Thaís Folgosi, Felipe Abramowictz e Mateus Araújo. "Cineastas de Invenção no Exílio Londrino - Uma entrevista a Laurie Gane". Aniki, Vol. 10, n.1, 2023, p.223-245., 2023
RESUMO Entrevista a Laurie Gane, na qual ele comenta sua trajetória na música, na universidade ... more RESUMO Entrevista a Laurie Gane, na qual ele comenta sua trajetória na música, na universidade e, principalmente, no cinema, destacando a sua colaboração com cineastas brasileiros exilados em Londres como diretor de fotografia das longas- metragens de 1971 Memórias de um Estrangulador de Loiras e Amor Louco, ambas de Júlio Bressane, Night Cats, de Neville de Almeida, e O Demiurgo, de Jorge Mautner. Gane também evoca sua relação com o cinema experimental inglês nas décadas de 1960 e 1970, e com a cena contracultural londrina.
PALAVRAS-CHAVE: Cinema Brasileiro Moderno; exílio; Júlio Bressane; Jorge Mautner
ABSTRACT Interview with Laurie Gane, in which he comments on his career in music, university and, mainly, in cinema, highlighting his collaboration with Brazilian filmmakers exiled in London as director of photography for the 1971 feature films Memoirs of a Blonde Strangler and Amor Louco (both by Júlio Bressane), Night Cats (by Neville de Almeida), and O Demiurgo (by Jorge Mautner). Gane also evokes his relationship with British experimental cinema in the 1960s and 1970s, and with the London countercultural scene.
KEYWORDS: Modern Brazilian Cinema; exile; Julio Bressane; Jorge Mautner
Papers by Mateus Araújo
PALAVRAS-CHAVE: Cinema Brasileiro Moderno; exílio; Júlio Bressane; Jorge Mautner
ABSTRACT Interview with Laurie Gane, in which he comments on his career in music, university and, mainly, in cinema, highlighting his collaboration with Brazilian filmmakers exiled in London as director of photography for the 1971 feature films Memoirs of a Blonde Strangler and Amor Louco (both by Júlio Bressane), Night Cats (by Neville de Almeida), and O Demiurgo (by Jorge Mautner). Gane also evokes his relationship with British experimental cinema in the 1960s and 1970s, and with the London countercultural scene.
KEYWORDS: Modern Brazilian Cinema; exile; Julio Bressane; Jorge Mautner
PALAVRAS-CHAVE: Cinema Brasileiro Moderno; exílio; Júlio Bressane; Jorge Mautner
ABSTRACT Interview with Laurie Gane, in which he comments on his career in music, university and, mainly, in cinema, highlighting his collaboration with Brazilian filmmakers exiled in London as director of photography for the 1971 feature films Memoirs of a Blonde Strangler and Amor Louco (both by Júlio Bressane), Night Cats (by Neville de Almeida), and O Demiurgo (by Jorge Mautner). Gane also evokes his relationship with British experimental cinema in the 1960s and 1970s, and with the London countercultural scene.
KEYWORDS: Modern Brazilian Cinema; exile; Julio Bressane; Jorge Mautner