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Crimson Wolf Games

A member registered Jul 23, 2019 · View creator page →

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(1 edit)

yeah did not have enough time and also kinda forgot to lock the sound to only play 1 time lol,  but yeah i could have done way better with the sound if i had more time, thanks for playing

i may take the concept and mechanics to a whole new game but not sure yet maybe a game where you shift from bat to dracula or somthing would be cool, thanks for playing

yeah i wish i could have added a bg and more colors at least, thanks for playing

cool concept but I really wish it there was more, but for criticisms, everything was done well there was like 1 I think that was unclear it was the image that had the pet store sign what was that?  also the use audio queue was unclear so I just guessed for the first 2   until I decided to click on the sound icon

yellow light me at 10% going down,  red light at 2% are you even paying attention lol, but All in all love the game and would play if there is ever more added.

thanks for playing 

yeah I meant to echolocate  and basically  u just scan your surrounding kill enemy's and avoid wall to get to the end

flying is hard and in hindsight  I should  have lessen the slippery Nissan a bit but still wanted some

(1 edit)

hello ian, This is a super impressive game and I think its very fun, although my web browser was struggling every time I get hit it flashes black maybe the windows build will be better, I also see you also fixed the UI for getting new items. 

I may use the mechanics of this as a base for a different game not sure yet

Yeah I forgot to lock the sound effects down to only play when no other sounds are playing  and so it is repeated many times when used in rapid succession, and it is a prototype kinda lol if I had more time I would have loved to add a background and even my own art,thank for playing

Idk about that lol but thanks

yes walls will hurt you


thanks for playing  

I agree I would have but a menu if I had time and I totally forgot about the explanation because I was rushing to create a page and upload it lol 

ps. I did not add more than 1 level lol sorry for tricking you  but the level just restarts itself

thanks for playing

yeah thats because I could only work on it once or twice each week for a few hours(so like 2-4 times and around 15ish hours I think) and I tried to polish everything with the time I had sorry it felt janky,

ps I thought about that but my round 1 game was not designed around the music and I would have to redo everything from scratch witch would take a lot more time then I had

Thanks for playing

ahh should have added a screen to exp[lain sorry the mashing x increases your score and destroying tomato's gives you fruits/tomato's and you have to finish the act timer with the # needed , I was trying to add tomato splatters when destroyed but the animation wound not start the particles for some reason, Thanks for playing

But if I had to guess maybe the gravity system(does it scale in any way ?), that's the only thing I can think of, anyways my laptop is Windows 11  ryzen 9,16 GB RAM,  don't think that's a problem but you never know 

unfortunately, I can rate this correctly but from what I have scene I think it looks fun lol ,

I tried brave(Chromium based), fire fox and edge just because 

I also tried windows and I get the same thing  I can jump high enough to clear any obstacles, the only way I do is if I hold jump and reset  or change the colors or spectrum or whatever its called lol but level 1 does not have that so I cant progress

The game itself is amazing   but I did find a few little things here, 1st on the last delivery I kept clipping into the ground causing me have to wait to restart the last delivery, I would suggest adding a reset button for the player that mess up and don't have enough time, also some particle effects when jumping would be cool or maybe a dust cloud when landing or some more juice to players interactions or something, Anyways This game was a fun experience and would Love to see it expanded upon in the future (hopefully)   I am very impressed that you managed to pull a 3d platformer game with decent enough mechanics  and character controls off,

Good job and Goodluck :)

That's why I added a harder mode ;)

Thanks for playing 

This was executed really well, the only constructive this I could say about this one is   maybe don't let the player type whatever they want ? also maybe add a little more juice to the animations or even when you type a letter, on the side I am a very slow typer so I personally would enjoy a separate easier game mode where the text scrolls a bit slower

thanks for playing

I love the gameplay super fun, just me being nit picky but I wish the bg had a tiny bit more detail maybe some outlines of windows idk something on the building, also I think the game would be even better if you had upgrades like maybe a slomo fire work or something  in that nature,

final score :1559 :)

Good job and good luck

Love everything about this, maybe add some feed back for when you miss or late or are early, and maybe more animations or something maybe add food onto the grill as you get higher points?  but other then that I enjoyed it

Good job and Good luck

tbh I played until I hit 15k and then I stopped myself very fun entire but The art is a bit lacking all the effects are nice, the only think I have to say, is difference between atomic bomb and the normal bomb?

Good job and good luck

I see what you are trying to go for and it is in fact really fun just the last 3 levels had a very overwhelming difficulty curves, Thi hit box of the player felt a little wonky at times  I think I can make it but then I hit a spike but then I think I am going to die but I hit the same place on the spike and end up getting through alive, other then that I am not sure what the a/d does in the menu exactly.

anyways Good Job and Goodluck

I absolutely Love this entire, the only things I felt where off were there was not much urgency because your timer is off to the side and there I did not notice it till my second play-through maybe  change the position of the timer and make it larger maybe, also the collisions for the slime is a bit off  I think every time  I would jump onto a moving platform I would get suck and either get shot up/down and get repositioned to the floor or  I would have to move forward and jump over it  i would not jump on top of thew higher part of the moving platform when I was on the lower part of it (I believe it was the safe), also 1 suggestion  change  the colors of your clones/duplicated/copies,

Good Job and Good luck

Good job, Sorry if I get a little nit picky at the end but   I do I a few suggestions/some feedback, ,a little more feedback to player when getting hit or maybe even when collecting coins would be nice, I would have like to see some sort of oh hey the timer is going to run out so maybe speed up the music or something idk, Idk how optimized the visual scripting is but there is a bit of a delay between clicking any menu button and going to where the button takes you I pressed the story then the score board and the story started to play a few seconds after entering the score board, a custom cursor for the mouse I often found myself having to shake my mouse to figure out when  it was or maybe a hover effect maybe just a lighter tint on the menu buttons if anything , I felt The players art was not an exact match for the art in your game, other then that not issue with game play Good job and Good luck

technecly it all is besides the main menu but most of it is super scaled up so u cant really tell, but thanks for playing

yeah fonts are a bit blurry and the tomatoes are a bit rough, thanks for playing 

Thanks for playing

I followed Gill I am assuming thats the "normal" route

I love it :)

I love it :) , just got to say music is a perfect fit, the only problem I had was there was not pressure to match at least I felt like there was none maybe add a timer that increases the spawn speed after it hits zero? anyways I like the game.

Great job :), I did not know if I was just supposed to find the sticks or interact with the meep to get it but I figured it out it is quite calming I enjoyed it. 

it's fun just some times the  hit boxes are weird because I push the people out of the way and  they still get hit, also invisible dog moment maybe add a punishment for getting hit yourself like subtract points or something , good job

I like the game, but the soul spawning is 2 predictable they stay in the same place and the rings on the ground are 2 predictable, maybe add a cool-down timer for the wind dash but other then that this game is awsome. 

I love it, The menus need a bit of work and the controls feel a little slippery,  also maybe an indicator for where you are supposed to go so you don't get lost, a little animation for when the hawk/bird gets you and some collision fixes, but I could play this for a while, I love the bark. Good job  guys :)