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The higher education landscape is rapidly evolving as universities worldwide respond to multiple pressures. Changes to funding, increasing competition, rising student demand for flexibility and value, and institutions’ shifting role in... more
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      Environmental EducationHigher Education
International partnerships between universities, facilitated by online pedagogies, have great potential to bring together students and teachers from widely differing backgrounds, cultures and locations to combine global perspectives and... more
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      Physical GeographyGlobalization And Higher EducationLearning And Teaching In Higher EducationInternationalization of higher education
The week of Oct 4-10th is Dyslexia Awareness Week, when organisations promote public engagement with dyslexia, often on a specific theme. In 2021 the focus is on invisible dyslexia, including overlooked dyslexia among adults in higher... more
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      Equity and Social Justice in Higher EducationHigher Education StudiesDyslexia
Although many universities make public commitments about equity and inclusion, pursuing these values can be challenging. Sørensen & Traweek (2022), for example, describe how schemes to address marginalization and exclusion can conflict... more
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This paper explores the lived experience of university students with dyslexia, focusing on identity and self-esteem. The qualitative study used semi-structured interviews with five students with dyslexia and discussions with learning... more
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      Self and IdentityDisability StudiesEquity and Social Justice in Higher EducationDyslexia