Papers by Martin Buchtík
Vedle teoretického zarámování je stěžejní částí textu vlastní praktická zkušenost s role-playingo... more Vedle teoretického zarámování je stěžejní částí textu vlastní praktická zkušenost s role-playingovými simulacemi popsaná v podobě případové studie. Řečeno spolu s Bruno Latourem (1999), překračuji v tomto článku rámec teoretického vědění (episteme) svého oboru, které je často považováno za vědecky „čisté“, a pokouším se více či méně zachytit krkolomné know-how praxe, která je zpravidla považována za nedokonalou.

This article deals with the topic of mixed mode data co- llection in quantitative social research... more This article deals with the topic of mixed mode data co- llection in quantitative social research. The first part of the article introduces mixed mode data collection in terms of its development, characteristics and terminology. Thereafter, there is a discussion of mixed mode data research design and its usage. In the second part of this paper there is a discussion of important criteria in the effective used of a mixed mode data research design. Here parti- cular attention is devoted to mode effects. The main insights from this overview of mixed mode data research are summarised in a schematic format. The concluding section provides a brief summa- ry of a number of statistical methods for analysing mixed mode data such as Multitrait multimethod (MTMM) approach to stu- dying construct validity. There are also some remarks regarding future developments in mixed mode data collection and analysis in the social sciences..

Journal of Social Research & Policy, 2016
Introduction"Authoritarianism is something authoritarian followers and authoritarian leaders... more Introduction"Authoritarianism is something authoritarian followers and authoritarian leaders cook up between themselves. It happens when the followers submit too much to the leaders, trust them too much, and give them too much leeway to do whatever they want." (Altemeyer, 2006, p. 2).With the deteriorating state of political culture in the Czech Republic, in late 2012 we began to ponder what potential exists in the Czech population for the rise of various authoritarian political groups. We sought an internationally comparable instrument that could assess how large a part of the Czech electorate is predisposed to vote for subjects that profile themselves as authoritarian. In addition, in late 2012 and early 2013, the Czech Republic held its first ever direct presidential election and we were very interested in learning which candidates were likely to collect votes from people who are inclined towards an authoritarian way of thinking.We started to look for a widely used meas...
Studie sledovala vztah mezi osobnimi postoji k uprchlikům a vybranými psychologickými rysy a neur... more Studie sledovala vztah mezi osobnimi postoji k uprchlikům a vybranými psychologickými rysy a neuralnimi korelaty vnimani medialnich obrazů uprchlicke krize.

Frontiers in Behavioral Neuroscience
This study analyzes how people's attitudes to the European refugee crisis (ERC) correspond to... more This study analyzes how people's attitudes to the European refugee crisis (ERC) correspond to selected psychological state and trait measures and impact the neural processing of media images of refugees. From a large pool of respondents, who filled in an online xenophobia questionnaire, we selected two groups (total N = 38) with the same socio-demographic background, but with opposite attitudes toward refugees. We found that a negative attitude toward refugees (high xenophobia - HX) was associated with a significantly higher conscientiousness score and with a higher trait aggression and hostility, but there was no group effect connected with empathy, fear, and anxiety measures. At the neural level we found that brain activity during the presentation of ERC stimuli is affected by xenophobic attitudes—with more xenophobic subjects exhibiting a higher BOLD response in the left fusiform gyrus. However, while the fMRI results demonstrate increased attention and vigilance toward ERC-related stimuli in the HX group, they do not show differentiated patterns of brain activity associated with perception of dehumanized outgroup.
Prezentovana studie se zabýva souvislosti mezi postoji a psychologickými rysy a neuralni odpovědi... more Prezentovana studie se zabýva souvislosti mezi postoji a psychologickými rysy a neuralni odpovědi na medialni zobrazeni evropske uprchlicke krize.

Caught in a Gutenberg Syndrome: Methodological Aspects of Visual Stimuli in Social Research
A... more Caught in a Gutenberg Syndrome: Methodological Aspects of Visual Stimuli in Social Research
Abstract: Techniques using visual stimuli have existed in social research since the late 19th century. However, the methodological
framework in which they are embedded remains limited in scope, especially with respect to quantitative research.
In this article, the author focuses on the methodological aspects of various types of visual techniques. Subsequently, he
proposes some recommendations for methodological design. After a brief historical review, the main part of the article
discusses psychological projective methods, photo-elicitation techniques and the application of visual stimuli in in-depth
interviewing and quantitative questionnaire surveys. Final discussion focuses on the methodological specifics of visual
methods, design recommendations and the problem of validity.
