Replying here cause fae is my friend x) and also I 100% agree with them.
I am actually already an amateur of sad bastard cooking, as in, most of my meals are any combination of bread/semolina/pasta/rice + hummus/tomato sauce/pesto. I don't know if it's common in other countries (or in your book sorry, I have just started reading it), but semolina (coarse ground wheat) is the best thing, basically like pasta in terms of role in the meal, but you just need to add steaming water (not even boiling) and it's ready in 5 min. Maybe even faster than ramen :p
(also omggg tomato sauce on toast is sooo underrated, in France at least)
A lot of my friends judge me for my food habits... so I agree with fae that having such a nice book might bring us bastards some sense of legitimacy x)
And of course I'm also super happy to see many new ideas and variations :-)
Thank you so much for this book!!!