Papers by Elena Rogacheva
Educació i Història: revista d'història de l'educació, 2005
Felix Aronovich Fradkin (1933-1993) was born in Baku in the family of agronomist. His mother, Yeu... more Felix Aronovich Fradkin (1933-1993) was born in Baku in the family of agronomist. His mother, Yeugenya Babushkina was a teacher in a primary school. F. Fradkin had lived a hard and happy life of a soviet scientist. He started his career as a teacher of Russian and ...

SHS Web of Conferences
The themes present in the philosophy of E. Husserl and J. Dewey could hardly lie outside the inte... more The themes present in the philosophy of E. Husserl and J. Dewey could hardly lie outside the interest of considering the major contribution both made to Twentieth–century philosophy and intellectual culture. Comparison of their philosophical positions is carried out, as a rule, on the basis of contrasting transcendentalism and empiricism. Unlike the established tradition, the authors of the article draw attention to the substantial commonality of phenomenology and instrumentalism, thematically conditioned by the founders of these teachings working out the problems of the existential nature of human experience, its horizontal structure and semantic context of the life world. Analysis of the epistemological reflection of the concept of "experience" in the teachings of Husserl and Dewey allowed to show, that their positions do not exclude, but complement each other. The paper is devoted to the 160 th Anniversary of John Dewey's Birth (1859-1952), that would be widely cele...
Phenomenology/Ontopoiesis Retrieving Geo-cosmic Horizons of Antiquity, 2011
ABSTRACT The chapter deals with international reputation of John Dewey's pedagogy in differe... more ABSTRACT The chapter deals with international reputation of John Dewey's pedagogy in different cultural contexts in the 20th century. The actuality of the ideas of this outstanding American philosopher and educator is evident as his model of societyand child-oriented ...
… Geo-Cosmic Horizons …, 2011
The paper deals with the analysis of the notion of paidea in a wide context starting from antiqui... more The paper deals with the analysis of the notion of paidea in a wide context starting from antiquity till post-modern century. It is stressed that the actualization of Greek-Roman ideal of universal education (παιδε ια, humanitas universalis) by means of ...

Виталий Безрогов - 60 лет: колл. монография / авт.: Романов А. А., Асташова Н. А., Бим-Бад Б. М., Богуславский М. В., Воловик А. К., Корнетов Г. Б., Кошелева О. Е., Полякова М. А., Пичугина В. К., Рогачева Е. Ю., Уткин А. В., Шевелев А. Н. – Рязань: «Концепция», 2020. – 352 с. под. ред. А.А. Романова, 2020
Книга посвящена Виталию Григорьевичу Безрогову, его светлой памяти и богатому наследию. Коллеги н... more Книга посвящена Виталию Григорьевичу Безрогову, его светлой памяти и богатому наследию. Коллеги называют его вы-дающимся ученым, вошедшим в историю педагогики в качестве одного из реформаторов этой науки рубежа двух последних столетий, поставивших ее на новые методологические рельсы, задавших параметры ведущего локомотива. Многосторонностью научных интересов, активной включенностью в мировое общение историков педагогики он заслужил право быть в истории Героем нашей науки. Мы должны написать о нем – «Scripta manent»! Издание адресуется историкам педагогики, преподавателям педагогических дисциплин и студентам вузов, будущим педагогам, учителям, всем тем, кто интересуется педагогикой и ее историей.
Papers by Elena Rogacheva