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A member registered Mar 21, 2022 · View creator page →

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Hey, man! First of all, I'm happy about the news! It's good to seecommitted devs. :D Second of all, I suggest you change the text color on your posts (this one and the game page) since it's almost impossible to see  and I had to higlight it to see it. Keep it up, friend!

Thank you for your kind words, friend! I'm very glad you liked my little game. And thanks for the feedback! 😄

Thank you, my friend! I'm glad you enjoyed my game! The art is from Kenney's 1-bit Pack, by the way. I just tweaked it a litte bit. 😄

Thank you, friend! The art is from Kenney's 1-bit Pack (I just modified some things). It's really good, like all Kenney's assets. 😀 Thanks for giving my game a try!

Hello, friend! Thanks for your words! I'm glad you liked my game. 😁 And it's good to know my efforts on trying to make an uneasy atmosphere paid off in the end.

Regarding the Pombero chase, I wanted to add more space for maneuvering, but I sadly ran out of time. 😅

Great game! And really liked the art and the lore as well. Very well done!

Invincibility frames, my friend... Please give me some invincinbility frames! Once I get hit, I'm prety much doomed.  Haha! Also, The music is way too loud and the Start button in the main menu as some contrast issues. But on the other hand, the graphics are really nice. Keep it up, friend!

I know the game is not finished, so I will focus on the things that are in the game. The music. Oh, it's way too loud and at some point, there's like two layers of completely different styles tracks that sound awful. Also, the "doors" or passages between rooms, could be more distinguishable, some of them have walls like the rest of room. Okay, now the good part, the visuals are really nice and the controls feel pretty good as well. Too bad you couldn't finish it. 

It's a fun little game, but the controls feel weird... The double jump sometimes boost you way up and sometimes just a little bit., and since many jumps require a double jump, it kinda makes it hard to enjoy. Also, I think the collision shapes could be a little bit smaller so you don't die just by slightly grazing an enemy when falling or jumping. But it's a good game overall. The sprite for the mothman is amazing.

Yeah, it has pretty basic pathfinding, and the river is another layer of the tilemap, so he doesn't try to avoid it. Haha 😅 But I'm glad you liked it regardless. Thank you for giving my little game a try! 😄

I really loved the aesthetics and the atmosphere of this one, but after playing more than half an hour, I didn't know hot to get to the ending. I found the Mare but I guess there's more to it I just couldn't figure it out. Anyway, amazing game. Definitely one of my favorites of the jam.

Nice little game. But the character is so fast it's a little bit hard to control at first. And the enemies could have a hitbox a bit bigger. Haha. Other than that, good game. I liked it. 😋

Amazing little game. It's like that game on the subway exit, Exit 8 I believe it's called. And some others similar. It's a really cool idea bringing it to 2D. Great concept, great artstyle, great atmosphere. Nice work. :)

Haha! Hello there! I'm very glad you liked my little game and that I was able to provide you with a bit of new knowledge. Thanks for playing! 😄

Hello, friend! I'm happy to hear you enjoyed my little game! 😄 The Pombero is a scary little guy! Haha

Yeah, it's possible the text in the labels are messy. Sorry about that. I still don't dominate UI. 😅 But I'm very glad you liked the rest of it. Thank you playing my little game! 😁

Thank you por trying my little game! I'm glad it managed to give you a little scare. Haha :D

Great game. And pretty long too! Loved the art style. My only complaints are: The text on the authenticity paper is too small and hard to read (at least for me). Secondly, I struggled a bit managing the books, it's not very intuitive. But anything else is great. Amazing work, guys!

Well, this one certainly has unique visuals. And I really liked the music. The UI could use some styling to suit better the style of the game, but it's not a huge deal. The characters are really creepy and unsettling, well done! Haha. Too bad is very short. Good work.

Hey there! Thank you so much for playing my little game! And I'm very glad you enjoyed it. :D

Thanks, my friend! I'm very glad you liked it! :)

Thank you very much for your kind words! I'm glad you liked it. :)

That looks great, it's such shame everything broke in the export. I'd love to give it another try when it's fixed. :)

Jaja. Sí, es el 1-Bit Pack de Kenney. Gracias. :)

The idea of the game and the execution are both great! But I can't get past the third level, since it's so unforgiving. The little evil floor tiles change so quick that don't give enough time to avoid them, and when you place a rock into the flames, the little animation that comes next leaves the player character vulnerable to the ghosts or the evil tiles since it cannot move. One more thing, it would be so much better to replay without having to watch the intro every time. Haha. But anyway, other than that, amazing game. Good work.

I don't know what to make of this game... I liked the aesthetics and the immersion that gives the conversation at the beginning, but that's all there is to it. And for some reason, I get some weird white panels in my screen when I go fullscreen. Anyway, it looks good with that retro-modern style, but it lacks something to hook the player. Keep it up! :)

Buenísimo. Es como estar en el subte tal cual, muy buena inmersión (excepto por el detalle de que podés entrar sin tener que usar la sube) y atmósfera. Los modelos de la estación y del tren te quedaron geniales.

Wow, amazing game.  It's so fun! And so orginal as well. It kinda feels a bit unfair when they curve the trajectory of their tackle mid-air, which could be easily negated by adding a bit of invincibility frames when sprinting (it could be explained by the oil/butter making it easier to escape their grasps). But other than that, wonderful work. And the aesthetics of the game is aslo great, the transitions are awesome. Excellent game.

Good game, I like the different classes and progression. But I got stuck in a room after one enemy spawned and phased through the wall to another room. Haha

Great game, amazing atmosphere. The minigames are really good.

Really fun and original game! I loved it, but I'd like not losing babies just by starting the level. Haha

Nice game. The controls are a bit clunky and  not being able to see the platforms where I need to land is kind of troublesome. But other than that, good work, specially with the audio. Keep up the good work!

Jajaja. Gracias, amigo! Me alegro de que te haya gustado! :D

Thanks, brother! Very appreciated

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Happy birthday! :)

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Ey, bro! Escuché tus demos. Muy buen trabajo. Yo soy de Argentina también. Estaría copado trabajar con vos, ya sea en esta jam o en algún otro proyecto en el futuro. Si te interesa hacer equipo conmigo, avisame y seguimos hablando por discord. Soy programador, trabajo con Godot y Ren'Py.  También me defiendo un poco con pixel art.

Hey there! I'm a Godot programmer! Are you still looking for someone?

Very nice!

Te busqué con ese username pero no me sale. Fijate si me podés agregar vos a mí como amigo. Mi discord es gerumansio.