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Dev intro to indieweb building blocks was a hack day introduction session at IndieWeb Summit 2017.
Notes archived from: https://etherpad.indieweb.org/building-blocks
Video at: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-DZGjilN__Q
When: 2017-06-25 10:00
Aaron Parecki session facilitator
Marty McGuire
- Josh Juran
- Jack Jamieson
gRegor Morrill
Grant Richmond
- Michelle JL
- Anton Podviaznikov
aaronpk is going to go through several building blocks of IndieWeb. In an hour.
Starting w/ microformats. Foundation of our interop.
microformats.io is a nice intro site thanks to Shane Becker.
- if you have HTML already for a blog post or address or whatever, what is the least amount of info you could add to give structure to that HTML?
- h-card example from microformats.io
prefixes are parser instructions, everything else is vocabulary
- h- is the object wrapper
- within the h-card there's properties: street-address, locality, etc.
- shows php.microformats.io parser example by pasting in the h-card example HTML
- h-card tells us everything inside it is an item
- p- means use plaintext value of element
- u- means use the URL value; for <a>, href, <img> it's src
- dt- time attribute
When you're consuming an HTML page you can completely forget that it's HTML, parse it with mf2 and it's a JSON structure. Parsing HTML is hard, but don't have to worry about it since parsing mf2 makes it a nice data structure.
Q: What does "h" mean?
A: Tantek: microformats started with hCard and hCalendar for events, because they were based on vCard and iCalendar, so the "h" stands for HTML version of those.
Several parsers in multiple langes. What's your preferred language? Production-ready parsers linked on microformats.io; there's more that are in-development, linked on microformats.org
Josh: Any interest in Perl parser?
Tantek: There's an old mf1 parser for Perl that was very thorough; good starting point.
Aaron shows live example of mf2 on aaronpk.com
- h-entry with e-content, note (post with no title)
- dt-published
- p-category
- runs his URL through pin13.net/mf2
Why is this useful?
- When I reply to a post on
Ben WerdmΓΌller's site I put the URL I'm replying to, pull out the photo, URL, text of Ben's post and show it as a reply-context
Shows h-entry
- Only a handful of core properties you'll typically use, the rest can be easily looked up on microformats.org as needed
Shows posts
- including experimental properrties and post types
Grant: What's the best way to make something machine-readable while not necessarily showing it?
- Can hide it with CSS, but kind of a hack
- Aaron: First Q, why do you want to make it not visible, and are you sure?
- When it's not visible it's easy to bit rot. When it's visible it's easily inspected and bugs caught.
- Aaron: on his posts he doesn't have his photo and name visible in the h-entry. His author h-card is in the footer of the page, so he has a hidden <a class="u-author"> link with no text so authorship algorithm can parse his author info
- Also shows location name but doesn't show lat/lng because unless you're a super map geek you probably don't care to see it
Webmention is basically "this URL linked to that URL"
Aaron made a URL on his site in reply to Ben's URL.
First have to discover Ben's webmention endpoint. That's proably the hardest part of the spec.
In Ben's HTML is a <link> with rel=webmention.
There's a couple other ways to advertise it; can be in HTTP header Link: tag. So you can advertise in non-HTML URLs (images, JSON, etc)
Once we know the WM endpoint we can send the payload.
Demonstrating with cURL, because it's just a form POST
- source = Aaron's URL target = Ben's URL
- Ben's response is 202 Accepted "Got it, going to do something with it later"
- Typically first: Verify the source link exists and links to target, to avoid obvious spam
- Then usually parse the source content async
Josh: How do we know when a 202 Accepted response has finished processing?
- Aaron: one option is return a status URL with HTTP 201, then the sender can check the status URL
- Shows sending a junk webmention to his own endpoint, returns 201 with a Location: header of webmention.io's status URL
- Would like to see an extension that specifies the content of status URLs so sender can reliably consume it; doesn't exist yet
Way to subscribe to changes of things.
Aaron posts new things on his homepage, if you want to know when he updates you can subscribe by WebSub. Other option is to poll periodically.
- Usually it can be used for lists of things, but it can be for a single thing.
- As a publisher, links to the hub.
- Shows his hub in the HTTP header of aaronpk.com. Link: with rel=hub and current page URL with rel=self
- The hub maintains list of subscribers
- When Aaron tells the hub his URL is updated, it will read the page and send the payload to subscribers
Doesn't care the content type of the page. HTML, Atom, JSON, whatever.
In indieweb HTML+mf2 pages are commonly used.
Initially PubSubHubub was used with XML feeds only but it's expanded to generic content types
Q: Grant: Is there anything in place if you have 1M subscribers?
- The hub separation helps. Aaron's hub URL is on switchboard.p3k.io not his own site, so the hub has to handle it. Superfeedr is another example.
- If you don't think you'll have 1M subscribers, you could host your own hub on your domain
Q: Marty: If the post appears in multiple feeds, does each feed URL need to have a notification sent? e.g. aaronpk's tag feeds vs main feed (tag: biketown)
- Yes, as publisher you need to know which feeds are updated and send all of those URLs in your WebSub notification.
Shows Woodwind as example consumer of WebSub
Subscribers will usually poll periodically (much less frequently) as a fallback in case something goes wrong with WebSub notifications
Q: Anton: How do I as a user know looking at your site that you support WebSub?
- Aaron: From an end-user perspective you don't really need to know, because you can get the updates regardless of whether it's WebSub or polling?
- Sub-question: how do you know you can consume the site at all. e.g. kind of like a follow button.
- Not well-explored yet, but some options. SubToMe.com buttons, aaronpk's follow button experiment.
Let's do Micropub in 3 minutes!
Client-server API.
- Client-side apps (web, native, etc.) can use to create posts on a server.
Aaron doesn't have any place on his site to create posts. Has to use external services.
- Mostly uses Quill
- Signs in, fills out form, submits, MP client makes a POST request to his site, his site processes and posts, sends WebSub notifications, etc.
You no longer need to be responsible for creating posting UIs; you can use other clients / UIs
OwnYourGram and OwnYourSwarm use MP to post app silo content back to your site (PESOS)
Probably the best way to get started is Quill or micropub.rocks
- When you try it and it doesn't find endpoitns, it walks you through the steps you need: authorization, token endpoint, micropub endpoint
- You can skip auth endpoint and token endpoint if you want to use the provided services
Creating MP endpoint
- Client is going to send a few well-defined POST request params
- params come from mf2
Q: How does MP interpret Authorization: Bearer HTTP header
- Not explicitly part of the spec. tokens.indieauth.com verifies tokens; good starting point
micropub.rocks is the test suite for Micropub
See Also
- tools
- ...