Papers by claudio Bizzarri

In antiquity “road networks” of various kinds played an essential role in defining the territory ... more In antiquity “road networks” of various kinds played an essential role in defining the territory and determining where settlements and production villas and farms were to be located. This study deals in particular with the waterways in Umbria, involving rivers such as the Tiber, the Paglia and the Chiani, which were all navigable at the time, and how present place names provide an insight into how these waterways were exploited. Corroborated by archaeological finds, descriptions from ancient authors also provide a lively picture of what these villas were like. PREFACE1 Two distinct methods of analysis can be used in an attempt to understand the phenomenon connected to the creation and exploitation of a communication and transportation network: physical and chronological. The current connotation of the term “road network” refers to a complex system dependent in turn on the manner in which it is exploited (by rail, wheels, etc.). It might therefore be more correct to think of an ancie...
In antiquity “road networks” of various kinds played an essential role in defining the territory ... more In antiquity “road networks” of various kinds played an essential role in defining the territory and determining where settlements and production villas and farms were to be located. This study deals in particular with the waterways in Umbria, involving rivers such as the Tiber, the Paglia and the Chiani, which were all navigable at the time, and how present place names provide an insight into how these waterways were exploited. Corroborated by archaeological finds, descriptions from ancient authors also provide a lively picture of what these villas were like. DOI:10.2458/azu_jaei_v10i1_bizzarri
Etruscan Studies
This report presents the recent results from the excavations of Cavità 254, a pyramidal hypogeum ... more This report presents the recent results from the excavations of Cavità 254, a pyramidal hypogeum under the city of Orvieto. The report examines both the material culture as well as newly discovered archeo-zoological and archeo-botanical evidence.
Bell/A Companion to the Etruscans, 2015
Bell/A Companion to the Etruscans, 2015
Annali della Fondazione per il Museo "Claudio Faina", 2018
Resoconto preliminare delle indagini svolte nella necropoli di Crocifisso del Tufo tra il 2015 e ... more Resoconto preliminare delle indagini svolte nella necropoli di Crocifisso del Tufo tra il 2015 e il 2017. I contesti più interessanti sono rappresentati dalla tomba 203, utilizzata nella seconda metà del VI e riaperta durante la prima metà del III sec. a.C., e il basamento con cassette, in cui si propone di riconoscere un cenotafio.
In antiquity "road networks" of various kinds played an essential role in defining the territory ... more In antiquity "road networks" of various kinds played an essential role in defining the territory and determining where settlements and production villas and farms were to be located. This study deals in particular with the waterways in Umbria, involving rivers such as the Tiber, the Paglia and the Chiani, which were all navigable at the time, and how present place names provide an insight into how these waterways were exploited. Corroborated by archaeological finds, descriptions from ancient authors also provide a lively picture of what these villas were like.
Presentazione preliminare dello scavo condotto all'interno di una cavità artificiale localizzata ... more Presentazione preliminare dello scavo condotto all'interno di una cavità artificiale localizzata nel centro storico della città di Orvieto (TR). I materiali raccolti all'interno di questa colossale "colmata" si datano tra il Bronzo Recente e la seconda metà del V sec. a.C. Di grande interesse sono alcune terrecotte architettoniche, le ceramiche di produzione ateniese e le numerosissime iscrizioni graffite su recipienti in bucchero e ceramica comune.
In binos actvs lvmina, Jan 1, 2005
Etruscan Studies, Jan 1, 2002
Close Document Image Close Document Printer Image Print This Document! Conservation Information N... more Close Document Image Close Document Printer Image Print This Document! Conservation Information Network (BCIN). Author: Bizzarri, Claudio Title of Source: Orvieto underground: Orvieto Title of Series: Chiese, monumenti ...
Papers by claudio Bizzarri