Keywords: visual research, visual stimuli, methodology, projective techniques

BUCHTÍK, Martin; HAMPEJS, Tomáš. 2013. „Role-playing jako živný roztok sociálna: experimentální m... more BUCHTÍK, Martin; HAMPEJS, Tomáš. 2013. „Role-playing jako živný roztok sociálna: experimentální metoda?“. [Role-playing as an agar of sociality: an experimental method?] Teorie vědy/Theory of science. Vol. 35, no. 4. Pp. Pp. 525-549. ISSN 1210-0250
Article introduces active role-playing as a research experimental method in the social sciences. It frames role-playing to the simulating research methods, opens its epistemological properites
and methodological conceptions in social psyschology. Main argument constructs the defense of epistemological properties of active role-playing as an experimental method in the social sciences
in general. Th e inspiring source is one the side Latour’s sociology of associations, which problematizes the very subject of social sciences, the sociality itself and on the other side the naturalizing approaches connecting social sciences and cognitive science. In this context main argument for meaningfulness of simulated social reality lies in the usage of the same cognitive mechanisms in the real and simulated social interaction. In the article perspective both sources are united by their accent on perceiving social reality as fundamentaly inter-psychological phenomenon between the traditional conpcetions micro and macro level. Th rough analogy of Petri dish article conpcetualizes shift of the original method of situational social psychology toward utililization of designed diegetic liminal situations as laboratories of the social.

BUCHTÍK, Martin. 2012. „Smíšené módy sběru dat v kvantitativním sociálně vědním výzkumu“[Mixed mo... more BUCHTÍK, Martin. 2012. „Smíšené módy sběru dat v kvantitativním sociálně vědním výzkumu“[Mixed mode data collection in quantitative social science research]. Data a výzkum – SDA info. Vol. 6. No. 2. Pp. 129-149. ISSN: 1802-8152.
Abstract: This article deals with the topic of mixed mode data collection in quantitative social research. The first part of the article introduces mixed mode data collection in terms of its development, characteristics and terminology. Thereafter, there is a discussion of mixed mode data research design and its usage. In the second part of this paper there is a discussion of important criteria in the effective used of a mixed mode data research design. Here particular attention is devoted to mode effects. The main insights from this overview of mixed mode data research are summarised in a schematic format. The concluding section provides a brief summary of a number of statistical methods for analysing mixed mode data such as Multitrait multimethod (MTMM) approach to studying construct validity. There are also some remarks regarding future developments in mixed mode data collection and analysis in the social sciences.
Miloslav Petrusek´s award for the best student sociological article 2012 (Masaryk Czech Sociological Association) - 3rd place.
BUCHTÍK, Martin. 2012. „Měření soudržnosti třídního kolektivu: Interdisciplinární přístup“. [Meas... more BUCHTÍK, Martin. 2012. „Měření soudržnosti třídního kolektivu: Interdisciplinární přístup“. [Measuring social cohesion in school classes: An interdisciplinary approach] Pedagogika. Vol.62 no. 2. Pp: 147-176 Pp: 147-176. ISSN 0031-3815.
The aim of the article is to introduce simple and widely applicable instrument for quantitative pedagogical research. The instrument enables brief insight into diagnostics of school classes cohesion. A theoretical background, conceptualization, operacionalizaction and systematic discusson of reliability and validity are discussed.
social cohesion; school class; confirmatory factor analysis; pedagogical research; measuring
SOUKUP, Petr - LUPAČ, Petr - SLÁDEK, Jan - NOVÁKOVÁ, Petra - BUCHTÍK, Martin. 2009. Češky a Češi... more SOUKUP, Petr - LUPAČ, Petr - SLÁDEK, Jan - NOVÁKOVÁ, Petra - BUCHTÍK, Martin. 2009. Češky a Češi v kyberprostoru [Czechs in cyberspace]. Bezpečnostní teorie a praxe/ Security Theory and Practice. Roč. 10, č. 3, s. 3-18. ISSN 1801-8211.
Zestručněná zpráva výzkumného týmu sociologie a psychologie v rámci projektu bezpečnostního výzkumu "Problematika kybernetických hrozeb z hlediska bezpečnostních zájmů České republiky"
V rámci bezpečnostního výzkumu Ministerstva byl v roce 2007 zahájen projekt "Problematika kybernetických hrozeb z hlediska bezpečnostních zájmů České republiky". Jedním z výstupů projektu jsou studie, týkající se sociálně-psycho-logických profilů populace kyberprostoru. Tyto studie průběžně připravuje Fakulta sociálních studií University Karlovy. Čtenářům předkládáme sumarizaci první z nich, zaměřenou na několik konkrétních zjištění v této oblasti.
