Papers by Olga P . Vorobyova
Studia Linguistica Universitatis Iagellonicae Cracoviensis, 2020
This paper gives a survey of approaches to the analysis of Virginia Woolf's "Blue & Green" (1921)... more This paper gives a survey of approaches to the analysis of Virginia Woolf's "Blue & Green" (1921), a meditative sketch, a prose poem that belongs to experimental modernist prose, integrating various mimetic and diegetic techniques highlighting the issue of colour perception from its symbolic, eidetic, and intermedial perspectives tightly linked to the specificity of human imagination. The paper brings these research perspectives together, elaborating them to further introduce, in the forthcoming paper, a new vista of Woolf's "Blue & Green" interpretation via the phenomenon of focus dissipation as a ludic narrative and/or mimetic technique based on text-driven attentional shifts.
Advanced linguistics, Nov 30, 2022

Revista de investigaciones Universidad del Quindio, Nov 23, 2022
Objective: This paper addresses the Old and New Testaments viewed from the econarrative perspecti... more Objective: This paper addresses the Old and New Testaments viewed from the econarrative perspective in environmental and social contexts. Method: The method applied combines the techniques of conceptual, semantic, thematic, and narrative analyses in the authors' original interpretation. Results and discussion: It examines biblical narrations via four discourse-forming concepts-GOD, NATURE, MAN, and SOCIETY, various combinations of which shape a set of narrative ecotopics focused on the concept of MAN. Such ecotopics as «Man and nature in their interaction», «Man and family relations», «Man in society», «Man's path to God» reveal the relationships between man, nature, God, family, and society as well as man's responsibility before God. Their ecological component is marked by verbocentric ecodescriptors actualized in narrative schemes. Material: This study zeroes in on the narrative ecotopic «Man's path to God» with its subtopic «the way through sacrifice», presented in the stories of Abraham in Genesis and Hannah in 1 Samuel from the Old Testament as compared to the story of Jesus in 1 Peter, 1 John, and the Gospel of John from the New Testament. Conclusions: In the Old Testament the path to God through sacrifice in ecologically charged narrations reflects the readiness of man to sacrifice his/her most valuable thing to prove their faithfulness and faith. In the New Testament Jesus' sacrifice involves the whole humankind, thanks to His sufferings for their sinless life.

Aktualʹnì pitannâ gumanìtarnih nauk, 2021
Статтю присвячено дослідженню способів перекладу англомовних кіносценаріїв у жанрі фентезі україн... more Статтю присвячено дослідженню способів перекладу англомовних кіносценаріїв у жанрі фентезі українською мовою. Актуальність дослідження визначається необхідністю теоретичного осмислення специфіки англомовного художнього кінодискурсу фентезі і практики його перекладу, а також дослідницькою увагою до інструментарію лексичних трансформацій. Метою дослідження є визначення лексичних особливостей українськомовного перекладу англомовних творів у жанрі фентезі, оформлених у вигляді кіносценаріїв. У статті висвітлено основні лінгвістичні підходи до понять «медіатекст», «кінодискурс», «фантастичний дискурс». Розглянуто такі категорії кінотексту, як цілісність, зв'язність, ретрорефлексія, антропоцентричність, локативна та часова атрибуція, інформативність, модальність, прагматична спрямованість. Тексти жанру фентезі проаналізовано крізь призму тих труднощів, що виникають під час їх перекладу. Стаття містить дані про основні типи лексичних трансформацій, які застосовуються в перекладі аналізованих англомовних кіносценарів. Особливу увагу приділено використанню прийому транслітерації як такому, що дає змогу відтворити колорит авторського світобачення. Здійснено перекладацький аналіз кіносценарію першого фільму кінотрилогії «Володар перснів», а саме «Володар перснів: Братство персня», у контексті можливих способів його перекладу українською мовою. Показано, що основні лексичні труднощі перекладу розглянутих кіносценаріїв пов'язані з відтворенням міфічної реальності творів фентезі, де наявне змішування мов, у тому числі й створених автором, і перенесенням цих реалій на український ґрунт. Стаття може становити інтерес для студентів філологічних спеціальностей, аспірантів, професійних перекладачів і науковців.

