
From IndieWeb


pзk (pronounced "peek") is the name of the software that runs aaronparecki.com and indiewebcat.com. Below is the description of version 1 which was active until 2016-01-30. See p3k for information on the current version.


Writing a note (mini UI)
Writing a note (full UI)
Writing an article
Posting UI with syndication options

p3k event



Source Code

While the core of p3k is not open source, many components are. Below is a list of the components used in p3k.


IndieWeb Support

Publishing Other Content

Aside from notes, articles and replies, I also publish the types of content listed below.


Example: http://2015.aaronparecki.com/metrics/2012/12/03/075900/

I've had the best luck with the Jawbone UP for tracking my sleep. I have logs now since November 2011 of how much I've slept every night.

The Jawbone app has an interface for adding a note to a sleep record. Here is a screenshot showing an example of adding a note to a sleep record.


Example: http://2015.aaronparecki.com/metrics/2013/09/15/081800/

I use the Withings scale to track my weight. Through a series of convoluted steps, the data eventually ends up on p3k and is published here.

Currently every time there is a new measurement it results in a post on my site. I may change this to post once a week showing a small graph instead.


Pushups example: http://2015.aaronparecki.com/metrics/2013/11/28/143242/

I wrote a simple simple pushup-tracking app which makes POST requests directly to my server, creating these posts.

Backwards-Compatible Support

Notes vs Articles

  • Note: a note is plaintext only, HTML markup is not allowed. There is some auto-linking code that adds links around @mentions, URLs and hashtags. Any recognized URLs like images and video are embedded below the post.
  • Article: an article is a long form entry that supports any HTML.
  • See also: Semantics Of Article-Note Distinction

Storing External Content

When displaying external content on my site for reply-context and comments, p3k stores both the raw HTML and the parsed JSON for external pages on disk. Below is a screenshot showing how the folder structure maps to the URLs.

Local Nicknames

When writing a note, I often want to address people by a nickname rather than by full name or full domain name. (I don't think "@aaronparecki.com" looks particularly good in a post.)

I have a file called users.txt which contains a mapping of local nicknames to profile info including full name, website and avatar URL. I call this a "local" nickname because it may or may not be a nickname that the other person actually uses for themselves or exists on a silo. In practice, it mostly consists of Twitter usernames, however.

Sample data:

@aaronpk      http://aaronparecki.com http://aaronparecki.com/images/aaronpk.png Aaron Parecki
@caseorganic  http://caseorganic.com https://twimg0-a.akamaihd.net/profile_images/1788860814/kk-caseorganic_reasonably_small.jpg Amber Case
@tantek       http://tantek.com http://tantek.com/photo.jpg Tantek Çelik 
@t            http://tantek.com http://tantek.com/photo.jpg Tantek Çelik
@snarfed	http://snarfed.org/	https://pbs.twimg.com/profile_images/2812992290/be21b6e4df4b499a98e87413b355c657_bigger.jpeg	Ryan Barrett

Note that in the case of @snarfed, his twitter account is actually different.


  • Fixed-column schemas are annoying to deal with and extend
  • Since some of these photo URLs are twitter URLs, they often change and many are already out of date

See Also



p3k uses a database as a cache and to quickly query lists of posts by category, tag, date or by other meta data. No actual post content is stored in the database, the post content is read from disk when needed. The database can be regenerated from the raw files on disk with a script, so there is no worry if the database is suddenly deleted or corrupted.



The posts table holds the primary meta-data for all posts on the site.

  • `id` bigint(20) unsigned NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT,
  • `category` varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL,
  • `type` varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL,
  • `permalink` varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL,
  • `filename` varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL,
  • `published` datetime DEFAULT NULL,
  • `updated` datetime DEFAULT NULL,
  • `tz_offset` int(11) DEFAULT NULL,
  • `timezone` varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL,
  • `latitude` double DEFAULT NULL,
  • `longitude` double DEFAULT NULL,
  • `client_id` varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL,
  • `deleted` tinyint(4) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',
  • `draft` tinyint(4) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',


  • KEY `published` (`published`),
  • KEY `filename` (`filename`),
  • KEY `post_type` (`type`),
  • KEY `category` (`category`),
  • KEY `category_published` (`category`,`published`),
  • KEY `category_type` (`category`,`type`)


Each tag has an ID and is stored in the tags table.

  • `id` bigint(20) unsigned NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT,
  • `tag` varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL,


  • KEY `tag` (`tag`)


This table links posts to tags.

  • `id` bigint(20) unsigned NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT,
  • `post_id` bigint(20) DEFAULT NULL,
  • `tag_id` bigint(20) DEFAULT NULL,


  • UNIQUE KEY `post_id_2` (`post_id`,`tag_id`),
  • KEY `tag_id` (`tag_id`),
  • KEY `post_id` (`post_id`)


The clients table holds a list of all micropub clients that have created posts.

  • `id` int(11) unsigned NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT,
  • `client_id` varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL,


  • KEY `client_id` (`client_id`)


The syndications table contains syndication URLs for posts.

  • `id` bigint(20) unsigned NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT,
  • `post_id` bigint(20) DEFAULT NULL,
  • `service` varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL,
  • `syndicated_url` varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL,


  • KEY `url` (`syndicated_url`),
  • KEY `post_id` (`post_id`)

This can be used to find the canonical URL of a syndicated post given its URL on Twitter or Instagram.


All content in p3k is stored as files on disk.

There is a top-level folder for each post type, articles, notes, replies, events, metrics, travel, presentations. (If I had to do this from scratch, I wouldn't have made this distinction at this level).

Each folder contains subfolders for the year and month.

For everything except metrics, the structure is:

  • YYYY/mm/dd-n.md where n is the nth post on that day.

For metrics, the filenames are the full timestamp:

  • YYYY/mm/dd/HHMMSS.md

If there are any associated photos or files for a post, they go into a subfolder with the same name as the base name of the file. In the "notes" example above, the photo attached to the "08-4.md" note lives in a folder named "08-4".

Example Note

Here is an example .md file for one of my notes.

date: "2013-12-03T23:21:49-08:00"
place-name: Portland, OR, USA
timezone: America/Los_Angeles
latitude: 45.506659
longitude: -122.654230
slug: homebrew-website-club
- hwc
- indieweb
- https://twitter.com/aaronpk/408134030979108864

Next Homebrew Website Club mtg Wed 18:30 at @EsriPDX & @MozSF (with remote video) http://calagator.org/events/1250465273 Notes from last meeting: http://tantek.com/2013/332/b1/homebrew-website-club-newsletter All are welcome, whether or not you currently have your own website!

Example Event

title: IndieWeb Dinner at 21st Amendment
slug: indieweb-dinner-at-21st-amendment
date: "2013-09-30T18:00:00-07:00"
timezone: America/Los_Angeles
type: event
tags: indieweb
  start: "2013-09-30T18:00:00-07:00"
  org: 21st Amendment
  street-address: 563 2nd St
  locality: San Francisco
  region: CA
  country: US
  country-abbr: US
  postal-code: 94107
  url: http://21st-amendment.com/

See Also