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A member registered Oct 06, 2017 · View creator page →

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Update the tool( go to "About", and choose "Check for Updates" ), then dont forget to also update the plugin( Click your project in the tool, and click update plugin/project ), support for Galv's Layer plugin was added a while back, the images will be listed BELOW all parallax images and will include the tag [LAYER] next to it's name ^^

So, whenever you check the 'ignore collision' box, that specific tile, will NOT be read during the collision checks, because, by default the highest tile( the one that appears above all other map colliders ), is the one that gets used for collision checks. I.E. so if the trees branches from the above example, has NO collider attached to it, and the rock behind the tree has a collider, without the ignore collision flag checked on the tree's branches, the rocks collider will be completely ignored D: but WITH it checked, the tree's branches will not be checked, and instead it will check the next lower layer instead, in this case the rock behind ^^ 

Hopefully that's a bit clearer sorry I'm bad at explaining haha ^^;

Issues should now be fixed please boot up the collisions tool to download the latest version of the plugin, and dont forget to update the projects plugin! ^^

For the first issue, sorry there is not really a solution to this at this time... I apologize.... the only solution would be to use water tiles... :/

The second quesstion, the cuved line is for the jump from cliff mechanic, see this youtube video..

and the "ignore collision" is used for things like trees lets say you have a tree 3 tiles high, and you place this tree in front of a building, so, the top part of the tree, is obviously not meant to have collision.. but the building below it, is.. however when you place the tree over the building... it will OVERWRITE the colliders of the building, because the tree is higher priority... so in this situation... you would set the top of the tree, to ignore collision, so that it doesn't overwrite any colliders it covers.

sorry this was an oversight on my part.. to fix this open the plugin manager, double click the collision plugin, choose the jump restricted regions, and delete all the data in it( probably just the number 1, ), then press enter, then click on it again, it will be properly formatted after that as an array of data.

request has been added. ^^

Hello, ^^; sorry I was just going to resolve a bug with this plugin today, so I suppose i can try to work this into my schedule today. Thanks for reminding me of this as i forgot to add it to my todo list, in the future( if you use discord ), it would be immensely more helpful to report the bugs there, as i have a sort of forum setup for bug reports, it helps me keep track of my bugs in a more manageable way lol, cause I'm constantly trying to jot down bugs/features/compatibility requests  from forums, itch.io, emails, as well as discord Q__Q lol.. If not it's np! but it's a huge help for me, as sometimes i forget to write something down( like i did in this case D: ). Regardless, I'll be checking this out right now!

I am planning to add this, but currently it is not possible sorry :( but hopefully soon, my main focus at the moment is getting all the bugs worked out of the plugin before i begin any more heavy changes ^^; 

Aww shucks, thanks for the kind words ^^; I'm glad my code can be useful to you :D

(1 edit)

Apologies.. so this plugin does not download from the itch.io page. instead it comes asa tool. Here's how to get the plugin.

  • Open the Tool executable file for your Operating System.
  • It SHOULD prompt you to update the tool automatically.
  • if not, go to aobut, then click "check for updates".
  • The tool will restart itself.
  • Add your project to the tool!
  • Single click your project, then choose te update project button.
  • The tool will now be installed in your project!
  • Go to MV/MZ Plugin manager, and add the plugin there.
  • Done!

This is also how you update the plugin from that point on ^^ the tool will auto fetch/download the latest version of the plugin, and the tool itself, and download that for you, all you gotta do is choose a project, then cheese update, when it's out of date.

I know it's been a long while Q__Q but i finally got it fixed.. I've been.. away for a while on and off.. ~_~ but I'm trying to get back to working on code as much as possible again! thanks for sharing this with me ^^; and sorry again it took so long to fix this :(

I am... sorry it took me so long to look into this but I am unable to replicate this issue >.<; however it might have been related to the anchoring being assigned incorrectly? which I have just patched... I also added support for taller characters.

hello! thanks for the feedback! I believe this is from the default code in MV/MZ that the characters dissappear( this is so that when it takes a snapshot of the map for battleback, when no battle back is defined, the characters are not part of the background ), but i can adda toggle to prevent the disappearing of characters, it shouldn't be too hard. :)

hey there sorry to keep you waiting so long Q__Q I've been... really busy trying to catch up on everything, but sorry to say, only 1 aura may be applied to a character at this moment^^; perhaps in the future I can add multi colored aura's I do plan to add more effects to this as well. :)

that is correct this only applies to characters, the reason being was I am using this as a sort of base for my upcoming ABS( will be live probably pretty soon! ). :)

i believe i broke npc interactions in general in the last update ill be fixing it tomorrow ^^; sorry for the inconvenience

hmmmm so... columns( up and down ), will remain the same, unless your using 8 directional characters. however the rows( left to right ) you can make as many frames for each animation as you want so long as your have the memory for it. :)

that is correct you can set idle animations for all 4 directions! all animations work in all 4 directions ( or 8 if the feature is on for the dataset used )

I will look into this! Thanks for the request!

there is a setting in the plugin parameters, to keep the plugin enabled always, if it's turned off, the plugin will virtually be disabled in every map.

