Thanks so much!!
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I like the systems-of-influence - are there any books/movies/music videos that are a thematic influence? Reminds me a bit of another game called Amen Break, which has a different feel but a similar conceit (when you leave this dungeon it is destroyed).
Anyway very cool stuff, I love the included dungeon and 'monsters'.
BAH I found it myself. YAY there is one!
Good on y'all. 3rd party licenses rock.
I like this but I'm confused by the Multiple Combatants section.
'If the referee is managing a large number of combatants, you roll once for each group.'
So far so good.
'Both D6 + SKILL makes the top combat score and the highest of those D6 + SKILL makes the low combat score. Half of the group use the top score, the other half the low score.'
OK so.. If I have a mob of angry pelicans (SKILL 4) what are we doing here? Rolling a d6 + 4 and another d6+4, and the group is in two halves, 1 using the higher score and 1 using the lower?