Studia linguistica, 2021
This paper addresses the role of interphenomena as multidimensional integrative phenomena or enti... more This paper addresses the role of interphenomena as multidimensional integrative phenomena or entities in shaping the contours of current postparadigmal syncretic phenomenological episteme that tends to substitute the traditional hypothesis-methodology epistemes, those of evolutionarism, structuralism, functionalism, and cognitivism. Interphenomena, which according to their terminological world-building design can be marked by the respective prefixes (intermediality, multimodality, transmediality, etc.) or unmarked (transparency, corporeality, stereoscopicity, etc.), form a network − the world of interphenomena. The latter might be characterised by internal and external diffusion, sense and space multidimensionality, flexibility, volumetricity, and holographicity. From a research perspective each interphenomenon may be regarded as a triangulation focus and a lense or prism for studying other (inter)phenomena. At this it might be viewed conventionally or non-conventionally, as a separate unit or in a double/triple/multiple configuration with other interphenomena, while being related to or integrated with them according to the principle of figure/ground interchange. As a case study of interphenomena interplay in literary text, the paper highlights the interaction of intermediality, multimodality, and verbal holography, which jointly give rise to the sensory construal of musicalisation traced in Kazuo Ishiguro’s “Crooner”. Given the resilts of the analysis, while looking beyond the cognitive discursive paradigm horizon, the paper outlines possible vectors of further paradigm shifts within the area of interdisciplinary humanities, with a special emphasis on energiality, pancreativity, and game-ubiquity as dominant interphenomena.
Vìsnik unìversitetu ìm. A. Nobelâ. Serìâ Fìlologìčnì nauki, May 30, 2023

This paper addresses the issues of in-built multimodality and transmediality as well as their int... more This paper addresses the issues of in-built multimodality and transmediality as well as their interface employed in “Could You Teach Me to Fly…?”, a short story by Kamal Abdulla, a well-known Azerbaijani writer, scholar, and public figure. Relying upon the cognitive-emotive approach as the ground for multimodal text analysis, the research interprets the above concepts as interphenomena, which, along with iconicity, intermedial references, and manifestations of verbal holography as the interplay of planes and vectors, create the effect of literary text multidimensionality. The paper claims that the short story that belongs to intellectual prose foregrounds the metaphor of love as a magic gift that endows a person with capacity to fly. This metaphor is embodied in the iconic image of a white bird the woman in love turns into. The paper shows that the magic of imagery based on fairytale and mythopoetic motifs reveals itself through a set of visual, auditory, and kinesthetic manifestati...

Revista Inclusiones: Revista de Humanidades y Ciencias Sociales, 2020
In modern political communication, one of the main tasks is the formation of a character of a pol... more In modern political communication, one of the main tasks is the formation of a character of a politician aimed at creating a certain image. This image can be either positive and attractive to society, which is a key tool when influencing the mass consciousness or contributing to the advancement of one's goals, or negative, which is often used by a politician to discredit an opponent due to fierce competition and political struggle. The main informative function of the media in the modern information society is changing the nature of its impact, gaining a manipulative function. A metaphor acts as one of the tools of manipulative impact on the audience. The active use of metaphors in political discourse is due to its ability to influence almost every stage of solving problems in the political sphere: understanding the problem situation, searching for solutions to it, evaluating alternatives and choosing an option.
Lege artis: Language yesterday, today, tomorrow, 2020
Addressing the cognitive poetic status of ekphrasis, this paper suggests the notion of metaekphra... more Addressing the cognitive poetic status of ekphrasis, this paper suggests the notion of metaekphrasis to account for verbal and non-verbal essayistic contexts that surmount ekphrasis as a literary representation of a work of art. For this purpose, the paper examines John Berger's essays for eliciting his vision of writing about art in order to reveal the rationale for his metaekphrastic passages through interpreting verbal and non-verbal (visual) instantiations of this underlying script.

Alfred Nobel University Journal of Philology, 2023
Current trends of poetic texts analysis, mainly due to interdisciplinarity of present-day philolo... more Current trends of poetic texts analysis, mainly due to interdisciplinarity of present-day philological studies, give impetus to the emergence of new varieties of linguipoetic studies. It fully concerns Psychopoetics as an area of research that addresses empirical and psychological foundations of the readers’ response to poetry in its experiential dimension. That is the way Psychopoetics is viewed by Prof. Willie van Peer and Anna Chesnokova in their book “Experiencing Poetry: A Guidebook to Psychopoetics” (London, etc.: Bloomsburry Academic, 2023). And that is exactly what made me start reflecting upon the issues brought up, their presentation, and upon research heuristics of the authors’ hypotheses. Such reflections aim to establish the place of Psychopoetics among other types of poetics, to define the heuristic potential of qualitative and quantitative techniques applied to poetry analysis as well as assess the contribution this discipline could make to elaborating the metamethod ...

