The developed DEC learning model for junior high school students has never been evaluated its fea... more The developed DEC learning model for junior high school students has never been evaluated its feasibility. Therefore, this research aims at evaluating the feasibility degree of Daily English Conversation (DEC) model in respect to its content quality, media, excellences, as well as weaknesses. Data collecting is done through observation, questionnaire, and interviews. The research is carried out from August through September 2016 with the population of Junior High School students at SSC-I Course in Yogyakarta. Sample is taken by random sampling technique involving 36 respondents. Beside students, this research also involves two educators. The result shows that: (1) the content quality consisting of listening and speaking skills, material scope-presentation-as well as difficulty degree, and language usage shows effectiveness value of 74,7%; and (2) the media consisting of speaking fluency, voice clarity and attractiveness, program tune, sound effect usage, music illustration, duration, and utilization easiness shows the effectiveness value of 70,1%. However, there are some points suggested to be improved for the next model development. ABSTRAK: Model bahan belajar Daily English Conversation (DEC) yang telah dikembangkan untuk peserta didik SMP belum pernah dievaluasi kelayakannya. Oleh karena itu penelitian ini bertujuan menilai tingkat kelayakan model DEC ditinjau dari aspek kualitas isi/materi, kemediaan, dan kelebihan serta kekurangan. Metode pengumpulan data dalam penelitian ini adalah pengamatan, kuesioner, dan wawancara. Penelitian dilakukan pada bulan Agustus-September 2016 dengan populasi siswa SMP di lembaga bimbingan belajar SSC-I Yogyakarta. Sampel diambil dengan teknik simple random sampling yang melibatkan 36 responden siswa. Selain siswa, dilibatkan juga dua praktisi pendidik/pengajar. Hasil evaluasi menunjukkan bahwa: (1) aspek isi/materi pembelajaran yang meliputi pengembangan kemampuan menyimak dan berbicara, cakupan materi, penyajian materi, tingkat kesulitan materi, dan
Abstract: Learning while playing is one of the educational principles of Early Childhood Educatio... more Abstract: Learning while playing is one of the educational principles of Early Childhood Education (PAUD). Through games, traditional games, in particular, child development aspects can be improved. However, teachers face the lack of traditional game references so that a medium is needed. This study aimed to produce a Model of Audio Instructional Media for Early Childhood Education , called Permata Nusantara. Permata Nusantara was developed by using ADDIE approach (Analysis-Design-Development-Evaluation-Implementation). After having completed the need analysis, the blueprint of the model was designed and the production stage conducted. Then, instructional audio media model with traditional games as its content was brought to be evaluated by the subject matter and media specialists for better-improved quality. The following stage is the implementation, involving teachers and children. The instruments used for collecting data and information were questionnaires , interview guides, and observation sheets. The majority of respondents (83,4%) considered that the developed instructional audio media model was good and suitable to use for early childhood education in improving the spiritual attitude, the social attitude, knowledge, and skills for children in Early Childhood Education. ABSTRAK: Belajar melalui bermain merupakan salah satu prinsip pembelaja-ran di PAUD. Melalui permainan, terutama permainan tradisonal, aspek perkembangan anak dapat ditingkatkan. Namun, guru-guru kekurangan referensi mengenai permainan tradisional yang ada se-hingga dibutuhkan media yang dapat menjadi rujukan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menghasilkan Model Media Audio Pembelajaran
The developed DEC learning model for junior high school students has never been evaluated its fea... more The developed DEC learning model for junior high school students has never been evaluated its feasibility. Therefore, this research aims at evaluating the feasibility degree of Daily English Conversation (DEC) model in respect to its content quality, media, excellences, as well as weaknesses. Data collecting is done through observation, questionnaire, and interviews. The research is carried out from August through September 2016 with the population of Junior High School students at SSC-I Course in Yogyakarta. Sample is taken by random sampling technique involving 36 respondents. Beside students, this research also involves two educators. The result shows that: (1) the content quality consisting of listening and speaking skills, material scope-presentation-as well as difficulty degree, and language usage shows effectiveness value of 74,7%; and (2) the media consisting of speaking fluency, voice clarity and attractiveness, program tune, sound effect usage, music illustration, duration, and utilization easiness shows the effectiveness value of 70,1%. However, there are some points suggested to be improved for the next model development. ABSTRAK: Model bahan belajar Daily English Conversation (DEC) yang telah dikembangkan untuk peserta didik SMP belum pernah dievaluasi kelayakannya. Oleh karena itu penelitian ini bertujuan menilai tingkat kelayakan model DEC ditinjau dari aspek kualitas isi/materi, kemediaan, dan kelebihan serta kekurangan. Metode pengumpulan data dalam penelitian ini adalah pengamatan, kuesioner, dan wawancara. Penelitian dilakukan pada bulan Agustus-September 2016 dengan populasi siswa SMP di lembaga bimbingan belajar SSC-I Yogyakarta. Sampel diambil dengan teknik simple random sampling yang melibatkan 36 responden siswa. Selain siswa, dilibatkan juga dua praktisi pendidik/pengajar. Hasil evaluasi menunjukkan bahwa: (1) aspek isi/materi pembelajaran yang meliputi pengembangan kemampuan menyimak dan berbicara, cakupan materi, penyajian materi, tingkat kesulitan materi, dan
Abstract: Learning while playing is one of the educational principles of Early Childhood Educatio... more Abstract: Learning while playing is one of the educational principles of Early Childhood Education (PAUD). Through games, traditional games, in particular, child development aspects can be improved. However, teachers face the lack of traditional game references so that a medium is needed. This study aimed to produce a Model of Audio Instructional Media for Early Childhood Education , called Permata Nusantara. Permata Nusantara was developed by using ADDIE approach (Analysis-Design-Development-Evaluation-Implementation). After having completed the need analysis, the blueprint of the model was designed and the production stage conducted. Then, instructional audio media model with traditional games as its content was brought to be evaluated by the subject matter and media specialists for better-improved quality. The following stage is the implementation, involving teachers and children. The instruments used for collecting data and information were questionnaires , interview guides, and observation sheets. The majority of respondents (83,4%) considered that the developed instructional audio media model was good and suitable to use for early childhood education in improving the spiritual attitude, the social attitude, knowledge, and skills for children in Early Childhood Education. ABSTRAK: Belajar melalui bermain merupakan salah satu prinsip pembelaja-ran di PAUD. Melalui permainan, terutama permainan tradisonal, aspek perkembangan anak dapat ditingkatkan. Namun, guru-guru kekurangan referensi mengenai permainan tradisional yang ada se-hingga dibutuhkan media yang dapat menjadi rujukan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menghasilkan Model Media Audio Pembelajaran
Papers by Suparti Dan