Syndication was a session at IndieWebCamp San Diego 2024.
- Archived from: https://etherpad.indieweb.org/syndication
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IndieWebCamp SD 2024
Session: Syndication
When: 2024-12-07 15:50
David Shanske (session facilitator)
Anthony Ciccarello
gRegor Morrill
Peter Kaminski
- Add yourself here⦠(see this for more details) or [URL NAME]
- Part of Your World: How to Integrate your Site with the Places People Are - #partofyourworld
- What, where, why, how.
- ActivityPub, Bluesky/ATProto
Use-case: conversation around what I'm saying
David Shanske: I want to be productive, and people engaging with what I'm doing makes me more productive.
- Would like to avoid the LiveJournal backfill auto-syndication of all backfilled posts live publicly which some were supposed to be private.
Anthony Ciccarello Using Bridgy Fed for Mastodon and Bluesky
- Great for replying to mastodon posts
- Have defaults for if different post types show up in a main feed but can be overriden
- Reviews generally aren't in the main feed but some might be able to stand on their own
ilovecomputers you'll run into issues if you rename yourself to your domain: https://github.com/snarfed/bridgy-fed/issues/1074
Tantek Γelik strava has options to "mute" activity in the main/group feeds
David Shanske Micro.blog doesn't support all post types so you might not want to syndicate
gRegor Morrill Micro.blog is fairly forgiving
- Mastodon also has limitations about what post types are supported
- Can control syndication per post type
Tantek Γelik but even still, most platforms still support a plaintext version
David Shanske: use-case: inviting more conversation
David Shanske: I want people to see and find my stuff
Tantek Γelik: is this for people to see real-time, like in a reader/newsfeed, or to find eventually or ever, like from a web search?
David Shanske: both. anything within the week for me is somewhat real time. also had an example where someone found a post from years ago and commented on it.
gRegor Morrill Goodreads reviews have a checkbox "Add to update feed" which is checked by default. If checked, review will show up on your profile page.
Anthony Ciccarello have seen that where someone mentions something of mine in their weekly round-up
- Most people won't assume they can subscribe to a website via ActivityPub/Mastodon, so making those options clearer can help gain readership
- People like that they can get personal interactions from platforms like Mastodon
Anthony Ciccarello would like to POSSE to Instagram since that's where his family is
Clearview mentioned: https://indieweb.org/2020/West/Demos