Revista de Investigaciones Universidad del Quindío, 2022
Objective: This paper addresses the Old and New Testaments viewed from the econarrative perspecti... more Objective: This paper addresses the Old and New Testaments viewed from the econarrative perspective in environmental and social contexts. Method: The method applied combines the techniques of conceptual, semantic, thematic, and narrative analyses in the authors' original interpretation. Results and discussion: It examines biblical narrations via four discourse-forming concepts – GOD, NATURE, MAN, and SOCIETY, various combinations of which shape a set of narrative ecotopics focused on the concept of MAN. Such ecotopics as "Man and nature in their interaction", "Man and family relations", "Man in society", "Man's path to God" reveal the relationships between man, nature, God, family, and society as well as man's responsibility before God. Their ecological component is marked by verbocentric ecodescriptors actualized in narrative schemes. Material: This study zeroes in on the narrative ecotopic "Man's path to God" with i...

Revista de Investigaciones Universidad del Quindío, 2022
Objective: This paper addresses the Old and New Testaments viewed from the econarrative perspecti... more Objective: This paper addresses the Old and New Testaments viewed from the econarrative perspective in environmental and social contexts. Method: The method applied combines the techniques of conceptual, semantic, thematic, and narrative analyses in the authors' original interpretation. Results and discussion: It examines biblical narrations via four discourse-forming concepts-GOD, NATURE, MAN, and SOCIETY, various combinations of which shape a set of narrative ecotopics focused on the concept of MAN. Such ecotopics as «Man and nature in their interaction», «Man and family relations», «Man in society», «Man's path to God» reveal the relationships between man, nature, God, family, and society as well as man's responsibility before God. Their ecological component is marked by verbocentric ecodescriptors actualized in narrative schemes. Material: This study zeroes in on the narrative ecotopic «Man's path to God» with its subtopic «the way through sacrifice», presented in the stories of Abraham in Genesis and Hannah in 1 Samuel from the Old Testament as compared to the story of Jesus in 1 Peter, 1 John, and the Gospel of John from the New Testament. Conclusions: In the Old Testament the path to God through sacrifice in ecologically charged narrations reflects the readiness of man to sacrifice his/her most valuable thing to prove their faithfulness and faith. In the New Testament Jesus' sacrifice involves the whole humankind, thanks to His sufferings for their sinless life.

Вісник КНЛУ. Серія Філологія, 2012
У статті розглянуто вербальні і невербальні механізми емоційного впливу літературної і кінематогр... more У статті розглянуто вербальні і невербальні механізми емоційного впливу літературної і кінематографічної оповіді, що фокусується на сенсориці смаку. Показано, що смак шоколаду, охудожнений вербально в романі Дж. Харріс "Шоколад" ('Chocolat') та візуально в однойменному фільмі, сприяє виникненню емоційного резонансу, що спирається на експерієнційне підґрунтя смакових відчуттів та ампліфікаційний ефект інтермедіальності.
Ключові слова: сенсорика смаку, емоційний резонанс, ампліфікаційний ефект, інтермедіальність.
В статье рассмотрены вербальные и невербальные механизмы эмоционального воздействия литературного и кинематографического повествования, фокусирующегося на сенсорике вкуса. Показано, что вкус шоколада, охудожненный вербально в романе Дж. Харрис "Шоколад" ('Chocolat') и визуально в одноименном фильме, способствует возникновению эмоционального резонанса, опирающегося на экспериенциальную базу вкусовых ощущений и амплифицирующий еффект интермедиальности.
Ключевые слова: сенсорика вкуса, эмоциональный резонанс, амплифицирующий ефект, интермедиальность.
This paper examines verbal and nonverbal mechanisms of the emotional impact exercised by literary and cinematographic narratives focusing on the sensory of taste. The paper shows that taste of chocolate, as an artistic phenomenon verbalized in J. Harris's 'Chocolat' and visualized in the movie of the same title, fosters the emergence of emotional resonance grounded in taste experience and the amplifying effect of intermediality.
Key words: sensory of taste, emotional resonance, amplifying effect, intermediality.