BUCHTÍK, Martin – DUFKOVÁ, Markéta - CHOUR, Jakub – KÁBRT, Filip – KABELKOVÁ, Magdalena – KOZEL, ... more BUCHTÍK, Martin – DUFKOVÁ, Markéta - CHOUR, Jakub – KÁBRT, Filip – KABELKOVÁ, Magdalena – KOZEL, Martin. 2010. O Lidech. Na blízko i na dálku: Metodika projektu LiveOnLine. [Methodics of the project LiveOnLine]Powerprint. Praha. ISBN: 978-80-87415-01-6.
Innovative methodology based on experience learning for teaching and encouraging critical thinking about internet and network society.Innovative methodology based on experience learning for teaching and encouraging critical thinking about internet and network society.
Research reports by Martin Buchtík
SOUKUP, Petr et al. 2008. Češky a Češi v kyberprostoru. Zpráva výzkumného týmu sociologie a psych... more SOUKUP, Petr et al. 2008. Češky a Češi v kyberprostoru. Zpráva výzkumného týmu sociologie a psychologiev rámci projektu bezpečnostního výzkumu „Problematika kybernetických hrozeb z hlediska bezpečnostních zájmů České republiky“. ISS FSV UK. Praha.
M. Kučera, M. Buchtik, A Benešova, et al. Analysis of the role of advanced information technology... more M. Kučera, M. Buchtik, A Benešova, et al. Analysis of the role of advanced information technology in the process of radicalization of social groups and design of the monitoring system. Praha, 2013. Research report "V" (classified) grant project TAČR TD1-0208. Czech Technical University in Prague FD.
Proceedings by Martin Buchtík

BUCHTÍK, Martin. (2014), Larp as an Alternative Medium: A Sociological Perspective, in: Pavlíckov... more BUCHTÍK, Martin. (2014), Larp as an Alternative Medium: A Sociological Perspective, in: Pavlíckova, T., Reifová, I.C. (2014), Media, Power and Empowerment – Central and Eastern European Communication and Media Conference CEECOM Prague 2012. Cambridge Scholars Publishing. 978-1-4438-6396-4
The aim of the paper is to introduce larp (short for live action roleplay) as an alternative form of medium. I argue that larping has grown into a quite specific medium with a unique combination of characteristics; however, it is still on the borders of game, improvised drama, artistic happening and experience education. I show how participants are encouraged to escape reality, explore it, how they are exposed to it or even how they could change it. Finally, I focus on the possibilities and limitations of larping as a participatory medium. I conclude that larp should not be a widespread medium, although it is very effective in affecting its selected audience.

BUCHTÍK, Martin.2014. Hráč a divák - dvě perspektivy, jeden aktér? In: Bártek, Tomáš; Buček, Silv... more BUCHTÍK, Martin.2014. Hráč a divák - dvě perspektivy, jeden aktér? In: Bártek, Tomáš; Buček, Silvester (eds.). Sborník z CONference 2013. Brno. Flow. ISBN: 978-80-905480-6-0
Cílem příspěvku je nahlédnout z perspektivy sociologa na diferenci mezi divákem (konzumentem filmu a divadla) a hráčem (primárně konzumentem rolových her, larpu), respektive popsat, jak je tato diference (de)konstruována z pozice hráče a jak souvisí s bojem o uznání jeho statusu oproti statusu
diváka. Ukazuje se, že přestože hráč i divák jsou konzumenty médií, která obsahují narativy, vizuální reprezentace, symboliku atp., jejich situace je odlišná, protože hráč se na rozdíl od diváka stává nejen konzumentem, ale také spolutvůrcem. Sledujeme vyprávění o tom, jakým způsobem hráč i divák unikají z reality, objevují ji, jsou jí vystavováni a jak jsou motivováni k její změně. Z toho plynou různé nároky na hráče i diváka kladené z hlediska estetiky, zábavy, konstrukce příběhu, aktivity a reprodukce.
Papers by Martin Buchtík
Abstract: Techniques using visual stimuli have existed in social research since the late 19th century. However, the methodological
framework in which they are embedded remains limited in scope, especially with respect to quantitative research.
In this article, the author focuses on the methodological aspects of various types of visual techniques. Subsequently, he
proposes some recommendations for methodological design. After a brief historical review, the main part of the article
discusses psychological projective methods, photo-elicitation techniques and the application of visual stimuli in in-depth
interviewing and quantitative questionnaire surveys. Final discussion focuses on the methodological specifics of visual
methods, design recommendations and the problem of validity.
