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A member registered Dec 07, 2019 · View creator page →

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Thank you very much for playing! Next time I will make it easier or add multiple difficulty.

To block you just need to hold the right mouse button - a shield around you will appear. Over time you consume the shield, that is visible in the ui. If you stop pressing the button the shield will recharge after a short delay.

Thank you for your feedback. Actually I already played your game :-) had to play it two times since I somehow lost all my abilities after the fourth death. I still enjoyed it. Specialty the story/narrating.

1125 Steps. Great game. Clever puzzles!

Well, in your game i could't get past honor level 7 =D
Thanks for playing

Debug.Log("Got his far")
Haha Debug.Log/Print is the best debugging.
Debug.Log("And this far?")

For a short moment i though the game was about a ~~butt~~keyhole =D Good one. The soundtrack is a good fit. the creeped the hell out of me

Amazing game. So far my record is Honor 7. It is kinda addicting

Yeah that boss is kinda hard. In the first phase it will teleport on each hit/damage taken. In the second phase you first have to damage one of the elements in the wall. Then it will teleport on first damage and again on second hit. After that the wall will respawn.

Hope you dont mind the comparison with SUPERHOT because your game reminded me to this. and your game rocks! Amazing

Got goosebumps. The visuals are amazing! Too bad that it is quiet short

I like the sound when you ~~jump~~*nomp* 

Cool idea that you fail to get the flag but you are getting the chance to play different game =D

Nice puzzle game and relaxing music. However it is sad that you have to complety start over if you make a mistake :-(

And it shall be forgiven him

(1 edit)

Yeah!!!  This is a really a nice idea. Controlls are good, visuals are nice. Good job 

Had the same problem. Physics seems to be drunken xD

haha. please make a standalone game from "throwing a basketball into their face".

this is game hilarious. good job xD

(1 edit)

There are no powerups. You choose what you drop =D 

Normaly in games your enemies drop items and gold. But not in this game. Here you are the one dropping items and gold

You can press the x in the upper right corner to get to the game

Nice game. I like the visuals and the core gameplay.

I noticed some bugs:

-the timer is not working correctly (67 seconds instead of 1:07)

-the menu button is not working

-after finishing the game you cant replay the game - even page relaod does not help. After deleting the browser indexDB it worked. 

Fastet Doggo in Town 8-)

I tried it 3 times. I event tried to cheat by spamming r with an script. but i still didn't beat it. Its quite hard. Maybe you add an easy mode xD

There is some potential in this game, but i see you already have ideas to improve your game. i will play it again ;-)

Simple mechanics but complex game. I like it. 

Not sure if it was a problem on my PC, but the background track was really annoying and wierd.

Ah got it. Somehow i did now saw the entry. Timing was tough but i beat it

I would really love to play your updated game. Maybe you can upload an additional fixed version?

Interessting concept. I am stucked on  one level where it seems that you need to  open a yellow wall, but i cant find a switch for it. Any hints?

Cool idea. Simple but catchy mechanics. Last level was way easier than the level before it. Had some bad luck with the weapons and it took me a while, but i liked it.

Thanks for the reply. I tried it again. The AI stops talking to me after the ctrl explodes. i says  14.something % to surival. please proceed. After that i flew for 10 minute ^^ Am i doing something wrong?

Nice game. Web Build crashed on level 2 and in download version the hud disappeared for one round. and it also crashed in level 3 =(

But i still had fun

Why? Why do all nice puzzle games have so few levels? Please give me more!

This idea has a lot of potential. I think it would also be a cool mechanic in an metriodvania?

Cool concept! Very clever implementation of the theme. Too bad that there just 5 levels =( Wish there were more. 

Nice little game. I like the idea, that the controlls changes every 15 seconds. However it would be nice if you had some visual which indicates the change. Also a slow down of the enemies would be good so that you can understand the new controlls

Sehr nettes Spiel.  Die Optik gefällt mir sehr gut und das Gameplay ist auch witzig.

Die Collisionboxes könnten etwas kleiner sein. Ich hatte manchmal das Gefühl, dass meine Häuser zu Unrecht kaputt gegangen sind.

Insgesamt aber ein sehr schönes Spiel. Gut gemacht =)

I felt like a hacker. Like a total badass astronout fixing the ship to stay alive. Space-MacGyver ;-)

I really like riddle games where you have to find out which input generates which output. It feels like solving a mystery. And your game fascinated me. Visuals and music is also great.

One question: Is there an ending? I quit the game after flying in one direction for ~5 minutes. I would be nice to have a target, which you need to reach in order to survive.

I beat it. But last level was just random trail and error ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

I like the background sound and your art style, works well together and fits the mood.

However, it was kind of hard to reason about what will happen if you place a hack on one spot. Maybe you will get used to it, if you play more levels? 

I must rest now.

Great look and feel. Very clean and nice optic. 
Just one thing:  I need more levels!

PS: The buttons had no text.

I like the visual. It a good looking game. Some sound effects would be nice.

I thought the combination with the skull was a dud. However, I also had skull shots, which worked and shots without the skull which didn't work...

Haha, i remember you! You were the first to review my game at the wowie 2.0 jam, which was also my first published game. I saw your profile pic in one of the comments. 

Another great game you made. I really love Tower-Defense-Games with originality and yours is one of them.

Well done. 

Very nice visual and interesting game mechanic.

"The player character [ ... ]has a mind of it's own" Yes indeed.

I wish I had that much luck playing yatzee, got the same 3% move twice in a row.

Yes, I was already above the 3 hour mark when I inserted the buttons.  And I didn't have time for a good font.  Instead, I just scaled the button up.

It is a pity how quickly the three hours were over.  I'll try to improve the game after the jam.