Studia Philologica. Філологічні студіїю Збірник наукових праць. Вип. 14, 2020
This lecture delineates the problem held of Cognitive Poetics from historical and typological, th... more This lecture delineates the problem held of Cognitive Poetics from historical and typological, theoretical
and methodological as well as research perspectives with a special emphasis upon the sources of Cognitive
Poetics studies of literary text, viewed in terms of paradigm shifts and through the lens of various research schools
and personalities. It suggests a modihed version of the poetics' mereological model, while highlighting their
typology with regard to the ways of literary reference and world representation in literary text. The lecture reveals
the research motifs of philologists who address the realm of literary text cognitive studies. The paper also defines
the basic principles of the Cognitive Poetics approach to literary text. It surveys the state of the art within the realm
of Cognitive Poetics in Ukraine and beyond, taking into account its various research trends and varieties. The lecture
concludes with an overview of current issues taken up by Ukrainian linguopoetologists who work in the area
of literary text cognitive studies.
Key words: Cognitive Poetics, mereological model, literary reference, schools of Cognitive Poetics.
This paper reveals, from a multimodal stylistic
perspective, ways and means of creating the verb... more This paper reveals, from a multimodal stylistic
perspective, ways and means of creating the verbal holography effect in montane and marine landscape descriptions in V. Woolf's literary discourse. Interpreting basic assumptions of the formalist aesthetics through the conceptual and terminological tool-kit of synergy paradigm, the paper focuses on the writer's space, contour, and light-and-color descriptive techniques in their interaction with key imagery and symbols as a complementary source of verbal holographic effects in modernist landscape discourse.

168.Вісник КНЛУ. Сер. Філологія. − 2013. − Т.16, № 2. − С. 41−47.
В статье рассматриваются парадигмальные изменения эволюционного характера, повлекшие за собой реи... more В статье рассматриваются парадигмальные изменения эволюционного характера, повлекшие за собой реинтерпретацию современной лингвистической эпистемы в сторону посткогнитивной эклектики и замены модели парадигмального доминирования моделью эпистемной сборки. В качестве ключевого для иллюстрации происходящих изменений использовано понятие напряжения как универсального принципа смыслопорождения в его феноменологическом и методологическом контексте. Особое внимание уделено напряжению как механизму порождения смысла и бессмыслицы в современном англоязычном мультимодальном дискурсе. Ключевые слова: эпистема, парадигмальные изменения, посткогнитивная эклектика, напряжение, смыслопорождение, смысл и бессмыслица, мультимодальный дискурс. This paper highlights some paradigm shifts that, being evolutionary by nature, entailed the reinterpretation of current linguistic episteme towards postcognitive eclecticism and the substitution of the paradigm dominance pattern by the jigsaw paradigm pattern. To illustrate the ongoing changes the paper focuses on the notion of tension as a universal principle of sense-generation, viewed in its phenomenological and methodological contexts. A greater emphasis is laid on tension as a mechanism of generating sense and nonsense in contemporary English multimodal discourse.

