome-- sending love from a kindred soul!

Plugging my video as this game is trending more! I truly think we have something special here, and I hope that part 2 lives up to my expectations. Most games here are so lacking in story, so this was a huge breath of fresh air. It actually makes you pause and think about what direction you may be heading!

This game was incredible! I was kept on edge the entire time, and genuinely never could have guessed the ending before it happened. I had so many theories which kept changing as the game progressed. One thing a lot of games lack lately are intention and direction, but that was never a problem here. Nothing was spoon fed either, which was also awesome. Too many games make the plot way too "guessable" which makes things way less rewarding to play. Overall, huge props to you. Can't wait for part 2

There is low replay-ability right now, which is totally normal for a game made for a jam. I do think there is tons of potential though! The base mechanics are great and super straight forward. By adding some randomness such as homework spawn locations, the code changing between runs, etc there is a lot that can be done which open the possibility of more runs! I never played the timed mode, but I did enjoy the base game.


I played both this game, and the first one in my video today! Crisis at call center starts at 13:00. Although this second game had more to it beyond a walking sim, I still feel like a lot was lacking. First of all, the walking mechanics were abhorrent. I understand it's to replicate old game styles, but for a game bordering on a walking sim it did nothing other than cause frustration and cause the game to take way longer than necessary. It took me 45 minutes to beat the game, yet I was able to cut the footage into about 20. That means half the game was just... pointless. As a gamer, I value time spent. I get annoyed when I feel like my time is wasted on meaningless things that contribute nothing to my experience and I know I can't be the only one who feels that way.

The tasks themselves were also extremely redundant, although I understand we are meant to be playing as Ashley's normal routine. Something as simple as reducing tasks or adding more options (other than the current two: trash and dishes) could benefit a lot. Obviously the game is already done, but it is something to note for the future. To me, even when not playing games for content, I want to always feel like I am doing something for a reason. The redundancy just breaks my immersion and causes me to lose any interest I had in the good parts of a game which is super dangerous. Many people will just quit a game if they get too bored or feel as if their actions have 0 value in game. Just food for thought! I see the third game is out and maybe it's better, but as for now I think there is a lot left wanting.

In today's video I played through both this game and it's sequel, Crisis at the Call Center! To be honest, this game was an over glorified walking sim. The camera effects gave me a bit of a headache, and although they exist for style, I feel like it could be turned down a few notches. There wasn't much to this game, but I understand it may mostly be seen as set up for the games that are to follow. It establishes what type of things we will be looking for in future gameplay

I didn't realize this was here, as I have the game through steam! I noticed the listing while looking for other games for my channel. I've completed almost an entire playthrough, and this game has definitely earned a spot as one of my favorite rpgmaker games. I played project kat initially and expected another short playthrough,  but was pleasantly surprised to find out how long this game actually is. I can't wait to explore extra endings! Attached is part 1 of my playthrough.

<3 I hope there are more great games to come!

It took me a second to figure some things out (I'm dumb), but 10/10 meta gaming

Unfortunately I had to deem this game unplayable, and I don't do that often. I gave up after being forced to restart twice, then getting another bug that would make me restart a 3rd time. This is the elden ring of itchio games lol...

Anyways some constructive criticism from the dev! My video is not meant to be harsh or seen as negative. I play so many of these games, and it isn't uncommon to have a lot of issues. First piece of advice is... please playtest your game before upload. These issues were so bad that even a single playtest could have avoided a lot of problems.

Secondly, I really wish there were accessibility options in your menu. I gripe about many games not having this, but it is genuinely so important. I suffer from severe motion sickness and this game was borderline unbearable at points. I suffered through it, but I know a lot of people won't. Don't feel bad though, even AAA games sometimes don't have this setting. I just know it is very appreciated by people like me.

Most of the bugs in your game came from teleporting between regions to complete tasks. I was soft-locked 2 separate times due to this. I don't know for sure how the bug is occurring, but it is very easily replicable if you take a look. 

Other complaints I had were very minor, just generic issues with most games on the platform. Texture glitches, terrible sfx (the traps were like nails on a chalkboard), being able to click things through walls, no clear objective or direction, etc. All these can be improved upon eventually, but I'd focus on making the game playable first.

Sorry for such a long rant, but I genuinely believe in the indie game community and constructive criticism can be a super important part in development.