Keywords: visual research, visual stimuli, methodology, projective techniques
Article introduces active role-playing as a research experimental method in the social sciences. It frames role-playing to the simulating research methods, opens its epistemological properites
and methodological conceptions in social psyschology. Main argument constructs the defense of epistemological properties of active role-playing as an experimental method in the social sciences
in general. Th e inspiring source is one the side Latour’s sociology of associations, which problematizes the very subject of social sciences, the sociality itself and on the other side the naturalizing approaches connecting social sciences and cognitive science. In this context main argument for meaningfulness of simulated social reality lies in the usage of the same cognitive mechanisms in the real and simulated social interaction. In the article perspective both sources are united by their accent on perceiving social reality as fundamentaly inter-psychological phenomenon between the traditional conpcetions micro and macro level. Th rough analogy of Petri dish article conpcetualizes shift of the original method of situational social psychology toward utililization of designed diegetic liminal situations as laboratories of the social.
Abstract: This article deals with the topic of mixed mode data collection in quantitative social research. The first part of the article introduces mixed mode data collection in terms of its development, characteristics and terminology. Thereafter, there is a discussion of mixed mode data research design and its usage. In the second part of this paper there is a discussion of important criteria in the effective used of a mixed mode data research design. Here particular attention is devoted to mode effects. The main insights from this overview of mixed mode data research are summarised in a schematic format. The concluding section provides a brief summary of a number of statistical methods for analysing mixed mode data such as Multitrait multimethod (MTMM) approach to studying construct validity. There are also some remarks regarding future developments in mixed mode data collection and analysis in the social sciences.
Miloslav Petrusek´s award for the best student sociological article 2012 (Masaryk Czech Sociological Association) - 3rd place.
The aim of the article is to introduce simple and widely applicable instrument for quantitative pedagogical research. The instrument enables brief insight into diagnostics of school classes cohesion. A theoretical background, conceptualization, operacionalizaction and systematic discusson of reliability and validity are discussed.
social cohesion; school class; confirmatory factor analysis; pedagogical research; measuring
Zestručněná zpráva výzkumného týmu sociologie a psychologie v rámci projektu bezpečnostního výzkumu "Problematika kybernetických hrozeb z hlediska bezpečnostních zájmů České republiky"
V rámci bezpečnostního výzkumu Ministerstva byl v roce 2007 zahájen projekt "Problematika kybernetických hrozeb z hlediska bezpečnostních zájmů České republiky". Jedním z výstupů projektu jsou studie, týkající se sociálně-psycho-logických profilů populace kyberprostoru. Tyto studie průběžně připravuje Fakulta sociálních studií University Karlovy. Čtenářům předkládáme sumarizaci první z nich, zaměřenou na několik konkrétních zjištění v této oblasti.
Innovative methodology based on experience learning for teaching and encouraging critical thinking about internet and network society.Innovative methodology based on experience learning for teaching and encouraging critical thinking about internet and network society.
Research reports by Martin Buchtík
Proceedings by Martin Buchtík
The aim of the paper is to introduce larp (short for live action roleplay) as an alternative form of medium. I argue that larping has grown into a quite specific medium with a unique combination of characteristics; however, it is still on the borders of game, improvised drama, artistic happening and experience education. I show how participants are encouraged to escape reality, explore it, how they are exposed to it or even how they could change it. Finally, I focus on the possibilities and limitations of larping as a participatory medium. I conclude that larp should not be a widespread medium, although it is very effective in affecting its selected audience.
Cílem příspěvku je nahlédnout z perspektivy sociologa na diferenci mezi divákem (konzumentem filmu a divadla) a hráčem (primárně konzumentem rolových her, larpu), respektive popsat, jak je tato diference (de)konstruována z pozice hráče a jak souvisí s bojem o uznání jeho statusu oproti statusu
diváka. Ukazuje se, že přestože hráč i divák jsou konzumenty médií, která obsahují narativy, vizuální reprezentace, symboliku atp., jejich situace je odlišná, protože hráč se na rozdíl od diváka stává nejen konzumentem, ale také spolutvůrcem. Sledujeme vyprávění o tom, jakým způsobem hráč i divák unikají z reality, objevují ji, jsou jí vystavováni a jak jsou motivováni k její změně. Z toho plynou různé nároky na hráče i diváka kladené z hlediska estetiky, zábavy, konstrukce příběhu, aktivity a reprodukce.
Abstract: Techniques using visual stimuli have existed in social research since the late 19th century. However, the methodological
framework in which they are embedded remains limited in scope, especially with respect to quantitative research.