Вісник КНЛУ. Сер. Історія. Економіка. Філософія. − 2013. − Вип. 18. − С. 11−22.
This paper reveals an axiological dynamics of the concept THING as an embodiment of the correlati... more This paper reveals an axiological dynamics of the concept THING as an embodiment of the correlation between the social and personal, material and spiritual, viewed through the prism of negative aesthetics as a moving force of literary modernism. Comparing the definitions of concept and anticoncept from philosophical and cognitive perspectives highlights their two main facets − rational (logical) and emotional (aesthetic), the discrimination of which goes back to philosophical beginnings. Artistic transformation of the concept THING in Virginia Woolf's "Solid Objects" demonstrates not only its motion from the profane to the sacral with a further simulacrization, but also displays the writer's manifestations of heuristics pertaining to modernist literary discourse, which are grounded in prognosticating such sociocultural phenomena as simulacrum and downshifting.
Key words: concept, anticoncept, axiological dynamics, negative aesthetics, profane, sacral, simulacrum.
Cognition and Literary Interpretation in Practice / Ed. by Harri Veivo, Boo Pettersson and Merja Polvinen. ––- Helsinki: Helsinki University Press, 2005. –––- P. 201-217, 2005
178.Towards the Ecology of Human Communication / [eds Marta Bogusławska-Tafelska, Anna Drogosz]. − Newcastle-upon-Tyne: Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2015. [Studies in Language and Translation]. − P. 85−97
Papers by Olga P . Vorobyova
Ключові слова: сенсорика смаку, емоційний резонанс, ампліфікаційний ефект, інтермедіальність.
В статье рассмотрены вербальные и невербальные механизмы эмоционального воздействия литературного и кинематографического повествования, фокусирующегося на сенсорике вкуса. Показано, что вкус шоколада, охудожненный вербально в романе Дж. Харрис "Шоколад" ('Chocolat') и визуально в одноименном фильме, способствует возникновению эмоционального резонанса, опирающегося на экспериенциальную базу вкусовых ощущений и амплифицирующий еффект интермедиальности.
Ключевые слова: сенсорика вкуса, эмоциональный резонанс, амплифицирующий ефект, интермедиальность.
This paper examines verbal and nonverbal mechanisms of the emotional impact exercised by literary and cinematographic narratives focusing on the sensory of taste. The paper shows that taste of chocolate, as an artistic phenomenon verbalized in J. Harris's 'Chocolat' and visualized in the movie of the same title, fosters the emergence of emotional resonance grounded in taste experience and the amplifying effect of intermediality.
Key words: sensory of taste, emotional resonance, amplifying effect, intermediality.
and methodological as well as research perspectives with a special emphasis upon the sources of Cognitive
Poetics studies of literary text, viewed in terms of paradigm shifts and through the lens of various research schools
and personalities. It suggests a modihed version of the poetics' mereological model, while highlighting their
typology with regard to the ways of literary reference and world representation in literary text. The lecture reveals
the research motifs of philologists who address the realm of literary text cognitive studies. The paper also defines
the basic principles of the Cognitive Poetics approach to literary text. It surveys the state of the art within the realm
of Cognitive Poetics in Ukraine and beyond, taking into account its various research trends and varieties. The lecture
concludes with an overview of current issues taken up by Ukrainian linguopoetologists who work in the area
of literary text cognitive studies.
Key words: Cognitive Poetics, mereological model, literary reference, schools of Cognitive Poetics.
perspective, ways and means of creating the verbal holography effect in montane and marine landscape descriptions in V. Woolf's literary discourse. Interpreting basic assumptions of the formalist aesthetics through the conceptual and terminological tool-kit of synergy paradigm, the paper focuses on the writer's space, contour, and light-and-color descriptive techniques in their interaction with key imagery and symbols as a complementary source of verbal holographic effects in modernist landscape discourse.
Key words: concept, anticoncept, axiological dynamics, negative aesthetics, profane, sacral, simulacrum.
Ключові слова: сенсорика смаку, емоційний резонанс, ампліфікаційний ефект, інтермедіальність.
В статье рассмотрены вербальные и невербальные механизмы эмоционального воздействия литературного и кинематографического повествования, фокусирующегося на сенсорике вкуса. Показано, что вкус шоколада, охудожненный вербально в романе Дж. Харрис "Шоколад" ('Chocolat') и визуально в одноименном фильме, способствует возникновению эмоционального резонанса, опирающегося на экспериенциальную базу вкусовых ощущений и амплифицирующий еффект интермедиальности.
Ключевые слова: сенсорика вкуса, эмоциональный резонанс, амплифицирующий ефект, интермедиальность.
This paper examines verbal and nonverbal mechanisms of the emotional impact exercised by literary and cinematographic narratives focusing on the sensory of taste. The paper shows that taste of chocolate, as an artistic phenomenon verbalized in J. Harris's 'Chocolat' and visualized in the movie of the same title, fosters the emergence of emotional resonance grounded in taste experience and the amplifying effect of intermediality.
Key words: sensory of taste, emotional resonance, amplifying effect, intermediality.
and methodological as well as research perspectives with a special emphasis upon the sources of Cognitive
Poetics studies of literary text, viewed in terms of paradigm shifts and through the lens of various research schools
and personalities. It suggests a modihed version of the poetics' mereological model, while highlighting their
typology with regard to the ways of literary reference and world representation in literary text. The lecture reveals
the research motifs of philologists who address the realm of literary text cognitive studies. The paper also defines
the basic principles of the Cognitive Poetics approach to literary text. It surveys the state of the art within the realm
of Cognitive Poetics in Ukraine and beyond, taking into account its various research trends and varieties. The lecture
concludes with an overview of current issues taken up by Ukrainian linguopoetologists who work in the area
of literary text cognitive studies.
Key words: Cognitive Poetics, mereological model, literary reference, schools of Cognitive Poetics.
perspective, ways and means of creating the verbal holography effect in montane and marine landscape descriptions in V. Woolf's literary discourse. Interpreting basic assumptions of the formalist aesthetics through the conceptual and terminological tool-kit of synergy paradigm, the paper focuses on the writer's space, contour, and light-and-color descriptive techniques in their interaction with key imagery and symbols as a complementary source of verbal holographic effects in modernist landscape discourse.
Key words: concept, anticoncept, axiological dynamics, negative aesthetics, profane, sacral, simulacrum.