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MicroPub Life Cycle was a session at IndieWebCamp Austin 2017.
- Notes archived from: https://etherpad.indieweb.org/micropub
- Watch: βΆοΈ 38:31s
IndieWebCamp Austin 2017
Session: MicroPub Life Cycle
When: 2017-12-09 13:15 CST
Aaron Parecki (session facilitator)
David Shanske
Manton Reece
- Jeremy Tanner
- Template:cgrayson
Chris Aldrich (remote)
- add yourself...
MicroPub spec is currently about creating posts and editing assumes you already know what you are editing.
Indieweb.org/micropub-brainstorming indieweb.org/micropub-extension
Review of XML-RPC protocol, which Manton is using to retrieve posts.
editing use cases:
- quick edits to recent posts
- editing old posts is usually not a time-sensitive thing or needs to be done from a mobile app
MetaWebLog API that micro.blog supports
metaWeblog.newPost metaWeblog.editPost metaWeblog.deletePost metaWeblog.getPost metaWeblog.getRecentPosts metaWeblog.newMediaObject
Micro.blog choosing post formats / categories screenshot:
Marsedit posting interface
- API to get recent posts - reverse chronological published date
- bonus if that API supports paging for older posts
- get list of categories - not all sites support this
- autocomplete for tags
- could also include list of categories
- should probably return everything the client needs for setup
Should a server return all properties of a post or just name/date/url?
- option for both, similar to existing q=source
querying venues?
- community venue database?
- can you query someone else's venue database from their website?