I got all endings, including a secret 5th ending if you'd like to find them all for yourself!

The game definitely had a learning curve, but after playing several rounds I started to get the hang of it. I had hoped there might be a special interaction if you get all the monsters correct, but I guess not. It was still fun though, and there is a lot of replay-ability up until you memorize each prompt and it's corresponding monster!

I almost forgot to post a link to my playthrough of this game! I love to support indie devs, as well as younger ones. Good job for making this at 14! Even if your first few games aren't as polished, you are learning a lot of skills that will carry you in the future. You never know-- maybe one day that random kid making itchio games will be a AAA dev. It's important to offer support and guidance to encourage younger people to pick up the torch!

Anyways, moral of the story is keep working hard and it will pay off. It's nice to see someone with such drive at a young age.

Its so nice to see games collabing with VTubers! I'm excited to see more games like this in the future. The lottery system felt a little too rigged, as it took me a long to get a ticket and took away from the game a bit. I'd rather get right inside, although I understand the gimmick. Maybe a guaranteed ticket on the third try? The gameplay for the main game was nice though, and I enjoyed the difficulty level. It wasnt too easy nor complex, and the constant tension of Ruby being nearby kept me engaged.

The mechanics for fishing the last few fish were rough, but overall it was a nice little game!

I tried out the demo of this game, and it was pretty sweet! Anomaly watch types of games aren't always my thing, seeing as they can be really difficult. I can't vouch for the full game, but the demo was easily digestible! Even if you're bad a noticing things, you'll probably make it through.

I spent so long trying to actually investigate, just to realize nothing I did actually had any impact in the game lol. It was still a nice short game for content though!

Let me start off by saying this game was fantastic. When first booting the game up, I had no idea that I was about to be confronted with such deep and heavy topics. Content warnings have become something I mostly skip through, because I normally feel as if they are over exaggerated. This game really caused me to take a look and reflect on my own personal experiences though, and I think those warnings were warranted. 

As someone who has been in cycles of abuse exactly like displayed, I was hit with so many emotions. This game is exactly what I needed. Even after moving on from these sorts of dynamics, it can be super hard to recover and return to the person you were before the abuse started. I felt like a lot of things in this game were something I really  needed to see and hear. It was a great reminder that what I've been through is valid. I'm not crazy. Relationships like this are not healthy. Things of that nature. 

To anyone else who has suffered through similar events, or may even be in a similar situation now, I wish you the best. Your feelings are important. Don't let anyone make you second guess yourself. You are not a slave, and no matter what they say you don't have to be there. Even if they threaten horrible things, it isn't your fault. You're not evil for wanting to help yourself, I promise.


Anyways with that out of the way, 10/10 game. I was blown away at each turn. I recorded a video where I got all endings, as well as went over the secrets of the game! I hope you all enjoy, and maybe it can help out anyone if they get stuck.

I did notice several grammar and pronoun issues in my playthrough, but things like that  happen all the time, especially in such a long game. It's a lot of text to proofread.

The game is short and simple, which can definitely be a good thing. Many games make the mistake of trying to be too over the top, which can lead to a loss of charm. If you're looking for a quick 10min fix, this is a good place to start! Minimal spooks, simple gameplay, direct instructions, etc. I got all endings also!

This was a fantastic game, and I can't wait to go back and get all the different endings! I've had it on the backburner for a long time, and I definitely regret not playing sooner. Great ambience, lots of freedom of choice, and beautiful art! Can't wait to try out paper lily soon also!

I made the mistake of playing dark mode my first time, and I almost gave up on the game! I realized my mistake after the fact, and once I gave the game an honest shot I actually had a super fun time and survived an entire shift!

The camera angles get a bit wacky at points, but mad respect for the smooth transitions between rooms. It looked awesome! I definitely did a lot of wandering to figure things out, but the game was pretty enjoyable for what it is.

Great balance of horror, puzzle, and mystery! I really enjoyed this one

I've been following the development of this game for a really long time-- likely a year or more? I don't know. Regardless I have seen all the hard work being poured into this game and it definitely shows in this demo.

The music? Fantastic. It heightens the experience so much. Even the ambient sound effects that were added are amazing! I love that everything makes a sound, even if it doesn't have an interaction. For example, the bed makes a spring noise when interacted with, even though there's no dialogue etc. It is a subtle touch, but means so much in the grand scheme of things.

