Co-edited volume (special issue of journal) by Vibeke Andrea Tellmann
Guest co-editor of special double-issue on Examen Philosophicum [The oldest and biggest philosoph... more Guest co-editor of special double-issue on Examen Philosophicum [The oldest and biggest philosophy course in Norway and Scandinavia], with Vibeke Tellmann and Heine Holmen, Norsk filosofisk tidsskrift [Norwegian Journal of Philosophy], 2022
Papers by Vibeke Andrea Tellmann
Dette verket omfattes av bestemmelsene i Lov om opphavsretten til åndsverk m.v. av 1961. Verket u... more Dette verket omfattes av bestemmelsene i Lov om opphavsretten til åndsverk m.v. av 1961. Verket utgis Open Access under betingelsene i Creative Commons-lisensen CC-BY 4.0 ( Denne tillater tredjepart å kopiere, distribuere og spre verket i hvilket som helst medium eller format, og å remixe, endre, og bygge videre på materialet til et hvilket som helst formål, inkludert kommersielle, under betingelse av at korrekt kreditering og en lenke til lisensen er oppgitt, og at man indikerer om endringer er blitt gjort. Tredjepart kan gjøre dette på enhver rimelig måte, men uten at det kan forstås slik at lisensgiver bifaller tredjepart eller tredjeparts bruk av verket. Boka er utgitt med støtte fra Høgskolen i Innlandet, OsloMet-storbyuniversitetet, Norges musikkhøgskole, Steinerhøyskolen, Universitetet i Bergen og Universitetet i Oslo.
Norsk filosofisk tidsskrift, May 30, 2022
Norsk filosofisk tidsskrift, Aug 26, 2003

This introductory chapter is divided into two main sections. In the first section we set out a th... more This introductory chapter is divided into two main sections. In the first section we set out a theoretical background for a transdisciplinary research embracing multiple artforms, in this particular instance with focus on music and literature. Art and artworks are examined not only as finished products, but as elements of living practices in the meeting of composer, writer, music, text, performer and listener or recipient. This leads on to questions of eudaimonia and of what it means to live a fulfilling and meaningful life, with art as an essential ingredient. The central question for the chapter, and for the book as a whole, concerns the paradoxical relation between voice and silence as fundamental contingents for the emergence of meaning. Our hypothesis is that it is precisely in the spaces in-between, in the artistic-aesthetic and interactive tensions between sound and silence, and between subjects and their Others, that meaning emerges. In the second section, we present the different contributions to this collection of texts, before we gather the various strands in a conclusion.
Norsk filosofisk tidsskrift

Stemma og stilla i musikk og litteratur: Festskrift til Magnar Åm, 2022
This introductory chapter is divided into two main sections. In the first section we set out a th... more This introductory chapter is divided into two main sections. In the first section we set out a theoretical background for a transdisciplinary research embracing multiple artforms, in this particular instance with focus on music and literature. Art and artworks are examined not only as finished products, but as elements of living practices in the meeting of composer, writer, music, text, performer and listener or recipient. This leads on to questions of eudaimonia and of what it means to live a fulfilling and meaningful life, with art as an essential ingredient. The central question for the chapter, and for the book as a whole, concerns the paradoxical relation between voice and silence as fundamental contingents for the emergence of meaning. Our hypothesis is that it is precisely in the spaces in-between, in the artistic-aesthetic and interactive tensions between sound and silence, and between subjects and their Others, that meaning emerges. In the second section, we present the different contributions to this collection of texts, before we gather the various strands in a conclusion.

In this article, I take as my starting point an opinion that many share: it is difficult to talk ... more In this article, I take as my starting point an opinion that many share: it is difficult to talk about music (Barthes, 1977). This opinion is rooted in the romantic ideal of autonomy (Dahlhaus, 1994), leading to the emancipation of music from language (Neubauer, 1986). I discuss some aspects of this tension between language and music through close readings of the essays in Phantasien über die Kunst [Fantasies on Art] (1799/2000) by the Early German Romanticists Wilhelm Heinrich Wackenroder (1773–1798) and Ludwig Tieck (1773–1853). They emphasize music’s distinctive ability to convey various forms of transcendental experiences and insights that language falls short of. At the same time, their essays on music demonstrate an inner tension between a rich and literary experimental discourse discussing the limitation of language in relation to music’s transcendental meaning. In the essays in Phantasien, Wackenroder and Tieck constitute an innovative art-critical discourse that in many way...
Norsk filosofisk tidsskrift
Papers - Scandinavian by Vibeke Andrea Tellmann
Norsk filosofisk tidsskrift, 2022
Co-edited volume (special issue of journal) by Vibeke Andrea Tellmann
Papers by Vibeke Andrea Tellmann
Papers - Scandinavian by Vibeke Andrea Tellmann