In this article, the author focuses on the methodological aspects of various types of visual techniques. Subsequently, he
proposes some recommendations for methodological design. After a brief historical review, the main part of the article
discusses psychological projective methods, photo-elicitation techniques and the application of visual stimuli in in-depth
interviewing and quantitative questionnaire surveys. Final discussion focuses on the methodological specifics of visual
methods, design recommendations and the problem of validity.
Keywords: visual research, visual stimuli, methodology, projective techniques
Article introduces active role-playing as a research experimental method in the social sciences. It frames role-playing to the simulating research methods, opens its epistemological properites
and methodological conceptions in social psyschology. Main argument constructs the defense of epistemological properties of active role-playing as an experimental method in the social sciences
in general. Th e inspiring source is one the side Latour’s sociology of associations, which problematizes the very subject of social sciences, the sociality itself and on the other side the naturalizing approaches connecting social sciences and cognitive science. In this context main argument for meaningfulness of simulated social reality lies in the usage of the same cognitive mechanisms in the real and simulated social interaction. In the article perspective both sources are united by their accent on perceiving social reality as fundamentaly inter-psychological phenomenon between the traditional conpcetions micro and macro level. Th rough analogy of Petri dish article conpcetualizes shift of the original method of situational social psychology toward utililization of designed diegetic liminal situations as laboratories of the social.
Abstract: This article deals with the topic of mixed mode data collection in quantitative social research. The first part of the article introduces mixed mode data collection in terms of its development, characteristics and terminology. Thereafter, there is a discussion of mixed mode data research design and its usage. In the second part of this paper there is a discussion of important criteria in the effective used of a mixed mode data research design. Here particular attention is devoted to mode effects. The main insights from this overview of mixed mode data research are summarised in a schematic format. The concluding section provides a brief summary of a number of statistical methods for analysing mixed mode data such as Multitrait multimethod (MTMM) approach to studying construct validity. There are also some remarks regarding future developments in mixed mode data collection and analysis in the social sciences.
Miloslav Petrusek´s award for the best student sociological article 2012 (Masaryk Czech Sociological Association) - 3rd place.
The aim of the article is to introduce simple and widely applicable instrument for quantitative pedagogical research. The instrument enables brief insight into diagnostics of school classes cohesion. A theoretical background, conceptualization, operacionalizaction and systematic discusson of reliability and validity are discussed.
social cohesion; school class; confirmatory factor analysis; pedagogical research; measuring
Zestručněná zpráva výzkumného týmu sociologie a psychologie v rámci projektu bezpečnostního výzkumu "Problematika kybernetických hrozeb z hlediska bezpečnostních zájmů České republiky"
V rámci bezpečnostního výzkumu Ministerstva byl v roce 2007 zahájen projekt "Problematika kybernetických hrozeb z hlediska bezpečnostních zájmů České republiky". Jedním z výstupů projektu jsou studie, týkající se sociálně-psycho-logických profilů populace kyberprostoru. Tyto studie průběžně připravuje Fakulta sociálních studií University Karlovy. Čtenářům předkládáme sumarizaci první z nich, zaměřenou na několik konkrétních zjištění v této oblasti.
Innovative methodology based on experience learning for teaching and encouraging critical thinking about internet and network society.Innovative methodology based on experience learning for teaching and encouraging critical thinking about internet and network society.
The aim of the paper is to introduce larp (short for live action roleplay) as an alternative form of medium. I argue that larping has grown into a quite specific medium with a unique combination of characteristics; however, it is still on the borders of game, improvised drama, artistic happening and experience education. I show how participants are encouraged to escape reality, explore it, how they are exposed to it or even how they could change it. Finally, I focus on the possibilities and limitations of larping as a participatory medium. I conclude that larp should not be a widespread medium, although it is very effective in affecting its selected audience.
Cílem příspěvku je nahlédnout z perspektivy sociologa na diferenci mezi divákem (konzumentem filmu a divadla) a hráčem (primárně konzumentem rolových her, larpu), respektive popsat, jak je tato diference (de)konstruována z pozice hráče a jak souvisí s bojem o uznání jeho statusu oproti statusu
diváka. Ukazuje se, že přestože hráč i divák jsou konzumenty médií, která obsahují narativy, vizuální reprezentace, symboliku atp., jejich situace je odlišná, protože hráč se na rozdíl od diváka stává nejen konzumentem, ale také spolutvůrcem. Sledujeme vyprávění o tom, jakým způsobem hráč i divák unikají z reality, objevují ji, jsou jí vystavováni a jak jsou motivováni k její změně. Z toho plynou různé nároky na hráče i diváka kladené z hlediska estetiky, zábavy, konstrukce příběhu, aktivity a reprodukce.