The visuals are fantastic. The cut scenes? Astounding. This game is such a treat for the eyes, and the visuals go way above and beyond. I loved watching all the animations, and once again, they elevate this game to a whole extra level.

The symbolism is amazing in so many areas as well. The doll, mother "changing', Tom's appearance, etc. You can infer so much through these tiny details and I love it so much.

I play a lot of these games, and this one felt very polished-- especially for a demo. I didn't dig too hard or stress test anything, as I played just for enjoyment. I didn't run into any immediate issues though, which is more than I can say for some other demos I have played! Like another said, I think the name being at the top of the textbox would be a little better, but that's a really small thing.

Overall this is fantastic, and I can't wait to see what we get at full release!

I feel like I was wandering aimlessly half the time because I am directionally challenged, but it was still a nice little game! Lots of ambiguity, and definitely a deeper story hiding underneath.

This demo was PHENOMENAL. My entire YT is dedicated to indie games and visual novels, and this is by far the best one I've seen in a while. Many VNs fall short due to poor writing or being too unrealistic when it comes to interactions. I loved lil Grimmy and his social awkwardness<3 My type of man. The dialouge options gave a decent range of freedom, and I felt super seen when it came to the light teasing options. It's my love language haha.

As for the customization: wow. Most VNs just have a basic faceless MC. The rare VN that allows for customization has extremely limited options. Usually just hair color and gender, imo. I was amazed. Once I moved from character creation I was like... WAIT I CAN CUSTOMIZE MY ROOM TOO?!

This was such a breath of fresh air and I'm so excited for the final product. I'll be wishlisting for sure, and can't wait for the final release. 

I did have one crash during the game, but forgot to save a crash log (sorry)! It is in my video though, so you can see my exact line of choices leading up to it. I didn't test if it was replicable.

Anyways the end. TLDR play this game its great

The game seems super promising! Its well made, and the art is all super cute. Cant wait for the full thing!

click "more info" then there will be an option to run anyways

For a demo that is allegedly only 15% of the full game, this is super fleshed out. Props to that! There is a lot of potential for this game if the remaining 85% can maintain the same quality. There are a few quality of life adjustments I would like to see such as better visual indicators for items that can be interacted with, but they aren't really a necessity. There were just a few times where I wasn't sure what to click, such as the chair in the dining room when you sit to eat. I'm curious as to what a full release will look like, as this game seems very self contained even as is. I have no idea what else the 85% could add, which makes me excited!

I totally forgot to leave a comment yesterday! I played this game for my channel, and it was beautiful. The storytelling is so raw, and I love that. I've played a lot of VNs where the choices and dialogue feel stale. This game was a breath of fresh air! I really felt for the characters and portrayal of mental illness. I love how the story showed that not every terrible thing is the work of the supernatural, etc. Sometimes there is realistic explanations-- and there is help out there. Anyways, great game. :)

For a demo, this game was amazing with a lot of polish. There is still a few minor tweaks that could be made imo, but overall an amazing start for an indie game.

The ambience for the game is wicked good. Deppart knows exactly how to make good atmospheric horror. There are jumpscares, but unlike most other games the horror doesn't rely on them. The reason they are so terrifying is the buildup of anxiety you feel as you progress!

I really liked this game, and to think this is only about 15% of the final product is pretty nice. Everything looks very polished, which I enjoyed! I loved all the environments and little details (such as the book titles haha).

As for constructive criticism, I noticed there was a frequent glitch while moving that caused a sort of "bar" glitch across the screen horizontally. I know I mentioned it in my video a few times. Personally, I also feel like there should be more of a visual indicator when it comes to what you can interact with. The white outline on objects is nice, but it only appears when hovering directly over the object. Because of this, I was super confused at the part where you are supposed to sit in the chair at the table. I had no idea what I was supposed to click! Obviously it's personal choice, but I feel like having some form of outline either always visible or when your cursor is within a certain radius could greatly benefit the game. It would help avoid some of the confusion I felt, and likely others as well!

click the flag for your language then press enter

Honestly, the game was pretty good! Simple, but linear. I'm a huge UFO + conspiracy junkie, and I appreciate the end talking about how aliens are actually extra-dimensional beings. My man knows what he's talking about. Finally, someone who is on the same page as me haha.

This game is one of the best I've played from itchio in a while, despite having some camera issues since I played it early in release <3 So just dropping my playthrough again.