Currently enjoying a campaign, and have a couple tweaks I've been using, followed by a recommendation on generating inspiration to write each chapter entry:
- I'm not keen on danger, so have been using spades/swords as "revelations and epiphanies" instead, which is also a characteristic of this suit in tarot.
- Multiple times I ended up using the meanings of specific minor arcana rather than just the game's default meanings. It feels more natural to me as someone a little familiar with tarot readings, though the game's guidance is pretty close to the development of each suit's traditional themes.
I recommend that even players without experience in Tarot look at the card illustrations in their deck for inspiration for story elements. It's an advantage most tarot decks have over most playing card decks. A lot of tarot decks have repeated motifs that appear throughout cards as well, which can inspire linking elements throughout the journey.
Will report back when I finish.