I love what has become of today's Narrow One: the blue team made up only of idiots barely more stupid than an oyster spamming the melee and arc 1 and having no skills level
I have a theory that when u get good enough at the game, u become the only good one on ur team and the other team is either the best players in the world or the stupidest no brainer spammers who know nothing other than spamming left click
And I thought I was the only one who knew about Pelican's conspiracy to measure nonexistent oyster brainwaves with Ai and then use that to control guest NPCs
Starcast, Narrow one had a BIG BRAIN idea to check our skills. So they pair up until your team skillsets are the same as the other team to have a hard match. Apperently, thats why we play with players who have no brains and just spam mealee and bow. XD