From there, you can use the note tag "<pixel>" to enable the pixel movement for a specific map ^^

To be honest? I have never tried to use two aura's on one character o_o I can check this out when i get a chance and et back to you on this ^^

yeah, i added an in-tool update system in order to mitigate the wait for people who own the tool/plugin on steam, as GGG has many plugins/assets to keep updated on their site/steam, so i don't wanna spam them with updates every other day in some cases, lol.

Also thanks for the kind words, i appreciate it! I am doing my best to ensure each feature is as close to perfect as possible! but sometimes I end up breaking certain features, after I fix other features lol Q_Q but, I will get it all finished soon( i hope lol ).

I cannot verify the compatibility with VS plugins, but seeing as this plugin is pretty much it's own thing there should be very low probability of compatibility issues arising. 

Unfortunately VS plugins are obfuscated... I WILL try to add support for them where possible in my plugins but i cannot guarantee I will have any success...

Also worst case scenario, itch.io offers a refund on purchases! and if you decide to purcahse the plugin, and DO run into issues, I will do do my best to resolve the issues, however... If I am unable I am more than willing to refund the plugin where possible! :) 

This is technically already possible, although it will be getting revamped soon.. as I don't like the way it's handled... There is a plugin parameter for this iirc though.. or maybe I forgot to add it in o_o; I'll need to check again... but I'd recommend waiting for the next update to use this regardless!

Sorry for the inconvenience, I am going to end up being a bit busy for the next week or so... but this is the next plugin i intend to do some patches for ^^; this plugin sorely needs some attention :(

it is no bother at all!! I'm honored to have you consider using my code in your game at all! If you run into any issues, or need further assistance, don't hesitate to message again! Although I do tend to respond quicker on the Rosedae Discord server ^^ but if you don't use discord, I still try to answer all questions here, and in the rmw forum! :) alternatively you can also contact me via email( both the discord, and email, are located it all my plugins ^^ )

Hello! I'll answer your questions in order, and sorry for the delay!

1. Yes, speeds are normalized, no more walking faster diagonally, than you would walk in a straight direction. This is resolved by the Collision Altering Plugin, not character motions though.

2. That is correct, you need both plugins in order to get both the pixel movement, AND custom animations.

3. Technically this can be done via eventing I believe yes, if you set a parallel event that is constantly running, you could check the players current motion, is idle,( $gamePlayer._motion == 'idle' ), and increase a variable when this condition is met, when the variable reaches 60, you could play a new animation! :)

I hope these plugins will find use in your project! 

Thanks for your inquiry! :D I hope my resonses were helpful

As for stats, I do not plan to add stats into this plugin. Apologies, I already have a stats plugin halfway finished somewhere in my pc, lol so I will be making a seperate plugin for this. However it will be using the default stats, BUT it can very easily be extended as well! I.E. adding a new stat called Cha, or Dex, or Con, etc.. i dont remember everything that needs to be done to it still, or what all is already done lol but I know it was pretty thorough.

Oooh I see! this could be a good idea... I like this idea, I never thought of presenting skills this way but it is defintely a possibility. I will look into this!

i see! thanks for sharing this, it was working when i initially tested this but that was a long while back a lot has been added since then, I'll definitely be looking into this, just wanted to be sure I understood coorectly, thanks for clarifying! ^^ Also just wanna say keep up the good work! Your game looks amazing, I added it to my account on steam, but have not had the chance to play it yet ^^; Too much code in the way lol.

I am unsure what you mean by free text could you elaborate more? as for skill levels this is something I am definitely planning!

thanks for the support! I will check this out thanks for the heads up, what issue are you encountering exactly?

This is currently not available, but I do plan to add this soon ^^ along with several other features. :)

hmmm... thanks for letting me know about this! I appreciate the feeed back, yeah, I guess I accidentally called it a note tag in the help file instead of comment, I get a bit confused about these sometimes when writing the help file lol, so I apologize for that, but in my later plugins I do my best to double check this so I get the right wording lol, as for the error! Can't believe I missed something like this thanks for sharing I will get a patch for this asap!( as well as a patch for the wording in the help file! Much appreciated ^^

hmmm that is interesting! thanks for letting me know! ^^ If possible can you provide me a demo project so I dont have to guess with setting things up, this would make things go quicker as I got a lot of tasks on my todo list lately haha, but if possible can you send it via a pm in discord, or through my email( both can be found within the plugin itself ).

So for character( actors in the data base ), you need to add a note tag, specifying <motion_data:data_name> whereas data_name, is the name of the actual data in the plugin manager( when you setup a set of motions, I.E. the walk, run, idle, jump, etc.., it also asks for you to give it a name, this is the name you will use ).

As for events, the you simply add a comment, instead a note tag, but the format is the same <motion_data:NAME>, note that this comment ONLY activates for the page the comment is placed on! :)

That's all there is to it though ^^

It was a bug that events can collide with followers at all ^^; I will try to address this asap.

I am in the process of writing my own line of sight/hearing plugin as well, which will be more accurate with the movement mechanics of this plugin in place, it will also work as a standalone plugin as well though ^^;

I am glad it helped your project ^^

Hello! I had recently discovered, I needed to setup a stripe account in order to allow for payments via card ^^; I apologize for the inconvenience, but card payments have now been added. :)